Disclaimer: I am asking this for a college class. I need to find an example of AI being used unethically. I figured this would be one of the best places to ask. Maybe this could also serve as a good post to collect examples.

So what have you got?

  • humanspiral
    3 days ago

    Once you are so quick to offer it for military purposes, and profit maximization over any ethical concerns, then it becomes not just warmongering evil maximization, and battlefield domination that encourages warmongering evil, you also need to maximize AI’s disinformation of public, as media is used now, to support the warmongering evil maximization.

    Any humanist principles, ethics to promote humanism, cannot coexist with warmongering maximalism. Profit prefers the latter. Learning that your views might not align with warmongering maximalism, may be used for voter suppression extending to murder by exploding electronics. AI/LLM identification of insufficient loyalty to warmongering and genocide is a key tool in ensuring agenda maximalism.