Did you name the folder Parking or use the car emoji?
Did you name the folder Parking or use the car emoji?
Real-time information displays were identified as a top priority. What information is most important to you while waiting in a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) station?
One available answer:
Advertising and promotional content
Are you fucking serious. Does someone really think that’s a top 5 request from anyone?
Creating them is easy - do it!
Getting them seeded with content and advertising to get some initial momentum to get fresh content coming in? That’s the hard part and I think the reason there are so many gaps.
Is this like a prison teardrop tattoo for birds? Should I be cautious?
Hitler had better posture?
Elon looks like he’s demonstrating to a toddler what starting a lawnmower looks like from the lawnmower’s perspective.
Guess how many bombs the TSA has protected people from.
GoodReads is good for this. They have lots of curated lists and popular top 100 lists you can browse through, and you see the cover and a paragraph synopsis of each book.
Beside each book there’s a button to add it to your Want to Read list. Pick books that sound appealing until you’ve built up a decent list.
Then if you don’t feel like manually sourcing them all one at a time from LibGen or Anna’s, you can set up Readarr to automatically sync your Want to Read list and it’ll auto acquire them. If you’re already using automation apps like Sonarr and Radarr it’s exactly the same thing.
Dammit, don’t you dare tell me to do something I’m already doing.
Can this man finish anything before getting distracted and running off to the next thing?
Warnings? We’ll come back and address those later. Maybe once we’re feature complete. Or maybe shortly after that.
Uplemmingers? It’s called VALIDATION
Thank you for reminding me of this one! It’s been so long that I mentally lumped all of its fun scenes in with Arachnophobia. Time for a rewatch.
Despite his promise, I feel let down.
Because he didn’t prosecute child groomers.
Despite being the first prosecutor to do just that.
But I guess he was too late to do it, even though Elon didn’t mention it anywhere near when it actually happened.
Hindsight is sometimes 20/20, but in this case I think Elon’s hindsight is 14/88.
Do you honestly not understand why that’s irrelevant?
Gavin Dew, the B.C. Conservative critic for jobs, economic development and innovation, said many British Columbians had bought properties for the purpose of using them for Airbnbs, only to have to sell them at a loss because of the new restrictions.
I bet that sounded way more relatable in his head before he opened his mouth.
Yeah, we all regret it, too.
The only difference is we regretted it the second Trudeau torpedoed any chances of it passing and he only regretted it after becoming unelectable.
They’re physically large territories so the map looks very impressive, especially with the Mercator projection.
This is the man who redirected a hurricane with a sharpie. I don’t think there’s any more to it.
If Freeland isn’t an establishment Liberal, who is?!