We have yet another example of the conservatives having only short term gain and quick profits on their mind. Turner and the liberals were right when they said that we have been building this country east to west for a century plus, and that we should have continued doing so. And now we are seeing Turner’s predictions coming true, and a conservative sold us the fuck out and took the easy way Instead of nation building.
Yeah, the NDP kind of need to get crushed in this election so we can clear out the dead wood. We need a reborn and revitalized NDP to meet the current moment.
I absolutely disagree with that statement.
The Liberals are going to bring more of the same. What we need is a strong coalition with both the Liberals and NDP to push the Liberals to work for the little guy for once.
I’m tired of having a party that does nothing but work for corporations, who can’t think outside the box and do nothing for the working class.
An NDP minority would keep Singh and the other softly softly types in charge, and continue to offer weak, incremental improvements instead of real, meaningful change. We need a radical, socialist left that offers real solutions if we’re going to avert the rise of fascism here in Canada, and the NDP needs new faces and new ideas if they’re ever going to win people over again.
I agree with you there. The NDP needs to be more aggressive. I don’t know about radical though. You don’t want to scare people off either. I think it needs to be progressive. But, they definitely need a change in leadership.
I think being afraid of scaring people off got them where they are.
Voters were overwhelmingly willing to vote for Pollievre, a man everyone detests, simply because he was a fuck you to Ottawa and the status quo.
That ‘burn it down’ energy has been tamped down by the threats from the south, but sooner or later it will be back (or we’ll no longer be talking about Canadian elections), and when it does the NDP needs to be ready to point the molotovs at where the real blame is.
I attribute increased radicalization on both sides to the failed promise of electoral reform. By which I mean having FPTP is a main underlying cause, but rug-pulling the opportunity to change it really accelerated things by making the center intolerable.
This problem isn’t going away until we get electoral reform. LPC is what we need in this unique moment, but the fundamentals haven’t changed.
How has the liberals programs like childcare, the first home savings account, the middle class tax cut, the raising of taxes on the wealthiest, the school foods program, the deals struck with multiple auto makers to build evs and their batteries here in Canada, investments into critical mineral extraction, enhancing trade tie with Europe and South East Asia, and the Trans mountain pipeline, LNG projects bad for the working class again? ThE cARbOn tAx?
So yeah. Those are my arguments against what you mentioned.
Bruh you sound like you will never be fucking happy lol. You are arguing against the liberals for… Doing stuff the NDP agree with? Wtf is this? You sound like you basically just want the conservatives to win because I’m sorry but the NDP ain’t getting many seats this election and the closest thing to the NDP right now are the liberals. You want to whine and complain about shit that’s actually being DONE? Whine about what ifs and about how it’s not PERFECT? I’m sorry to burst your bubble baby but nothing is perfect. The enemy of good is perfect
What is your problem??? What the heck is wrong with you and that shitty attitude? You’re not convincing anyone by acting immature and throwing a tantrum at people online.
And how did you even get to the conclusion that I want the conservatives to win?
No. Read my comment again. What I said is that the things the Liberals did that you mentioned like the child care program are things the the NDP came up with first and have been pushing through for ages. The liberals being a minority government had to make a coalition with the NDP and therefore the NDP pushed for these things to be implemented. These were the compromises that the Liberals had to make to get their votes in return for other bills. That’s the beauty of a minority government.
Hey just FYI when you type in alternating lowercase & capitals it makes it impossible for blind or sight-impaired people using screenreaders to understand you
I kind of agree, but there’s a substantial chance the NDP will insist on misinterpreting the results as meaning they should pull even farther to the relative center, even though it’s their base they are losing.
On the other hand, the NDP implosion in NB opened the window for a stronger Green party with no more splitting of left-leaning votes. That party now more effectively represents both environmental concerns and labor. So far, that’s seeming like a pretty harmonious pairing of interests, with a largely shared base.
I’m good with the NDP either shaping up or getting out of the way.
Look, I wish I could give you an ironclad guarantee of how things will shake out, but that ain’t how this shit works.
The NDP as they are now are incapable of rising to this moment. They need to be replaced by something that is. Maybe that works out, maybe it doesn’t. Playing it safe has gotten us fucking nowhere. I’d rather take the swing.
Yeah, I think I’ve already talked myself out of worrying where the NDP goes next anyway. I hate how things went with the federal Greens but at this point they’ve still got as much shot at representing the left as the NDP.
I’m smelling a theme in leftist parties, where good leaders seem disproportionately difficult to replace.
That’s why, if you want the NDP (or whatever party you are closest aligned with) to make better policy choices, you should become an active member of the party and get involved long before an election.
“I’m voting Liberal because the NDP have become too much like the Liberals”
This is why no one respects the left, you realize.