In July, the arms-length organization that oversees Alberta’s electricity grid announced the sudden departure of its CEO, Mike Law.

At the same time, Alberta is undertaking a massive overhaul of its electricity system and market — an overhaul the Alberta government has been keen to influence.

As a new CEO with a background more in line with the United Conservative Party government’s goals takes the reins, questions remain about Law’s departure and the transition in leadership.

On July 4, the Alberta Electric System Operator’s government-appointed board announced one of its own members, Aaron Engen, would replace Law. Engen has a background investing in technologies including small modular reactors, hydrogen, carbon capture and storage and “renewable natural gas.”

What is clear is there was deep consternation within the organization Law oversaw around aggressive moves by the provincial government to significantly change the electricity market and the technologies that drive it — including support for technologies in which Engen has a financial background.