Some schools may be justified, but it should not be a BC wide blanket policy.
Some schools may be justified, but it should not be a BC wide blanket policy.
A good relationship is when you communicate a want / need to your partner and then it is in their court to say if they can fulfil that. Sometimes people have hangups and good partners respect those quirks.
Ah, by kid I was thinking 8 or 9 LOL
I think the wording of the last paragraph hilights that you have goals for his learning and goals for him finding joy in it.
It’s easy for an enthusiastic parent to force their own “goals” on a child. If you want them to truly find joy in it, and have the same enthusiasm as you do, it is a better approach to just make everything available and foster open learning.
You may already know all this, just your word choice came across a bit overbearing parent.
Let them exlore but use you as a resource as needed. If you helicopter and constantly suggest they do what you have already learned then they don’t get any of those discovery moments and the joy isn’t realized.
Does Mint have Apparmor installed?
It is default on OpenSUSE. When you add a new application you start apparmor, run your application through its normal use, it “learns” how the system is used by the app, you then apply this as an enforce option or warn option. If the app deviates it gets blocked or warning generated.
Also OpenSUSE has a hardening GUI that looks at your system and configs and lists out all the areas that pass, fail or need attention. It is a great visual tool, and gives explanations/suggestions. Maybe there is Mint package that emulates this. Yast Security Center (see image)
Good rant, bad friend. Not actually a friend, that sounds like a narcissitst that wants you around only when they need attention.
"Up Next, board games with dice attracts a lot of people that like dice. Scientists baffled”
It’s 100% if you have ASD and play solo board games.
If you don’t know the zypper commands just go into the GUI Yast Software tool, click on the various heading drop downs.
Under Options drop-down you can check the option “Cleanup when deleting packages”
Under View filter you can select Uneeded Packages, click to uncheck the boxes of what shows up and Apply.
Also these are handy sheets.
Interesting. A lady I worked with was there. She said initially the soldiers / convoy were friendly as they were just people too, and students brought them drinks and food since they were just at a standstill forever. Until the order came to clear the protest.
Gnome keyring should remember your partitions that have password encryption, there is a setting to unlock gnome keys with login. If you mean before login then cryptab and fstab can be set to password unlock. Unless I am misunderstanding the usecase you want.
The irony is Facebook contributes to opensource linux, heavily for btrfs which they use for certain data storage.
Security threat to the US Fascist Government maybe. Maybe coinicdence that it was near Jan 20th. Maybe I am looking to deep but looks like USA is trying to be North Korea or China . Use Windows face recognition and telemetry to to track users, censor alternative OSs from public knowledge.
If you can’t do full keto, skip rice and use lentils. They have a lot of fibre and protein. They will make you feel full the next day also due to fiber. Some are 20% protein but the ones I can get locally are 30% protein. For us the brown ones are a substitute for dishes that want ground beef. Like a meatloaf, or chilli. The red ones break down nicely in a thickened soups and stews.
You can get lentil flour from Indian stores, for trying out recipes that ask for wheat flour. Takes some adjusting.
Yeah, I expanded in my reply
Yeah, I failed to expand on the example. During COVID they faced bankruptcy and the board sold out (without consulting members) I assume there could have been a lawsuit over that but due to bankruptcy a lawsuit would probably not gain anything. Prior to the sellout though we as members got info and choices on voting who ran it, and profit sharing rebates when times were good. In the final years it seemed people voted in CEO types rather than enthusiast outdoor types. Not sure if that led to the collapse, or it was already headed that way.
When it was operating as a coop years back items were affordable and we still had profit, something changed toward covid era though, maybe markets shifted and MEC didn’t adapt. They still sell some good stuff but a lot of it now is MEC branded AliExpress stuff. Also don’t buy their MEC branded inner tubes they barely last a few rides.
With a Union you still have an adversarial owner who makes company decisions. Coop stuff is voted on by the coop owners, direction of profit is determined by coop mandate.
Eg, we are with a Credit Union for banking, we vote on new policy changes that affect members investments.
For MEC (mountain equipment company) it is coop, we voted who gets to be a board member running the company.
Just use this site
The article mentions if adjectives have words like milkshake or creamy they probably have dairy in the beer. This is a jump in logic. Or an AI article.
Creamy applies to things that have a mouthfeel, you can produce that many ways in brewing. (And of cooking) .
Pouring cream into a fermenter doesn’t give you a creamy beer it gives you a sweet beer.
Thankfully Linux OSs exist.
I bought a new XBOX drive off amazon once. Stickers says void if opened so I didn’t open the case till I found a larger drive and was going to swap the drive in the case. The drive inside was dirty as hell. Like it spent years in a dirty factory. SMART report looked good, but the drive itself was from 2011, but the controller board was from 2017. Some retailer was grabbing old drives and swapping the control board, I assume as repair or likely to falsify drive use hours.
I reported to Amazon as seller fraud, initially they said you are way out of your return period. So I had to explain it doesn’t when I discover a seller has commited fraud, it is fraud.