Андрей Быдло

вольный глас рассеи

  • 68 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023

  • Israel is basically a european\american sattelite in that region that has a potential to ease the involvement if something there goes in a conflict to their interests first or some global massacre second, but what we see with Bibi is that he leveraged the position of this country to the point they can dictate others to support them, and although they don’t need money for their little genocide, they ping other countries for them to show loyalty. I don’t think it costs that much for an individual like you since MIC by default costs trillion+ of dollars annually, but that’s a different topic.

    What matters is that unlike ukrainians, jewish people after WW2 spread across the whole world and there are a lot of citizens with an israili citizenship in both the West and the ex-SocBlock. That makes everything invloving Israel relevant globally. There is still a problem of hatred towards jewish people, and they succeeded at calling it out unlike romanians or any other genocided minority. Thus, it succeedes at making it everyone’s problem and not a local one, like many hot conflicts going on, when it mixes up historical genocide with every conflict they get involved in.

    They intentionally make it hard to distance from them. While it does have a potential value for other states, to bring down something like HAMAS or Al-Kaida for example (if they can do that at all), it got too comfy with that sentiment going on. And for a taxpayer in the US I’d probably question not why they are funded at all, but why they hold other countries as pawns and openly show how they don’t give a fuck about their reputation and international law because they’d get funded anyway. From the funder’s perspective, they are leeches ignoring the agreement and testing how long they can go with it. And tolerating that only enables such behavior.


    ‘Special needs kid’ is a surprising lack of hate-speech for anon though. It doesn’t make it okay for us since most look at it from the distance and we don’t reproduce its’ culture there. But observing these pieces knowing the context is a niche way of having fun.

    This one doesn’t lose much from omitting that part though. Seems like anon didn’t come up with a worthy punchline and just dropped it here, being in a delusion that it’d make the greentext work. A fabric softener in a school setting, what?

    This story could’ve taken another turn if a kid tried to fish it with an improvised hook and scaley anon was so bored and depressed about the kid’s effort so he proceeded to make some fake bites, this becoming their daily tradition. Alone in his bowl, anon finds a weird, deadly relationship with a kid, and asks itself what would happen if it’d bite for real? Would it know when it’s time to risk it, or finally go? I believe many anons questioned themselves about euthanasia and if they’d find courage to do it before they’d turn into a dead weight on their relatives’ backs and not enjoying life at all, so this could’ve started an interesting conversation even there, while overwhelming the use of a special kid character somewhere in the middle.

  • Man, I miss being all agitated about the thing I bought, ordered or took as a gift. Idk if it’s depression or just an aging thing, but I do miss being tempted like that. 1-day delivery and digital purchases kinda ruined it and I want an option to intentionally slow delivery down. Waiting and anticipating something that’d arrive on the X day added a lot to the value I see in a product.

  • FB2 is a known format for russian pirates, but it can and should be improved because it sucks ass in many things. FB3 was announced long ago but it hasn’t got any traction yet.

    EPUB is mor/e popular, so it’s probably be the go to format for most books US and EU create, but it isn’t much better.

    Other than that, even Doc\Docx is better than PDF, but I’d recomend RTF for it has less traces of M$ bullshit, and while it’s imperfect format, it’s still better.