Sounds like he is leaning in to the whole Nazi scene.
Sounds like he is leaning in to the whole Nazi scene.
I know all the weed I consume is grown locally… in my back yard.
Zero sympathy for anyone voting for a convicted felon and serial sexual abuser.
It is time for Canada to stop blocking affordable EVs, and the most affordable are Chinese EVs. As long as Canada’s transportation infrastructure forces dependence on personal vehicles (except in major urban centers) alternatives to burning fossil fuels must be encouraged, not blocked.
BDS for the USA! Go for the head of the hydra. tRump is a symptom, not the disease. The USA’s crony/criminal/hyper capitalism is the real problem, tRump has just dropped the mask. The USA has always been a genocidal, imperialist, patriarchal oligarchy, it is long past time the world wakes up to that reality.
And it will STILL be what it is when tRump is gone.
Nothing happens in a vacuum, driving down the accessibility and affordability of EVs increases and prolongs the demand for petroleum, which is incinerating the planet to serve the greed of the oligarchs. If you can’t or won’t see the connection, “ignorance is strength” as they say.
Anyone still going to the USA for anything other than life or survival threatening reasons is either a fool or a traitor.
. I just don’t see the oligarch argument here.
I guess you skipped the part about funding pipelines and hounding protesters with the RCMP, both benefiting the oligarchs in big oil.
The tRump presidency.
Would NOT recommend.
Nothing shows true commitment to fighting climate change/global warming like blocking affordable electric vehicles and the solar panels to charge them, while giving billions to oil companies for more pipelines and sending the RCMP to terrorize land and water defenders.
The oligarchs are incinerating the planet for greed and Canada is complicit.
I would like to see the UK surface a ICBM capable sub off DC or NYC and wave the missile ports as a gesture.
tRump is a symptom, not the disease. The USA’s crony/criminal/hyper capitalism is the real problem, tRump has just dropped the mask. The USA has always been a genocidal, imperialist, patriarchal oligarchy, it is long past time the world wakes up to that reality.
Change “Crazy” to “Nazi” and I would buy one. And since he has always been a Nazi, it would still be true no matter when you bought it.
I don’t think there’s any case where a boycott is illegal,
The USA has made boycotting the zionist entity illegal, many states require businesses to sign pledges not to boycott as conditions to getting contracts. So much for that “freedum of speech”.
Why is her jaw dropping when this has been in the news for weeks? Has she been living under a rock, or just trying to remain deliberately ignorant of the situation? I find it difficult to believe anything from someone who fails to pay the tiniest fucking bit of attention to things.
tRump is just dropping the mask, revealing the USA’s true colors. They have always been a genocidal imperialistic oligarchy, ever since the local colonial oligarchs convinced the workers and farmers to trade out the British monarchy for the home grown plutocracy. Only rich, white, males had any voice in their original constitution, and the current crop of fascists want to brush away all the window dressings that have cropped up over the years and return to that golden (in their minds) era, with women as property and people of color as less than human.
I think I read somewhere that brake fluid is a fairly reliable means of stripping paint. A design or message of some type might emerge from a judicious application of such liquid.
I have no problem with Nazis killing themselves, the more the merrier. I would contribute to a GoFundMe to provide them with whatever they needed to do the job.
“Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
~ attributed to Denis Diderot
The more working class people leave DC, the happier I will be when the asteroid hits.