Yeah you can basically search for users like [email protected] and it will find it.
Yeah you can basically search for users like [email protected] and it will find it.
Thanks. Yeah after further considerations I went with Friendica. And yes I created my account on also. I think it has a better shot at surviving. But we never know. It takes one fuck-up and everything could go to shit.
I tried both and it looks like Friendica has more features and is more compatible with other apps on ActivityPub.
In the end I chose Friendica.
Again, remind me why you didn’t vote because of Kamala’s stance on the Palestinian genocide and because she was picked without a primary election when the alternative was this?
Ah ok then!
Sérieux là… entre Diaspora et Friendica, c’est quoi qui est mieux? On dirait que Friendica a plus de features et il connecte mieux avec les autres réseaux fédérés. Mais, il parait que l’interface est un peu merdique.
Aussi, est-ce qu’il y a des serveurs que vous recommandez? Quelque chose qui va être durable et stable qui serait maintenu et financé pendant longtemps?
I’ve been looking for a Facebook alternative. It was either Diaspora or Friendica.
Is Friendica more popular? What are some of the most popular/stable instances with the lowest chances of disappearing?
Well, if you’re from the EU, that would make sense. In America, we grow a lot of grain here in Canada and the US.
He’s right.
Ukraine grows a LOT of grain. It’s going to be a big problem when they stop providing Europe and the world.
Sure go ahead. LoL
They’re the worst to sweat in. It absorbs the sweat like a fucking towel and they get heavy. And then they radiate the smell of ass sweat.
I know because a guy at my gym used to wear a pair to do cardio before his weightlifting. He stank so fucking much and his pants were drooping from the wet sweat.
What’s Rednote? Another kind of Tiktok?
No, Proton actually just went from being a company to a non profit recently for the purpose of remaining a privacy focused organization whose mission won’t change.
Yeah I know. She’s probably freaking out if her mind and just trying to focus on getting home to her daughter.
I don’t know but that’s what I did.
Right? If this isn’t a sign that Facebook and Meta is going to shit, I don’t know what is.
Oui c’est ce que j’ai remarqué.
C’est un peu triste, il me semble que Diaspora était un des originaux. L’interface est plus polie aussi.