• @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        Unfortunately, Fairphone is not available outside of the EU. Teracube would be the next stop for a hyper-repairable phone. Google Pixels now have 6 years of security support and Google has teamed up with iFixit to make supplies available. Apparently Qualcomm chips were the blocker on security updates, but Google now designs their own chips. Repairs on Pixels still usually require resealing the phone, but overall it looks a lot smoother than before.

        • comfy
          52 years ago

          Private from who? Privacy isn’t some global absolute, and some threat models can be secured by avoiding iOS and stock Android.

          • @[email protected]
            2 years ago

            Apart from avoiding stock OS, 80% of privacy depends on the common sense of the user himself.As seen, using a privacy focused OS and searching with Google an posting in Whatsapp, but claiming the lack of privacy (my nephew 😣)

        • Ninmi
          42 years ago

          You can go with LineageOS without any Google services. It’s still Android, but it really is the best you can get unless Librem 5 has made some major strides.

            • @[email protected]
              22 years ago

              Lineage isn’t a big company, its a community project, But if you don’t like it, as you can see in AlternativeTo, there are a lot of others. FOSS naturally isn’t neccesary also private and secure (Android itself is FOSS), but Lineage or KDE are at least better in this point than a OS made and controlled by Google, offering good and trustworth products. Use an OS produced in the EU, because of the strong privacy norms, which don’t exist in US products (KDE is German) If not, dont use a smartphone and use an old Nokia 3300.

                • @[email protected]
                  12 years ago

                  I do not recommend anyone, regardless of the OS, to use the smartphone for official procedures, like bamking, no smartphone is a secure device, much less so than a PC, where you have many more protection options available.