Every time somebody sends me a thumb I take it as “whatever you say you fucking dumbass” and it pisses me off.
And ya, I’m aware that that the replies are going to be thumbs, let’s see em ya jerks!!!
No 👍
I’m with you but it’s a generational thing. Are you a millennial?
Depends on context. Most of the time it’s just a confirmation. You are reading your insecurities into it.
If I want to make it sarcastic I like 👍👁️👄👁️👍
in response to plans?
in response to something like a political opinion?
highly sarcastic.
deleted by creator
GenX here. Shit, I do thumbs up frequently to confer agreement.
And I will indeed give you a middle finger emoji to say, “you fucking dumbass.”Whether a thumbs-up emoji is a good response really depends on the situation.
If it’s a quick ‘yes’ or ‘okay’ to a simple question, it’s fine. But if someone’s asking for your opinion or needs more details, it can seem like you’re not putting in much effort.
Also, how well you know the person matters a lot. You might use it with a close friend. In contrast someone you don’t know well, it can be considered rude.
👍🏻(deragatory) /s
🖕🏻 (respectfully) /s
Whatever you say you fucking dumbass 👍
Really just depends on the context but generally it isn’t what you think it means and it’s simply your personal interpretation. You have to assume people are well intentioned or you start having trust issues. Most people don’t see themselves as the asshole and I guarantee you do shit that pisses other people off even if you mean well.
Depends on who’s saying it and to what, and in what manner (message reaction, its own separate text).
“Hey who wants pizza tonight?” in the group text.
Bunch of👍reactions mixed in with some 🍕 and 🕺
That’s normal and people agreeing with you.
“Hey could you pick up some toilet paper on the way home?”
👍 reaction.
That’s a neutral kind of acknowledgement.
“Hey man, that was pretty fucked what you said back at the party. I think the others want to talk to you about it.”
That’s rude and dismissive, and not just an acknowledgement text.
Aka context matters, like all forms of english communication.
First of all - I’m shocked that anyone would use a thumb up like in your last example. That’s obviously extremely rude and disrespectful.
Second of all - I’m shocked that some people can’t see the difference of the usage of the thumb up and believe that it’s always rude, regardless of context.
It’s a little bit of a generational/cultural gap, I think! Like how
are fully normal to boomers, but anyone millennial and younger are going to read that as being short, or as an ominous trailing off compared to the neutral, no-caps-no-punctuationkk
.I think children up through the younger end of millennials are just more likely to give neutral-to-lightly-positive acknowledgement in other ways, like 🫡or ✅ or 🥰 or 💯. 👍 is reserved by some for lower enthusiasm or even a restrained, mild annoyance.
I’m going to say it’s not a “you” problem, but a “who you’re surrounded by” problem. Is this something you’re used to percieving accurately? Do you have friends or family who would actually mean it rudely? Because, as others have mentioned, I simply would not be able to function at work if I interpreted 👍 as rude/sarcastic.
I have to assume you’re young or your work doesn’t involve communicating with coworkers or clients over text. I’d also be curious if you look back at this post 5-10 years from now and think “wtf was I on about?” (I’d also be curious if civilization still exists 5-10 years from now, but I digress…)
No. Thumbs up means that I agree with you. I know that the younger generation has started interpreting a thumbs up as something negative though, which just blows my mind.
It’s not the thumbs up in itself that is seen as rude, but the short dismissive affirmative.
Someone that sees it as rude would feel like they put effort into their message and expect some kind of effort back in the reply,
the single emoji response can also make it seem like you didn’t even care to read it, and just say replied with something to make them shut up.
Right, but sometimes you just need to say “I’ve read what you said. Sounds good to me. No need to keep discussing.”, especially when organising things.
I understand how someone can see a thumbs up as something rude in certain circumstances. What I’m having a hard time understanding is that some people seem to believe that the thumb up is ALWAYS rude.
What is rude, as you say, is the lack of a proper response, depending on the conversation. Not the thumb in itself.
You see it as dismissive. Low effort reply, like they couldn’t be bothered. It’s not inviting continued conversation so you see it as someone telling you to stop talking to them.
If I were to guess. In your eyes. They might as well have replied with “cool story bro”.
Which is now forever a sarcastic term and no one regardless of what you say, will believe that you actually found their story cool.
Just like a curt “yes” or even “yes sir” can be seen as somewhat rude in some contexts, so to can its emoji equivalent.