Any media in a nutshell 😃
All media is subjective. Do not go hunting for a perfect house. Eat that poison carefully, as there will always be something you can make from it.
You are aware of the irony that the Russians are peddling the exact same BS about “liberating army” in this case?
Bigots gonna bigot… No matter which side they are on.
And once again I’m not supporting Russians in invading Ukraine. However, it’s very important to acknowledge that the west is responsible for similar and far worse kinds of invasions. Yet, those never get the same coverage as Ukraine. Perhaps people in the west need to first learn how to hold their own governments accountable for the atrocities they commit.
Plus they are trying to prolong a pointless war that Ukraine can’t win and where with every second it passes there’s a bigger threat of nuclear annihilation.
But think about the war profffiiiiitttttsssss…
NATO is willing to fight Russia until the last Ukrainian.
NATO caused the problem, but right now they’re not directly involved in the conflict. Ukrainians are the ones bravely fighting the Kadyrovites and the other Russian hired armies.
let’s not fear monger
this has to be a joke post, no one in the West has covered the last 8 years of war, as a matter of fact people in the West did not even think about Ukraine until Putin started threatening nuclear war, they don’t care about Ukraine or Russia they just care about their countries becoming wastelands and have been as a result randomly informed that there is an invasion going on. The whole nothing else has been getting coverage like Ukraine is a bad take because it is factually incorrect.
10 racists downvoted this post.
Nah, i downvoted because the op appears to promote Russian imperialism and whataboutism, and that is a big red flag to me. I’m assuming most of the folks in here agree with the sentiment of this post, but the purpose of it is to pretend that Russian imperialism is fine because America does it? That’s absolute shit.
No, I think the purpose is to point out the hypocrisy of media coverage of different crises in the world based on the ethnicity (skin color) of the people involved.
Imperialism bad, but pointing out the general hypocrisy in western media is worse right? The fact that this is a legit issue shows that the west is losing it’s moral high ground and is no longer being seen as the good guys, cause they ain’t. (There are no good guys just people looking out for their own interests)
Agree. I think that both EEUU and Russia (as countrys, I’m not talking about the ppl living there) compleatly suck. I would burn to the ground all OTAN bases in my country and exit it. (Why do I have to be paying to some rich lobbist of the weapon industry?) but that does not justify that Russia is as imperialist as the EEUU. Agree on the media hipocresy tho.
We have a big influx of racists and imperial ghouls here lately.
It is incredibly disgusting to see, and a mask off moment, honestly.
Unrelated, but personally I am waiting to see Western countries misuse ICANN to virtually target countries or groups, and that will mark the collapse of what we know as global internet with a USA backbone. This might pave the way for either decentralisation or fractured intranets scattered on globe.
I have a whole posse of trolls following me around now. I think we’re headed for levels of hysteria not seen since the Cold War here. So, anything is definitely possible in the short term.
What’s going to be interesting is how these people react when they become personally affected by all this. Right now, they’re just playing a spectator sport thinking that it’s only Ukrainians and Russians who are going to suffer.
No, they know exactly what they are supporting. And they are ready to sacrifice themselves as internet keyboard soldiers for English Fascism supremacy, because they are mostly playing in a field that protects them and not us.
The trolls are following many of us here now, I have made quite a number of enemies at this point, even before this conflict. Get ready, we are in for some rollercoaster shit that we have to survive through to tell future generations. And it is going to be very nasty.