It’s baffling that in the 21st century the satanic panic is still a thing.
Best of both worlds
Right wingers are such whiney trash.
The actual snow flakes.
I had a conversation with someone this morning who wishes "all the gays would go back in the closet,” and I asked why, what are they doing that straight people don’t do. Their partner “rescued” them talking and the anti-zionists getting arrested and deported, despite their green cards.🤦
Man that Bernie has been going wild lately. One rally after another with huge turnouts and raucous applause every time. Follow his Youtube if you want to catch one of these rallies live. The more subs the better!
Here is the song they’re so triggered by. It’s a fucking masterpiece, and I will be sorely disappointed if it doesn’t go viral from hate-publicity: about the direct YouTube link; couldn’t find a single working Piped instance. What’s the MO these days?)
Couldn’t find direct footage of the set either (outside of hate propaganda that I won’t click on), but if anyone wants to go looking there are some details here (from her Linktree): yeah girl! I love to see it
Laura truly is the GOAT.
Everyone go listen to Transgender Dysphoria Blues, it goes so fucking hard
As a cis male, TDB is worth a listen for anybody, shit goes hard
Bless her.
Keep being awesome Bernie!