As he battled cancer, Murphy continued to file, writing about Hamas and Christmas and interviewing Pierre Poilievre with his usual panache

  • @psvrh
    4923 days ago

    Yeah, listened to him carry water for people that wanted to harm me and people like me either through neglect, if not outright malice.

    He’s not Henry Kissinger, so I’m not actively hoping he’s burning in hell, but I’m not sorry he’s gone.

    • @m0darn
      2523 days ago

      Yeah I thought that headline might be satire too

      • enkers
        23 days ago

        It’s postmedia, so that tracks. A good portion of their titles make for tough rounds of Beaverton-or-not.

        It’s shameful we allow the republican propaganda arm to operate with impunity here.

  • @DerisionConsulting
    4323 days ago

    If you’re not from Canada and you see this, understand that the National Post is a right-wing paper that Rex had written for.

    Rex loved the fossil fuel corporations and used “woke” as an insult. A lot of Canadians are not going to miss him.

    • @[email protected]
      22 days ago

      Rex Murphy was literally a member of the Liberal Party, running for office himself twice.


      I have fond memories of some really great content from him on CBC radio in the 00s.

      The vitriol in the comments here did prompt me to look at what he’s been doing for the last (checks watch…) 20 years… Sigh… And yeah… It’s not good.

      Sorry that this is how you chose to go out, Rex. Genuinely.

      • @Knoxvomica
        1422 days ago

        From his Wikipedia:

        "Murphy won a Progressive Conservative nomination in 1975. However, he abandoned it due to lack of funds. Instead, Murphy went to work as special assistant to PC leader and Premier Frank Moores.[4]

        He then switched parties in the 1980s and served two years as chief researcher for the provincial Liberal caucus before running for provincial office twice, as a Liberal."

        Sucks to suck.

        “Murphy argued that climate change is “a sub-branch of climate politics”. He criticized former American Vice President Al Gore’s opposition to the Alberta oil sands and in a 2013 column, called the industry “a dazzling and profitable engineering endeavor of which all Canadians should be proud”.”

        Rex can absolutely get fucked, what a sellout shitbag.

          • @Knoxvomica
            321 days ago

            I work in oil and gas and I understand that it’s detrimental to the future of our children and grand children. I don’t hate oil specifically, I hate pollution and industries that purposefully drive humanity to the brink of extinction for profit.

            • @[email protected]
              121 days ago

              Oil is literally the biggest polluter on the planet, you basically just said “I don’t hate murders specifically, I hate killings and people that purposefully kill others”

              • @Knoxvomica
                321 days ago

                And I would work in solar or wind if my province wasn’t actively in the pocket of energy companies and purposefully dissuading renewable projects.

    • @[email protected]
      -621 days ago

      He wrote for everyone. Worked for CBC for years, back when they employed talent not mouthpieces

  • @MrGG
    4123 days ago

    Rex Murphy, the socially-malignant gas-pump-fellating pseudo-intellectual who claimed to love Canada but was really just perpetually daydreaming about a socially conservative Randian right-wing dystopia, has finally and permanently shut the fuck up at 77.

    Fixed that for you, NatPo.

  • @PeriodicallyPedantic
    2923 days ago

    🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Dude became more hateful and delusional as he aged, he should have been removed from public life decades ago

  • lemmyng
    2523 days ago

    Good fucking riddance to that massive waste of oxygen.

  • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
    1722 days ago

    “Rex Murphy was a Rhodes scholar who could match wits with any intellectual, but he always seemed more comfortable and far happier being around regular Canadians.”

    Are we thinking of the same Rex Murphy? Wasn’t he happiest speaking to rich people at posh events he was paid to speak at?

  • @balootgaloot
    1022 days ago

    He was a tool of the corporate oligarchs. Probably sold out for a pittance plus some name recognition. He will soon be forgotten as is correct.

  • poo
    621 days ago

    Good. He was a total piece of shit that belonged in the ground a long, long time ago. Rest In Piss.

  • Swordgeek
    321 days ago

    Open wider, you might be able tonswallow some more of his necrotic cock.