Three former Toronto mayors are expressing their opposition to changing the name of one of the city’s most well-known streets.

  • Dearche
    11 months ago

    What a waste of time. Who cares about the name of a street. People focus so much time, energy, and money (not to mention public time energy and money) on things that don’t matter when we have real issues that need to be dealt with, and quickly.

    How about getting some of the current transit projects fixed up so that they actually finish during our lifetimes? Or fix the housing crisis? Or deal with all the empty office space? This city has countless problems, many from neglect over the decades, and people think that changing the name of a damn street is more important.

    People need an ego check.

      • Dearche
        11 months ago

        They are hard, but hard problems are the ones that need addressing. Easy problems tend to have little to no effect, regardless of if they’re solved or not. And solving this problem will have exactly zero impact beyond stroking a few egos (which is something I consider a bad thing so thus should be avoided).