• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • GlidetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldboth pretty extreme
    13 hours ago


    The extreme left wants state managed fascism to the benefit of in groups, and the extreme right wants wealth managed fascism to the benefit of in groups. We’re just so used to choosing between the mild right and the extreme right that we’ve begun to confuse the mild left - the political group who wants to meet everyone’s basic needs - for the extreme.

    I’m tired of seeing run-of-the-mill social democracy paraded around as “the far left.”

  • GlidetoCanada20/3/2025 388 Canada Polls
    3 days ago

    As happy as I am to see the liberals overtake the cons, I am not sure I want to see a Liberal majority. I like the checks and balances of having to agree with at least one other party.

    But I will gladly take this over Pierre dismantling free speech and selling us out to Trump.

  • I’m a teacher, and as soon as students figure out I play games, they inevitably ask me this question, but I largely think it’s an unfair question to ask someone who games as a genuine hobby rather than just a kill time.

    I like to tell them that’s a really impossible question to answer and instead offer them my favorite franchise of games: Monster Hunter. I feel like I can more reliably say that I am a massive fan of the franchise, with it reliably being my favorite videogame franchise, without that seeming weirdly inaccurate considering the wide variety of genres and sub-genres that make up video game interests.

    To say that Monster Hunter Rise is my favorite game would be a massive disservice to the captivating, genre-breaking storytelling power of Hades, my deeply rooted love of the flight mechanics in Elite Dangerous, my history as a brief world record holder for a Mario title, the thousands of hours of Team Fortress 2 I’ve shared with friends, or my experiences grinding World of Warcraft arenas to the top 0.5% of players. And I’ve somehow listed 5 formative titles from the top of my head without even representing my deep passion for rhythm games, with Hi-Fi Rush being a genuine contender for that “favorite game” slot that I am arguing doesn’t exist. So I don’t answer with any of these games, because not only would my answer be fundamentally untrue, but it’s not really the question my student means to ask, either. They want to know what I am into, and giving them a standout franchise that automatically gets my money when a title is released gives them a much better answer than any one title could ever do.

  • Yes? Should I not? “insta” as in instanteous, and “gram” as in a telegram. This is a name rooted in already understood language to give me an understanding of what it is at first encounter. Bard, same, something that tells a story, I’d assume. But I’ve never seen it before so /shrug.

    “Lemmy” means nothing to me.

    Fediverse is good. “Verse” to the end of anything suggests it’s own ecosystem, or “universe,” and Fedi for federation. Makes sense.

  • There are a lot of genuine answers to this, but the simplest one is perhaps the best: because who decides which authority is correct?

    Authoritarianism is bad because it gives justification to our bias’.

    The “good” authorities you think of when you ask this question are authorities not because they are authorities, but because they have the knowledge/training/practice/experiences that give them a greater expertise on a given subject. Authoritarianism supposes that, those things aside, there’s something inherently good about someone in a position of authority. This is factually incorrect.

    We (are supposed to) grant authority to those that earn it, and use it responsibility. Likewise we (are supposed to) strip it away from those that abuse it, or fail to maintain strong standards of ethics and practice. Authoritarianism, as a school of thought, discards that process, instead suggesting that the authority is the authority because people need that in their lives. Fuck that.