All of these things definitely were in the news, of course. They just don’t STAY in the news, and the public memory hole works fast.
And Trump will take credit for it all and his idiot believers will eat it up.
In the exact same way Biden took credit for people returning to work after covid
Did you know that a lot of folks that received aid during the pandemic call it the “Trump check”?
Do you think he takes credit for that?
Because they’re fucking bread crumbs. What you want us to hold a parade over credit card fees while housing, education, healthcare and food continue to become more expensive and Biden’s cabinet works to suppress wages? Neato.
Ya, basically Biden is only able to solve minor first world problems instead of any sort of meaningful attempt on any of the several huge issues.
This isn’t all his fault, he’s not a king and can’t do whatever he wants, but I also don’t often find my own managers all that happy with me when all I can say I’ve accomplished is minor, non-critical tasks and haven’t even started on the major work they want accomplished. Making a report look nicer and fixing the break room coffee machine isn’t going to cover for failing to launch our latest product. Americans are right to be disappointed in their government and we should be disappointed in our media for failing to stick to larger issues.
I’m more disappointed in the people who keep voting conservative blockers into the senate and house than I am that biden won’t circumvent them.
I’m disappointed in them and fucking livid at shitbags like Sinema who run on a platform and gleefully give the middle finger to everyone while they do the exact opposite once in office.
This isn’t an accident. The same thing happened during Obama’s presidency.
People don’t want to face facts: The Democrat party is filled to the brim with pro-corporate trash.
He could have stayed out of the rail strike, he could have not gone around congress to ship weapons to Israel and he could have told Yellen not to make suppression of worker wages her goal.
You’re trying to deflect blame away from him as if we’re all expecting him to do things he can’t. Biden isn’t acting in our interests and it should come as no surprise that means we’re not interested in voting for him again.
Do you think not voting will make the world better? Biden isn’t perfect and I’ll continue to pursue progressive candidates in primaries, but I don’t see what anyone gains by not voting or voting for someone who’s definitely going to do a lot more that I disagree with. I didn’t disagree that America has a right to be angry with him, regardless of any excuses, but you still live in reality and have to deal with the situation you have, not the one you want.
Tell us you don’t know anything about how the rail strike got resolved and what the outcomes were…
Especially since Biden was brought into that position to do precisely that. Do some pet projects but not challenge the underlying root issues of inequality and peoples economic situation. Because that would be against the interests of the billionaire “donors” of the Dems and Reps.
“pet projects”? 🤦♂️ jfc you people.
Yes. They are pet projects compared to what other presidents have achieved and what is needed to change the country to an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable new status quo. Biden is preventing that change together with his DNC buddies who want to make sure the inequality in the US stays, the interests of the super rich are kept and the white upper class remains in power.
BIDEN is preventing change? 🤦♂️ jfc you people.
Why do you limit yourself and your political demands to the little box given to you instead of demanding to see the horizon?
They’re steps in the right direction, but in general I agree with the sentiment. We need much more drastic changes.
We need new leadership, these geriatric parasites aint gonna do shit to really change anything.
Their main job is to placate us while transferring nations wealth upwards. Looks at the national debt over last 30 years and nothing to show for it. Literally no infrastructure, no social support except for boomers/old. Everybody is also in more debt. Every major market is consolidated is being price gouged.
This shit don’t happen on its own folks. Somebody did this…
While I fully agree with the sentiment of your comment, I need to remark that national debt is a non-issue. The central bank of the US, in this case the Federal Reserve, is the one and only entity in planet Earth with the power to create dollars at will. It doesn’t even need to print them, since money now is mostly digital, they can be created at a keystroke on a keyboard.
As long as the national debt is denominated in USD, which it is, the US will never have a problem with debt payments, it could literally pay it all back early tomorrow pressing a keyboard 3 times, and it would cost taxpayers a grand total of $0.
Debt is simply a useful tool for other reasons, like being able to control the interest rate of loans the economy (as we saw during the recent increase enacted to attempt fighting inflation), but public expenditure isn’t reliant on debt or even on taxes, since the government can create an arbitrarily large amount of dollars. The desirable amount to be created should be discussed with scientific evidence in hand, or even modulated over time responding to the markets and the situation of the economy and inflation, but debt is absolutely not a limit on public expenditure. The US could create as many dollars as desired to pay for infrastructure or social support (as it did during the very successful new deal, or the pandemic cheques, or rescuing silicon valley banks).
Yes national debt is not a problem for the state printing money… Make no mistake that it is has impact on people responsible for paying it.
Where is this cavalier attitude coming from?
Who do you think pays the interrest and where do you think that money goes?
Again, it’s not cavalier attitude, I’m at least as much of a leftist as you are, it’s just an explanation of the economics of the state and the public sector.
Who pays the interest? The government. Where does that money go? A combination of private sector of this country and others, and the public sector of other countries, basically anyone who wants to buy public debt. Myself included btw. I’m not paying interest on my country’s debt, my country is paying me interest on the debt I purchased from it.
I’m purely talking about public debt, not private debt. Unless someone in the private sector can get indebted in a currency they create and control, then they can’t pay for it immediately and without cost. It’s just that when people discuss the problem of national debt they’re usually talking about the debt of the public sector.
You are still missing the point.
Government has only one way to raise revenue, taxes. Taxes are paid mostly by working people, ie middle aged. Most of public debt is owned by the wealthy and old.
So public debt is transfer of money from working middle aged wager slaves to the wealthy owner elites.
What benefit did working people get from this national debt? None.
So while you point stands, public debt does not matter for the federal government.
You pretending like it has no impact on the people paying taxes is rather naive take on how it actually works.
It is an extraction racket, no amount of modern monetary theory bullshit explains away the economic toll that is imposed on the working people.
We are clearly suffering from it as we talking right now. QoL is going down, this is a direct result of failed fiscal and monetary policy.
if by “new leadership” you mean “get the republicans out the senate and the house”, then yes. Jeesus. The president isn’t a god, you nutter.
Blame congress for 99% of that. The president doesn’t have as much power as people seem to think they do.
deleted by creator
Trump’s going to make this a dictatorship if he’s president
Biden can’t do anything slightly meaningful because the presidency doesn’t have as much power as people thing it does.
I know this will get downvoted to hell, but jesus the hypocrisy of these sort of statements blows my mind.
It’s not hypocrisy. Republicans first tried to overthrow the government in the 1930s. They’ve aimed at ending democracy for a century at least. The reason Trump can do it has nothing to do with presidential powers. And everything to do with fascists in Congress. Who would support it.
That you think it’s some sort of failing of Democrats or Biden. Just speaks to a completed lack of understanding, and no desire to engage with reality. That’s why you’ll be down voted.
That you think it’s some sort of failing of Democrats or Biden. Just speaks to a completed lack of understanding, and no desire to engage with reality. That’s why you’ll be down voted.
It’s rich for you to evaluate my desire to engage with reality from a person who’s trying to defend a party that produces 80 year old candidates from the primaries and then wondering why young people won’t vote. Historians are going to have a field day dissecting your delusions.
I’m not defending them. I criticize them often. What I am doing, is commenting on your childish behavior.
I know why young people don’t vote. Especially those that have been radicalized like yourself. With no strategic/critical thinking skills. Ain’t none of em good.
I’m not defending them. I criticize them often.
Bulllllllshit. I can tell from your comment lecturing young people and leftists is where all your focus is.
Take that energy to moderate voters electing procorporate trash in the primaries. Those are the people who lack strategy.
The difference is that Biden is following the rules of office, while Trump has said he’s going to blatantly disregard them.
Always beware of the fact, that the only thing hindering an all-out revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw at you. Gore Vidal
Biden has made significant progress for the average person during his presidency, which is disheartening given the potential for even greater impact. It seems he knows that simply meeting basic expectations will be enough to outdo previous leaders.
Significant progress is disheartening. Ok.
Tough room.
Lemmy is full of those childish people I met in college.
I suspect it’s also full of foreign agents acting on bad motives. That and children for whom this is their first election, who are caught up on ideals instead of slow and steady progress.
Agreed. Many appear to be attending foreign colleges which . . . well, makes sense, sort of.
We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there “is” such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action.
- MLK Jr
Our climate is being destroyed irrevocably, wealth inequality is at record levels, and our corrupt government is completely up for sale and unwilling to represent the people. Corporate-run America is in a death spiral, and geriatric neoliberals are leading the charge. Foreign agents would tell Americans to slowly and steadily continue down this ruinous path as the rest of the world leaves us behind. But red blooded Americans understand how this isn’t sustainable for any length of time. Gradual incrementalism is a far cry from our salvation.
I wawnt ever thang I wawnt. If it isint all I wawnt it isint gud enuff.
This is literally how moderate Democrat voters are and you all tell us to cater to them in every single election.
I dawnt unnerstand. Wat u meen?
Now give me single payer healthcare/Medicare for All, and I’ll be a happy camper.
We need more Democrats in Congress for that. A third of the Senate and all of the House are up for election in November. Attendance at the polls is crucial for down-ballot candidates just the same as presidential.
Vote in November, or be ready to accept what a Republican President, Congress, and SCOTUS decide for you.
The thing that stinks is
A) the electoral college makes it so only 4 or 5 states really matter
B) there’s an amnesia about trump from the never trump republicans. My dad is conservative but didn’t vote trump. He thought he was an asshole. Now my dad talks about how Biden is crooked, and the only reason people hate trump is because, and his words, “orange man bad”.
C) puritanical leftists have valid reasons to not like Biden, but they are willing to blow up the system as they always have. I say puritanical because I know there are pragmatic leftists who exercise restraint in their actions.
In 2020, the suburban vote was a critical win for Biden. I’m hoping for the best, but I’m starting to sit with the fact that Trump has a decent, if not likely, chance of winning in 2020.
C) is the one that is gonna be the razor’s edge on this stuff. Reasonable people will vote for Biden, but it’s the people that don’t feel like voting will matter or people who are dying on the hill of a single issue who are potentially going to fuck us and the entire rest of the world by not voting.
I plan on voting for Biden because it’s the right thing to do for all Americans and our allies, and I really don’t want to be a tailgunner if Trump breaks up NATO and all the men get drafted for a world war to save Europe or Asia-Pacific again. Preventing assholes domestically and abroad from destroying peaceful countries would be nice.
is the one that is gonna be the razor’s edge on this stuff. Reasonable people will vote for Biden
Funny, because whenever we say “Biden should have done Y not X” you all say “If he hadn’t then moderate democrats and some Republicans won’t vote for him.” They vote for him because they get what they want. Yet somehow we’re unreasonable when we refuse to vote for him when we don’t get what we want.
You’re trying to hold leftists to a higher standard and it’s bullshit.
It’s the exact same standard. Do you really think all votes for Trump are going to be from supporters? Most will be from Republicans who don’t want a Democratic President.
There’s a saying- Democrats need to fall in love, Republicans need to fall in line. It’s that mentality of inaction that causes us to regress as a nation every time a Republican takes office.
In response, Democratic candidates move closer to center to capture more of the active voters, having the exact opposite effect that is intended by abstention.
It’s the exact same standard.
If it were the same standard then excusing Biden for catering to moderate voters because otherwise they’d abandon him would never happen. Either your reading comprehension is shit or you’re just plain lying. Moderate Democrat voters are getting everything they want. Leftists are getting bread crumbs and talking about abstaining from voting. You should be going after Moderate Democrat voters for being greedy. Not telling leftists they need to shut up and be grateful they’re getting bread crumbs.
The Electoral College has nothing to do with congressional elections.
The rest of your points can be addressed by providing information to those who are misinformed or disenfranchised. Abstaining may not be a vote for Trump, but it’s a refusal to stand in his way.
Right they’re talking about Congress. There’s still issues with districting though.
You vote for your Senators and House Representatives directly. The Electoral College has nothing to do with that.
Each state has two Senate seats, voted on statewide. Districting does not affect that vote.
Districting issues may make some votes less likely to make a difference in the House vote in specific districts in Republican states. That’s all the more reason to get as many Democrats to vote as possible.
The average Democratic voting representation for congressional elections is less than 50%. We constantly complain about the repercussions of our own inaction.
We need more Democrats in Congress for that. A third of the Senate and all of the House are up for election in November. Attendance at the polls is crucial for down-ballot candidates just the same as presidential.
What guarantees can you give us they won’t “fumble” the ball like they did during Obama’s presidency? If they do will you finally acknowledge the fucking problem?
There’s none, other than the guarantee that Republicans will take the ball as far as they can in the opposite direction if we don’t vote. When was the last time a team won a game by walking off the field?
There’s none
Thanks for admitting that Democrat politicians are corrupt pro-corporate trash. Come up with a winning strategy and I’ll come back to the field.
Man! I love when people reduce the nuanced complexities of modern politics to a team sport. That’s just such a great way to reframe any issue to an us or them context.
And, when you get right down to it, that’s really what this world needs: more acceptance and enforcement of norms that pit half of us against the other half.
Ah! Progress!
I agree that polarization is a real problem. The only reason I continued to use the analogy from the previous commenter was to maintain consistency in conversation.
However, there are only two parties that are capable of winning this election. Believing otherwise is distraction, not progress.
You are sadly correct. My comment was not meant, in particular, to call you or your habits out, but a cynical snipe at all of us. Apologies if it came across negative, cos that’s also not gonna help any 🤝
He can’t do that.
People keep saying the things Biden have been doing are weak, half measures, but they have no idea what he’s actually capable of doing without Congress.
He literally tried to wipe away a significant amount of student debt. He tried to fulfill that promise without Congress. The Supreme Court stopped it.
Honestly I think the entirety of the last 10 years of complete government failure should be tied back to the almost totally non-functional legislature.
The president can’t pass laws. The supreme court would matter far less, if we weren’t trying to creatively reinterpret ancient laws and applying them to technology and culture that didn’t even exist at the time they were written. Instead of updating and clarifying any of those laws, the supreme court has been allowed to effectively make policy by continually shifting interpretations of a static and obsolete set of laws that Congress should have updated 20 years ago. Several times courts have effectively changed policy by saying ‘the law doesn’t mean that, go write an actual law for that, don’t just make shit up’ and then Congress just doesn’t react at all.
If you look back at history, constitutional amendments were relatively regular up until recently. Can anyone imagine our current government passing an amendment for anything at all? Even the most minor tweak would be impossible in this Congress. Several of our major ‘wins’ were mere court cases and like we found out with abortion, what the court gives, the court can take away. Anything about our current day to day life that exists solely based on a court ruling we should be fighting to codify into law, but we all seem to recognize how futile that task is.
amendments require the states agreeing, and the states do NOT like to agree on things anymore.
The bullshit appointed Supreme Court.
Funny how often Democrats try to do things that will definitely fail but then with things they actually can change there’s always some bullshit excuse.
We don’t have medicare for all or something similar because Democrats refused to make it happen during Obama’s term. That combined with the kid gloves they took to the financial sector during the financial crisis disillusioned a lot of people. Most Democrat politicians are corrupt pro-corporate trash.
Because there wasn’t support for it. Sure it has pretty broad public support. But our elected officials don’t. It’s not a bullshit excuse. It sucks but it’s true. And acting like a child certainly won’t fix it.
Because there wasn’t support for it. Sure it has pretty broad public support. But our elected officials don’t. It’s not a bullshit excuse.
Those elected officials were Democrats. You’re just proving my point. When the power is out of their hands you’re like “Omg they want to and if you just vote harder they’ll totally do it!” but then when the power is in their hands you just shrug and say “They didn’t support it.”
Yes, I know they don’t support it. That’s why I’m not voting for them.
And that’s why they aren’t voting for it. No one is proving your point. And no it’s not just Democrats. Whatever conspiracy pit you frequent, you need to get out.
Are you a bot? It seems like you just lost the entire context of the conversation. Let me remind you.
We don’t have medicare for all or something similar because Democrats refused to make it happen during Obama’s term.
Because there wasn’t support for it.
Yes, I know they don’t support it. That’s why I’m not voting for them.
And no it’s not just Democrats.
Are you following along now Siri?
which is disheartening given the potential for even greater impact
What potential? Without Congress or the Supreme Court, what potential things could Biden be doing that would have “greater” impact that he isn’t doing?
Something that doesn’t require a new law, and won’t be shot down by a hostile conservative court?
Please give me examples.
Without Congress or the Supreme Court
Pretty sure the potential lies in changing this.
Vote. Not just for president, but for every office you’re able to. Because this shit isn’t just “Trump did it!” or “Biden didn’t do enough!” It’s also the legislators, and a lot of the judiciary they approved (and probably pushed during the Trump administration). Not to mention all the state and local reps that initiate most of the policies that affect people.
It basically all starts with Congress. We could fix so much shit if we ever managed to get a real majority (not 48 Dems and two ‘not technically Republicans’)
We could fix so much shit if we ever managed to get a real majority
We would just change it to “we could fix so much shit if we ever managed to get a supermajority.”
And then redefine “supermajority” to mean 67.
They can’t give you any examples and neither can the dorkuses downvoting you. Biden has accomplished a lot with the maggats playing the “I don’t wanna” game whenever a dem is in office. He not only had to dig us out of the hole the orange menace left us in, he also has to cure cancer, be the first human to step on Mars, etc and even then people will find something to bitch about.
With any luck (and a lot of hard work) we will have Biden for a second term and then a dem to replace him in 2028 so at least 12 years of the adults running things. Then maybe we can get some shit done and stop trying to tread water at best.
and then a dem to replace him in 2028
HRC will win the primaries in 2028 and we’ll be having the same argument we’re having now. Pro-corporate trash isn’t doing the trick.
Biden could fix everything and walk on water and they’d still hate for some bullshit that isn’t true or above their room temp iq.
He could get caught trying.
He could frame a big-picture vision of what he and Democrats value, expressed in terms that speak to Americans emotionally. He could push for policies that Republicans and the Supreme Kangaroo Court will shoot down, and then go to the American people and blame them for taking away good things that everybody wants.
The student-loan debt relief effort had about 1 1/2 of those things. The rest of the time he tends to talk about particular bills and policies. Republicans can stop those, and those things become dead letters, but dreams and hopes are evergreen.
It takes immense amounts of time and effort to bring new items like this forwards, so each item you choose to do means time and money that can’t be used bringing a different policy forwards.
Based on that why should Biden waste his time developing and bringing forward policies that the Republicans are obviously going to immediately shoot down, it just prevents him from being able to work on things that might actually get passed
No, it really doesn’t. I can think them up by the dozens. If they’re not going to pass, there’s no reason to lay all the groundwork. But they’re still good for rhetorical purposes.
Sure you can think up the tag line line liner title for each item but what about all the details? How will they work the restrictions the requirements the funding. How much of that requires large amounts of work just to be shutdown and tossed by the Republicans
This is why Democrats struggle so badly, so I’ll say it straight up: It’s about sales. Reich is complaining that the public doesn’t lose its shit over arcane policy details. Yeah, sit down for this truth bomb (/s): That’s human nature. It’s not fair. It’s not right. It’s not good. It’s just the way it is. Complaining about it won’t help, or change the content of headlines.
So somebody asks for examples of what can Biden do when he’s blocked by Congress? I say: Sell, sell, sell. Get in the PR game. Put on a show that the people in the cheap seats can enjoy. (That is a metaphor for a rhetorical spectacle that even politically unengaged citizens will hear about.) Show everybody that the problem is in Congress.
What do the details matter? The headline is all that people will hear, and Republicans will block it, anyway. He needs to sell the perception that Democrats are trying. The details can come later, after they get the votes.
This is how you end up with poorly thought out legislation.
I’m doing 1000 calculations in my head and they’re all wrong
How? Or, why does it matter? It’s not going to pass the House.
Because any president doing this immediately comes across as a 5 year old pretending to have a magic wand.
I’m looking at the list of a dozen items you made - you can’t just say “I want this” and not have a detailed plan for how it’s meant to be executed - where the money comes from, what effects it’s expected to have, etc.
When you are proposing legislation that you know won’t be able to be made into law, you’re just virtue signaling since even you believe there’s no real-world impact. People are even frustrated with Bidens attempts as they are - I’ve definitely read frustrated comments here talking about how Bidens approach to relieving student debt is so poorly thought out that nobody will actually benefit.
Dozens? Off the top of your head? Name a dozen, for science.
- Build a giant net on the border with Canada to keep geese out.
- Make Friday part of the weekend.
- Give every new baby a chocolate eclair.
- Issue bulletproof vests to all citizens to help survive mass shootings.
- No more speed limits in Interstate highways. (Okay, absurd ones are harder to think of than real issues that people care about.)
- Cheaper health care.
- Cheaper housing.
- Cheaper groceries.
- Cheaper fuel.
- Codify reproductive freedom in law.
- Hold the media accountable to the truth.
- Ban insider trading in Congress.
- Ensure that people have secure jobs, with dignity.
Details, schmetails. The post is a complaint by Robert Reich that voters aren’t paying attention to details. And ITT, plenty of Lemmings pointing out that Biden can’t pass very many policy proposals, anyway. The idea is to sell the perception that Democrats understand and care about issues facing Americans.
The big picture comes first to get Democrats elected, then get down to the details.
The president doesn’t have the power to do any of that.
This document should cover many of the points, so it’ll be referred to a lot.
Shame on you for saying that! I’m sure you’ll be downvoted.
He’s boring and uninspirational and isn’t accomplishing anything of note… but you should not question any of that!
Just rah-rah until defeated, and repeat.
Maybe we could start by not aiding a genocide? Just spitballing here…
I’m just glad he’s not using a sharpie to write “finish them” on bombs instead of pushing for a cease fire.
You mean the bombs Biden shipped to Israel? Did the sharpie make them extra deadly or something?
Lol bud all Biden’s “resistance” to Bibi is going to disappear the moment the election results come in. And you’ll still defend Biden anyway.
But don’t you think getting the 10 commandments in our classrooms will make things soo much better? 🙃
Calling mr 34 felonies a leader is a bit of a stretch.
Leading us to our doom is a type of leadership, right?
fair lol
If only politics were about policy and not popularity.
Yeah. But they’re not. Usually.
Interestingly that’s more a function of media more than politics. Political movement “in a vacuum” doesn’t require popularity. But since we have put political power in the hands of everyone vs a king or whatever, the media is the ocean in which politics “swims”.
But they did make headlines, that’s how we know about these. The FTC and FCC doing their job more is good and makes headlines.
It’s good, don’t get me wrong. But man it feels like table scraps compared to a lot on what Biden ran on in 2020.
Not really. The average person knows more about trump’s bowel movements than these accomplishments. The average undecided voter is lazy and needs information spoon-fed to them. That’s why it matters what is reported in the media.
And also, the people who run the media have very fucked up priorities. Biden’s NLRB can make historic strides in bringing unions back into American working life and they every so often run a story about it if there happens to be something they can say that has the word “Starbucks” in it.
But, if either Biden or Trump ever farted on camera, it would be all we heard about for a month.
if either Biden or Trump ever farted on camera, it would be all we heard about for a month.
The public’s attention span has gone down, for better or words. It probably wouldn’t last that long. So we got that going for us.
Remember the fucking “Dean scream”? Fuck policies, a dude yelled!
It started as a deliberate engineering technique. Let’s take the most left wing guy we can find, and make him look like an evil crazy weak moron fascist pants shitting wimp robot that nobody likes, by sheer force of peer pressure and insult. It hurt Al Gore and John Kerry quite a bit, and I think the Dean Scream was probably the peak of the middle school peer pressure bullshit. I think soon after that a lot of people just stopped paying attention to the TV news for anything. But it’s still happening; now it’s just phrased as things like “Biden is old and out of touch and we’re concerned that his polls are down.” I think around the time of Bernie Sanders (when no one gave a shit that they were broadcasting that he was officially not cool and a crazy person communist stupid head and everyone better stop liking him), was when they realized they’d have to regroup and come up with a fresh updated strategy with it.
Also, the beast has gotten out of control, a little bit – it used to be exclusively a tool of the corporate media aimed at the lefty-est candidate, but it started being how the political press covered everything, to the point that they couldn’t really steer it anymore to shit exclusively on the left wing candidates they were trying to destroy. Then a while after that, Trump came along and was 10 times better at it than anything the news could come up with, and the rest is history.
When it comes to progress being made for unions, I think it might have something to do with the fact that the owners of the newspapers are billionaires.
Sure, I agree that it should be brought up more, and that Trump gets endless free airtime even from liberal news outlets. But it’s just wild to go “No one remembers or talks about these, the media ignores it!” while we’re talking about it and the good it has done.
“We” are not the corporate media, but to your point they did dutifully report these stories, perfunctorily, on page 23 or behind the weather, sports, movie recommendations and lots of ads.
The reporting was not commensurate with the benefits of the policies. As such, the people who most need to know about them likely won’t, but “we” do.
If there was a liberal equivalent to Fox News, they would be talking about it literally every night. Interviewing people who got jobs, putting up the numbers, airing new factories and manufacturing plants and putting up the numbers of how much of their funding came from Biden’s policies. Putting up the graph of how much Amazon is paying in tax now and tossing up softballs about how people must have been waiting for this for a long time.
But because there’s nobody with 200 billion dollars just kind of sitting around that they feel like investing in setting up that kind of operation, it’s all in White House press releases and the occasional print story from some online news site that’s asking for donations and might be gone 2 years from now when the unsustainable nature of their business model finally becomes unavoidable.
If there was a
liberalleftist equivalent to Fox NewsFTFY. Liberalism is right-wing economically, and therefore is motivated to downplay Biden helping workers over corporations just as much as Fox News is.
I actually wrote left wing originally and then edited it specifically to match Lemmy’s Overton window - I agree with you; his trade policies seem liberal to me, but union support and corporate taxes are pretty explicitly left wing I agree. But in Lemmy terms I think he wouldn’t be considered “leftist” unless he is overthrowing the means of production, maybe.
But man it feels like table scraps compared to a lot on what Biden ran on in 2020.
Given that the republiQans retook the house in 2022, what did Biden run on that he hasn’t delivered?
- Freeing Mexican citizens locked in cages at the border, but has in fact increased the numbers according to the ACLU, and now limiting the numbers of who can come in like fascist Trump wanted
- The COVID pandemic is still ongoing, we’re just ignoring it while I’ve had friends die from it after it was “over” according to the CDC. Also removing the 14 day expected leave for it to improve
companies fucking over sick and healthy workers alikethe economy - Roe v Wade being reinstated, for the party that “cares about women’s rights”.
- Minimum Wage increases (Yes Congress is in charge of the purse, but can he say “please fucking do it so everyone has better income?”)
- Ran on trying to stop cops from shooting innocent civilians, but in his first State of the Union said “We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fund the police!” to bipartisan roaring applause. I know he has a fucking cop as a VP, but god damn.
- And he’s not doing anything to stop Project 2025 from getting into place if Trump wins.
- Could maybe consider giving new arms to Ukraine and stop funding explicit genocide in Palestine.
- Didn’t help the unions during the rail strikes give into the demands for better worker safety and benefits, blocking it like how Reagan blocked the FAA from striking for safety and benefits
- Still allows Trump-era expansions of spying agencies, that was made public under “constitutional lawyer and defender” Obama, and instated under Dubya.
But we don’t have the President saying stupid shit on Twitter every day, so I guess that means we’re back to a sane normal, or whatever white cishet liberals need to say to sleep well at night. Ignore the bloodshed of BIPOC and queers, women and their doctors fleeing red states over being arrested for bodily autonomy, and that white nationalists just goosestep freely because its not respectable to tell fascists to fuck off and die, it doesn’t impact you, so it’s all sane politics and electable!
- Freeing Mexican citizens locked in cages at the border, but has in fact increased the numbers according to the ACLU, and now limiting the numbers of who can come in like fascist Trump wanted
Numbers have increased because more people are crossing the border. Biden has initiated several programs to streamline the asylum process and reduce the time people are detained. For example even though unaccompanied minors crossing the border have doubled since the end of Trump’s term, the number of pending asylum cases for minors has decreased.
- The COVID pandemic is still ongoing, we’re just ignoring it while I’ve had friends die from it after it was “over” according to the CDC. Also removing the 14 day expected leave for it to improve
companies fucking over sick and healthy workers alikethe economy
If you thought Covid was ever going away, that’s your mistake. Nothing to do with Biden. Get your vaccine and boosters on schedule and you will be fine.
- Roe v Wade being reinstated, for the party that “cares about women’s rights”.
Congress passes laws, not the president. The Supreme Court wouldn’t let and executive order last a day. Biden did what he could by allowing Mifepristone to be dispensed by pharmacies and sent through the mail.
- Minimum Wage increases (Yes Congress is in charge of the purse, but can he say “please fucking do it so everyone has better income?”)
He has said that and he did what he could by raising the minimum wage for federal workers.
- Ran on trying to stop cops from shooting innocent civilians, but in his first State of the Union said “We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fund the police!” to bipartisan roaring applause. I know he has a fucking cop as a VP, but god damn.
“Defund the police” as a slogan is just ammo for Republicans. He is right to move away from it. Biden tried to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing act but the Republicans blocked it. He has done a lot more. See below
- And he’s not doing anything to stop Project 2025 from getting into place if Trump wins.
He’s running against Trump. That’s how he is stopping Project 2025. Stop fucking trying to make that fail by repeating lies and propaganda
- Could maybe consider giving new arms to Ukraine and stop funding explicit genocide in Palestine.
You said before that you know Congress has the power of the purse. He cannot do the things you want without Congress voting for it.
- Didn’t help the unions during the rail strikes give into the demands for better worker safety and benefits, blocking it like how Reagan blocked the FAA from striking for safety and benefits
You’re ignoring what Biden did after. He kept pushing for what the union wanted and in the end they got their sick leave. The IBEW that led Biden
- Still allows Trump-era expansions of spying agencies, that was made public under “constitutional lawyer and defender” Obama, and instated under Dubya.
It sucks but that is going to happen no matter who is president. At least Biden took action to protect us from foreign spying.
Thank you
Why is the ACLU suing the Biden administration?
Because they’re Russians. Duh.
The ACLU is always suing whatever administration is in power. It’s their job.
Ah, you don’t know.
It’s because Biden’s latest border actions are a violation of international law. Restricting asylum seeking by shutting down the border is illegal. The ACLU is suing to stop him from committing a crime against humanity.
Here is the ACLU statement on the lawsuit.
Nowhere does it say it is a “crime against humanity”. Meanwhile the ACLU sued Trump over 400 times.
(Note that the say they have sued literally every president since their inception)
So chill the fuck out. There are only two choices for president and one is objectively the better choice for legal management of the border.
Down voters be like “How dare you know what you’re talking about!”
You are right on every single one of these, but you aren’t going to get a response to any of them on here.
Liberals stop caring about immigrants, women, poor people, COVID, etc, as soon as there is a Democrat in power they can make excuses for.
Someone responded.
This aged poorly.
Meanwhile, conservatives never cared about those things?
Is there anyone else? won’t somebody please think of the children!
The difference is that Republicans never pretend to care, Democrats talk about caring and then legislate like their conservative counterparts
Yeah these absolutely made headline / TV news when they passed. No idea what OP means.
He means they aren’t brokered talking points. No one is pushing this, because there’s not a huge amount of money, bots, every news outlet that has a vested financial interest in getting Biden a second term.
Trump was found guilty, took a huge hit in polls, then turned around and had the biggest funding boost in US history.
Expanding internet access in rural areas with the Build Back Better plan. That alone was a massive investment into our infrastructure.
Lol what about like the ten times they’ve done that before
I have family in rural NC , two different areas. Both have lived in those areas for 15 yrs. When AT&T pulled out due to not enough customers, they lost internet. The only option they had was 10 down, 1 up (advertised), for $65 a month.
Last year they got word AT&T, and several smaller name companies were moving out there. Now they get 300 down, 10 up for $50.
I’m actually switching very soon to a fiber company that recently started covering my area and has only been active at all for a few years. They only have coverage in like three towns, and don’t cover all of any of them (mostly for obvious reasons related to local geography and where you reach the most people by running the lines).
Is there any info on who got funding for Internet in rural areas via Build Back Better? I’m curious if Biden is the reason they are a thing and we have any broadband Internet competition at all.
You can see of you qualify for the program : reconnect. It has a few reference to who has received funding. If you dig deeper, I’m sure you will find more info.
Biden made the big announcement as part of multiple packages at the time. The same plan that is suppose to put high speed rails on the east and west coasts.
I’ll have to dig deeper. It just seemed…convenient that a local fiber provider started up in 2021, started service in 2022 and has been slowly expanding through the region since.
Meanwhile: “Good isn’t perfect, so fuck that and fuck you.”
Too many people are all too ready to say that improvement isn’t enough, it has to be a perfect and complete solution or else what was the point.
Wait… no medical debt goes to your credit report? Is this a thing now or is it something he’s working on?
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has proposed a rule that would remove medical bills from credit reports, a ban that would prevent lenders from considering those debts when making decisions about whether to issue loans.
The proposed rule change, announced Tuesday, would also increase privacy protections, help raise credit scores and prevent debt collectors from using the credit reporting system to coerce people to pay.
. . . The proposed rule is open for public comment through Aug. 12, with the bureau working toward a final rule that would take effect next year.
It didn’t even HAPPEN? What the hell homesweethomeMrL?
I’m not going to factcheck your post. I have to dismiss it. You have clearly mislead us all
If you’re TRULY on the side of facts and integrity, you should edit it and explain which items here aren’t actually done.
So it’s another case of counting proposals as accomplishments, then.
Right? Shoulda said that in the beginning.
deleted by creator
It does mean something. It means there’s a plan, a bill, an Executive Order, political capital, political will, money/budget, and to see it through to universal acceptance so that it can’t be immediately rescinded by the next orange rapist administration and it only takes votes.
In many cases it is already actually happening. These are all real examples, real things that are, in fact, happening. Things often “never go anywhere” because right-wing sewerholes and their friends around the political spectrum destroy those efforts at every available opportunity.
RepubliQans and their supporters have, often, stated that their only goals are to prevent efforts like these from “going anywhere”. It’s a constant fight just to keep what we have now ffs because big money buys fascists cheaply and that’s what we’re fighting every session, every conference, every vote, every goddamned time.
I get cynical, it’s absolutely understandable but, after decades of mikquetoast middle-of-the-road republiQan-lite Democratic initiatives (think “better jobs” and “middle-class tax breaks”) we’re finally - after the deeply humiliating disaster of the trump “presidency” - finally getting traction, buy-in, and votes for real positive progressive things.
deleted by creator
Fair enough. Having lived through decades of continuous so-so blah Democratic actions, this latest movement is, possibly from just the failure of everything else they’ve tried instead of listening to the progressives, it’s well, pretty good. And it gives me some hope, should we survive the next existential threat, and the ones after that.
But it’s BlUe mAgA which is why I support red maga winning! /s
Break this down for me. I’m an idiot. What are you trying to say?
There’s some dipshits that call Democrats Blue maga in a desperate last ditch effort to bring legitimacy to the notion that “both sides are the same”. Either because they want Trump to win or because they believe they’re an anime protagonist and they can will a third option into being. The /s means I’m sarcastically supporting that notion.
No we call you that because you spend all your energy fighting us instead of working to rid the Democrat party of pro-corporate trash.
I spend more energy jerking off than talking to you. If you mean the incendiary way I talk down to people like you, that’s because I have fire on speed dial and “fuck off” just doesn’t cut it these days.
PS -> I’m not a democrat. inb4: I’m not a Trump supporter either.
I spend more energy jerking off than talking to you. If you mean the incendiary way I talk down to people like you, that’s because I have fire on speed dial and “fuck off” just doesn’t cut it these days.
Great. Redirect that energy towards the people who keep voting for pro-corporate trash in the primaries.
instead of working to rid the Democrat party of pro-corporate trash.
So how is that done exactly? By hiring hitmen?
I think a great first step would be to stop spending all your energy lecturing leftists and go after the people who vote for this procorporate trash in the primaries. At the very least it would convince me you’re actually interested in solving the problem and not just trying to get people to kick the can for your benefit.
First, what exactly do you mean by “going after”? Again, do I have to break their legs or what?
And most importantly second, where are those people? Because I’ve seen exactly none on Lemmy or Reddit. I would like to argue with someone who actually thinks Biden deserved the candidacy over others like Bernie, but they’re definitely not here and I wouldn’t even know where to “look” for them. I do what I can on the social I use.
First, what exactly do you mean by “going after”? Again, do I have to break their legs or what?
Lol I love how when I propose this people’s reading comprehension just falls off a cliff. Like they’re going ham on lecturing leftists and young people for their voting habits but super confused about what they could do with moderate voters.
But sure I’ll play along and pretend “go after” wasn’t clear in this context.
Here’s an example: Every time you have the urge to tell a leftist what to do on lemmy immediately log out. Go log into facebook. (Sign up if you don’t have an account). Find some Boomer who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries and tell them that was a stupid decision.
He’s saying that all criticism from his left is actually from his right.
Negotiating drug prices? How about making price gouging ILLEGAL? How about a world market price for drugs instead of a monopoly market in America?
I can go through the entire list like this. Trying to cheer for these crumbs is contortion at it’s most contorting.
Most governments negotiate the drug prices around the world. This is standard practice. They have buying power so they can get far better pricing than anyone else. Just because it’s a new concept to you, doesn’t make it stupid.
I mean, I’m with you that would be great, but the President isn’t a dictator. I don’t know why this keeps coming up, I don’t want one person having the power to make huge sweeping decisions because they feel like it.
Holding the president to an impossible standard is only going to hurt getting where we’re trying to go here.
The problem with those is the maggat adherents in the repuglican ranks. Get rid of those and good things will happen
All of these are reported in “corporate news.”
This is the beauty of not consuming the MSM, you can believe it has reported on or not reported on whatever you want.
What do you believe ‘headlines’ to be in this instance? Any mention whatsoever?
First, let me point out how interesting it is that I was clearly responding to your title, but instead you are trying to defend the words that Reich used in the tweet.
But anyway, your title says “no corporate news story.” That literally means no mention whatsoever, but I would fairly interpret that as meaning that it’s buried or there little to no mention of it. Which is untrue, I mainly consume “corporate media” for, as biased as they are, they are still hundreds of times less biased and more reliable than other news “sources” I’ve come across. And these are all things I’ve know about from my typical news consumption (with the exception of OT expansion, this is the first I’ve heard of that). So I disagree with your “no corporate news” claim. I think it’s actually patently false.
What Reich here means is that they aren’t the main news stories of the day. None of these single things is ever going to be, on it’s own, the biggest news of the day. But it’s the constant little steps that are good. And it’s not like these are being hidden, it’s just that none of them are going to be as popular as the main news stories of the day so they aren’t getting the same traction.
Eh, fine. We disagree, no big deal.
Capping credit card fees? At what, 25%?
35% APR, compounded DAILY?
What fees are we talking about? They’re already cash-it-here high. It’s there something worse than that? Is the president making their interest remain at a reasonable amount above prime?
Now THAT WOULD be a cap worth bragging about.
PS: How about cash-it-here, and title-loan, and buy-here-pay-here, and instant-refund tax preparers, and accident attorneys, and bail bonds, and pawn shops, and rent-a-centers, and dollar tree/dollar general, and all the other predatory bad-financial-decision institutions we allow to thrive in poverty-stricken areas?
We know what we’re doing, and we just let that shit happen. Fuck us, we deserve whatever comes.
Wait is The medical one true?
Yet when the people ask to not be owned by corporations, to have medical care, to not commit genocide, that all falls on deaf ears.
When wall Street wants something done, Biden jumps to it.
These are all sticking little plasters on the giant gaping wound and saying that you fixed it
i will never understand how people take the time to criticize biden when trump is the alternative. unless those people are actually troompa loompas/russians
“not be owned by corporations” LOL yea… go ahead and vote against biden and see how that “not be owned by corporations” works out for you…
Pointing out that Biden is fucked up and is committing genocide does not have anything to do with trump. I’m not entirely sure how you even got to trump from what I said. That seems like a reading comprehension issue on your part
Trump is fucking awful and would likely be worse than Biden in almost every way. No one, least of all me, said otherwise. That does not mean you can’t criticize Biden and the Democrats though. So not sure what your issue is but if you want to keep arguing a point I did not make then go for it and have fun.
If you want to address the actual issues plaguing the world then stop pretending that either trump or Biden are the right way forward.
pretending that either trump or Biden are the right way forward.
you typed a lot of shit to out yourself as a “bOtHsiDeSbAd” muppet. go ahead and keep shitting on biden для Родины!
Lol I’m not even close to Russian I just don’t like genocide and I don’t like the fact that most people in the states can’t generally afford to live properly. But sure because I point out that the Democrats, who I’ve voted for every single time since I’ve been able to vote, are also fucking up, that means I support Russia and trump. That makes a lot of sense.
Again, you guys need to figure out your reading comprehension
You will never win, they don’t want real discussion. They want to pretend this election would be “in the bag” if people were smart, like them.
What are you trying to accomplish? Silence any criticism of Biden?
Do you really think that if everybody would just NOT TALK BAD about Biden he would get elected?
The Democrats had a wide open door here to inspire real change against the weakest candidate the Republicans have ever put up. TWICE. But instead of running somebody INSPIRING what did they do? They ran somebody who’s just NOT AS BAD as the Republican candidate.
In 2018 when AOC surprised everyone by winning her seat and Democratic socialism made a big splash and there were so much excitement, what did the established Democratic party do? They squashed that shit.
I don’t care about Biden, nobody does. I care about Democratic Socialism, and the Democrats don’t.
They’re all great things to point out and discuss, during primary season.
Well they’re always relevant and worth discussing, but don’t make any sense in the context of the general election.
Thank you for allowing people with crippling medical debt to get more debt.
This is the help they didn’t know they wanted
Thank you for allowing people with crippling medical debt to still have the opportunity to get a decent loan for a vehicle or a house.
No, they’re right. The last thing anyone in crippling debt of any kind needs is more debt of any kind.
This is a bad solution.
A good solution would be for people not to go into crippling medical debt in the first place.
I’m sure the mortgage brokers and realtors and car dealers and banks and corporate auto loan companies are happy too.
But how about addressing the REAL problem?