His misuse of public office should be landing him a third impeachment. Why is any of this being ignored as the new normal?
I like the idea that Trump is Musk’s new car salesman. Oval Office/Tesla Headquarters.
While it’s true that Elon Musk was being criticized by some for various reasons, the fact remains that Donald Trump’s decision to buy a Tesla car as a response to criticism is more of a publicity stunt than an actual attempt to address the concerns.
To put this into perspective, let’s look at the net worth of Donald Trump. According to Forbes’ 2022 estimates, Trump’s net worth is approximately $3.2 billion. Now, compare that to the price tag of a Tesla Model S, which can cost anywhere from $80,000 to over $100,000, depending on the trim level and options.
In this context, buying one Tesla car represents only a tiny fraction of Trump’s overall net worth. For instance, if we assume he bought a base model Tesla at $80,000, that would account for less than 0.0025% of his estimated net worth.
So, why the fuss? This purchase seems more like a symbolic gesture to appease his critics and demonstrate his wealth rather than an actual demonstration of his commitment to environmental causes or technological innovation. It’s likely that Trump was trying to show off his supposed “status symbol” and “rich person problems,” which has become a hallmark of his brand.
This is like a buddy helping out another buddy by giving him the change he found in his couch. It’s sad that people will fall for this type of hollow gesture.
Dude really made swasticars and fascists don’t even buy it because they don’t roll coal.
When you know the truth about Tesla, the term “Elon’s baby” makes him sound the world first “car cuck”.
This is just a car ad.
Right, so NOT buying a car is illegal now.
They’ll let you buy something else, but first you’ll need to watch a video on the benefits of owning a Tesla, watch an ultrasound of your new baby Tesla, and complete a 72 hour waiting period with mandatory daily calls with a DOGE sponsored automotive counselor.
“Illegally boycotting.”
Trump is hilarious. Like the government can stop me from NOT BUYING something.
Sounds like if he had it his way, we’d be forced to buy only what he declared and in the quantities the law stipulates, regardless of need or ability to pay.
Trump signs an executive order that every American must purchase a Tesla. Supreme Court rejects the order by a 5-4 vote several weeks later
Excuse me sir, have you performed your government mandated consumption today? It looks like your spending quota is a little low, how about ordering some tasty Dominoes^TM and signing up for a subscription service or your choice? Remember what your mother taught you: “a penny saved is a penny wasted”. Money atrophies if you keep it locked up, everyone knows that! You need to keep that cash aerated, circulate it!
I hate how possible this sounds. Like, alongside the other bullshit we’ve been exposed to, this nonsense sounds like it could be real.
This sounds like a great short story, or black mirror episode.
As billionaires do the exact opposite hording their money.
it’s like that time when Elon “free speech absolutist” Musk tried to sue advertisers that decided that they didn’t want their ads on his Nazi filled platform
Remember, this South African immigrant, whose father owned a slave ran
diamond(edit: emerald) mine, sued advertisers for pulling out due to his racist remarks and the racism being spewed on his platform. Choosing not to advertise on his platform was ‘collusion’ and illegal… 🤦♂️I forgot about that. Free choice and free will apparently isn’t a guarantee in this country, anymore.
Neither is free speech and the right to peaceful protest
*emerald mine
Thank you for the correction, I don’t want any misinformation over here, but it has been a while since I’ve looked into it.
ie, the ultimate neoliberal wet dream. let’s hope it doesn’t come to pass.
Like a planned economy?
Good grief, the President of the United States shilling for a Private Company. How pathetic.
I actually stopped buying their products.
No huge loss. Black beans are black beans.
I’d forgotten about that one. Yeesh
Didn’t he do a photo shoot for beans in the oval office or something like that?
Google says:
Yes! https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-goya-beans/Yep, I’d forgotten about it.
I member the McDonald’s banquet.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
Worst thing is, that second picture is as close to a genuine smile that I’ve ever seen from him.
This is the shit that really bugs me with Trump in office again. He is the leader of the executive branch and just throws out statements saying boycotting is illegal.
His words should matter and the office should matter but it’s all just reality TV horseshit.
I’m sick of it.
How do I do that thing where I place money on a stock losing value? I want in on this.
Lol here is the investment vehicle for you
Here it is without all the adjectives telling you what to think or how to feel:
To conservatives, Republicans [redacted]; elon musk is “putting it on the line” and the liberals are boycotting tesla (paraphrasing). [Redacted] In any event. I’m going to buy a brand new tesla tomorrow morning as a show of my confidence and support for Elon Musk [redacted]
In a show of support for Elon Musk, a truly great
South AfricanAmerican“illegally and collusively boycott”. Trump is such a turd of emotions. Just says things that feel true, and his idiot followers gobble it up. I don’t think there’s any case where a boycott is illegal, and colluding is just a scarier word for organizing or cooperating.
colluding is just a scarier word for organizing or cooperating.
Makes sense when you remember that he doesn’t want people cooperating, that’s communism /s . He wants people obeying.
I wonder whatever happened with Musk’s claims that companies not advertising on Xitter was illegal collusion.
A quick Qwant search later: it seems he’s expanded the suit: https://www.npr.org/2025/02/01/nx-s1-5283271/elon-musk-lawsuit-advertisers-boycott-new
Unfortunately, his abuse has already SLAPPed down the original group behind the assessment that led to the boycott, but now that the world’s bestest genius evar has decided to also take on (check article) Lego, Nestlé, Tyson Foods, Abbott Laboratories, Colgate-Palmolive, Pinterest and Shell International?
Hopefully, he’s bitten off more than he can chew.
I don’t think there’s any case where a boycott is illegal,
The USA has made boycotting the zionist entity illegal, many states require businesses to sign pledges not to boycott as conditions to getting contracts. So much for that “freedum of speech”.
“A turd of emotions” is such a keeper.
In this case, it’s not even organizing/cooperating/colliding. Multiple people are reaching the same sensible conclusion simultaneously and acting accordingly.
colluding is just a scarier word for organizing or cooperating
Colluding is a bad kind of organizing and cooperating,like gangs, conspiracies, and oligarchies.
Do you bother to research anything before running your mouth? You’re literally on a community about boycotts
That was an extremely aggressive response. Did you consider, “Hey, you don’t seem to know this, but check out this [source]”?
There’s a trope for “existing users are hostile to newcomers because the newcomers are ignorant, preventing the community from growing and undermining their goals”, but I’m not sure the name of it. Might be a variation of “For me it was tuesday”
Did they consider not bumbling into a new community and post ignorant disinfo?
It takes <30 seconds to search a point in a search engine (or provide a prompt to an LLM I don’t judge) if they’ve proven they can’t do the bare minimum to make sure they’re adding to the discourse and not spreading fake news, than their value to the community is dubious at best.
If you believe in this community, you are undermining its goals by being this hostile.
So I forget, are you an ‘ignorant newcomer’ (your own words) or do you have your finger on the pulse of the community and its goals, and post disinfo anyway?
I didn’t know about anti-boycott laws. I posted in good faith. Now I know.
I don’t know specifics of this community but I seem to have a better grasp of community in general than you do.
You could have taken the opportunity to politely educate. Instead you’ve chosen maximum hostility. Why? What are you getting out of this? How is it better than kindness?
Yeah, I got a little heated, I guess everyone has their own line on what constitutes good faith, and that’s okay! Frankly I only know as much about US anti-boycott laws as I do because I work at a big soulless US corp.
I definitely don’t claim to be some elder of usboycott, and in fact dislike people who claim to have some kind of superiority for being established in a community
I just happen to be a random nerd on the internet that knows a strange amount about anti-boycott laws, who just dropped an edible and is feeling much more empathic,
Hopefully this can just go down as a lovely educational moment on the fediverse! And I hope you have a lovely day
Do you bother to research your own links before being extremely toxic?
What relevance does your half baked screenshot have to do with this conversation?
How is my screenshot half baked?
That bill was introduced, the tracker on that website never states it became a law.
TIL it’s illegal to not buy a Tesla.
Believe it or not, straight to jail
Come an’ get me, copper!