“Canada Proud is part of a network of conservative groups and social media pages initially founded by conservative activist Jeff Ballingall”
Anyone who follows these pages on social medias should know. They are literally propaganda pages, and are loaded with disinformation and misinformation. And if you know people who uses social medias, they should know.
some exemples of sheer lies, source here
"In 2020, PressProgress reported that Canada Proud was falsely claiming that the federal government had banned Remembrance Day ceremonies.
In 2021, PressProgress reported of Canada Proud claimed that COVID-19 vaccines were being distributed according to “skin colour.”
Now is the time to be getting information from Canadian Owned and Operated media.
There will be disinformation campaigns unlike any other election.
tbf, Canada Proud is Canadian owned 😬
Are they really, though? How much foreign funding and “suggestions” do they get?
Last I heard they’re pretty closely aligned with the Conservative Party of Canada, both socially and financially. Like they hang out with the CPC staff socially.
In the past few years it’s become de rigueur to accuse people we don’t like of being foreign funded, but I believe Canada Proud is 100% Canadian assholes. If you have evidence to the contrary I’d love to see it.
tbf, Canada Proud is Canadian owned 😬
Is Canada Proud, a media organization?
I guess? They definitely make content.
I also produce content!
Jokes aside, Canada Proud isn’t a news media organization, so it doesn’t make sense to compare it. I didn’t even include The Beaverton for similar reasons.
Agreed. I’m just trolling. 😬
But they are a media corporation.
Also, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation which has recently paid for YouTube ads against automatic tax filing.
I reported those ads as misleading as soon as I saw them.
Every ad I see with pp is immediately misleading, false, and blatant bullshit too…it’s easy to spot. Sadly some people are so hell bent on fuck trudeau that they will never see reality of anything
Honest question here, why does everyone get upset over these third party groups but not others? Why is it when unions use member dues to support a candidate or party it’s generally accepted but this particular instance is bad?
Personally I think they all embellish or outright lie no matter which side of the political spectrum they support. The fix is not to complain about specific groups, it’s to ban this type of advertising from anyone other than actual candidates and parties. Make them own their bullshit instead of hiding behind third parties.
Orgs like Canada Proud are political operatives that work on behalf of parties. They are deliberately manipulative and misrepresent themselves as normal people, rather than political hacks. They game social media algorithms for klout, so they can skirt advertising rules. Worse, they post stuff that is demonstrably untrue to manipulate the public.
I’m not aware of unions deploying deception or trying to manipulate the public. Generally, their advertising is earnest and states exactly who they are.
Famous people are always found together, and their orbiters like Carney and Maxwell will be photographed together. It’s important to remember that none of these rich people are “good” or “worthy of respect” until they PROVE OTHERWISE through their actions.
Until such time as they have proven otherwise, they’re all pieces of shit unworthy of notice. We have enough evidence that this is the case because it always has been since the invention of famous pieces of shit.
Clearly you’re not paying attention then or you unions just confirm your personal bias cause it’s pretty flagrant.
Do you have some examples? The only union ads I’ve seen have been pretty dull. From what I’ve seen they’re pretty clear about who paid for the ad and what they want. That’s usually harder to tell Canada Proud and other party-affiliated media.
You’re right; manipulation, no matter the intent, is assholery and should be called out. No one should forgive bullshit done for “the greater good”.
A significant issue here, and what’s specifically highlighted in this post, is that this group has strong and direct ties to the CPC leader, and so its status as “third party” is questionable.
Plus the blatant and flagrant lying about things and people.
Like, if the union heads had worked on Carney’s leadership campaign and then started running ads saying that Poilievre was a habitual cat rapist, all as a means to create the false perception that there were multiple independent groups opposing PP…
But sure, the situations are totally symmetrical.
I’m old enough to remember the “Harper will put soldiers on our streets” ads but ok buddy.
Those ads were clearly identified as originating with the Liberal Party. The one you mentioned was only available on the LPC website.
The problem with third party ads/content (particularly those by party-affiliated groups like Canada Proud) is that you don’t know who is paying for them, or why.
Attack ads are always shitty. I really wish they weren’t a thing, but that horse has left the barn.
For what it’s worth, I don’t do that – at least not deliberately. I think we all tend to be a little less vigilant about scrutinizing information that confirms our biases; It’s a natural human failing worth first inward attention and second consideration when accused of it. I actively guard against it, but cannot guarantee I never slip.
It’s also super tiresome when people discover it’s a magic trick to disingenuously waste thoughtful people’s time. That’s a tactic employed very unequally across the political spectrum.
More to your specific concern, I very much dislike political ads not endorsed by the party they support, especially if they’re deliberately obscuring their motives. Messages from unions tend to be motivated by values that align with mine, which makes it all the more frustrating when they employ the very tactics people like me spot as discrediting. It’s like having the truth on your side but instead lying or misrepresenting facts just to take a more extreme position – and all it does is abandon the high ground and strengthen the resolve of dissenting views.
You can’t reach reasonable people with unreasonable tactics, and you can’t reach unreasonable people period. The latter are going to blindly accept or invent whatever empowers their motivated reasoning. Until you have the power to change their motives, it’s a lost cause.