For me, it was the toxic circlejerk (admins/mods as well) low quality content getting upvoted while high quality submissions not getting much attention/buried and obvious privacy issues.

    • @[email protected]
      93 years ago

      Yup, basically this. Smaller communities are less toxic and also lemmy has no incentive for profit. Reddits literal main goal is to make you scroll as long as possible but lemmy’s only incentive is to create a good expirience. The security is nice aswell :)

  • Ravn
    3 years ago

    US centrism. I tried to unsub from the worst offending communities, but I still am unable to scroll down a page without seeing something obviously only relevant to the US or tainted by yankee culture. posts and comments assume everyone is USian and anyone who isn’t is treated like a foreigner.

    It made my mood worse, affecting my daily life. So I cut down, and now I barely go there at all.

    • @[email protected]
      133 years ago

      I hate this so much. To be honest, Lemmy also has this problem to a lesser degree, but I hope that it will get better once we add improved support for other languages, and once other instances start to grow.

    • Dessalines
      63 years ago

      That’s the main thing for me. The biggest subs are completely US-centric and espouse a US-centered worldview. And of course new reddit is unbearable to use. I’m convinced the only thing holding up reddit is the ecosystem of great mobile apps, none of which are made by reddit the company.

      The only genuinely good content is on niche communities, which could easily be moved anywhere like here.

  • Dragon
    213 years ago

    fuck centralized platforms. all my homies hate centralized platforms.

    • @[email protected]
      33 years ago

      interesting 🧐

      although i think there’s a typo in the first point: the word something is missing the s, not sure if that’s intentional or if you’re the author, but just in case…

  • @[email protected]
    173 years ago

    I still use reddit as it has content lemmy doesn’t.

    But yeah I think there is a lot of bots/shills that manipulate the conversation on reddit that doesn’t really happen on lemmy. This will happen on lemmy too if it gets big enough.

    Federation is also cool. If lemmy does end up full of bots/shills then someone could make a new instance with some new rules that help to reduce the number of bots (e.g. answer some questions about a post to comment or something).

  • @[email protected]
    163 years ago

    Their site redesign was damn heavy for my potato laptop and the old one was unpractical.

    Mob mentality.




    There’s a lot of good to but when a viable, open and federated alternative popped up, I jumped on it. Really enjoying Lemmy those few minutes I have spare to throw away at procrastination, opinions or praise.

    • @[email protected]
      53 years ago

      Oh, other use who sees their interface as heavy.

      I really hate when people shared Reddit threads with me to check something because of that. I am glad that Teddit exists for it as even the old Reddit interface was not responsive (mobile version) and was still a bit heavy (but less).

  • @[email protected]
    143 years ago

    Open-Sourse at the first moment. But Lemmy offer so much more then only being a Reddit in Open-Source.

  • @[email protected]
    143 years ago

    well, i’m still lurking on reddit. you can’t really beat it content wise, but i also need another place to hang out and actually have conversations that has not been completely taken over by corporate money like reddit has. too much censorship going on over there. i also remember lemmy reading a while ago that lemmy took a stance towards being anarchist-friendly and anti-fascist. that’s nice to know and I hope it stays this way.

  • @[email protected]
    123 years ago

    There was nothing to talk about on Reddit anymore. Privacy communities were filled with noob questions answered a billion times, besides I knew what I needed to know at that point. Subs dedicated to cartoons and video games I liked were full of crappy memes because there was only so much content to work with. freegaming subreddit got abandoned, opensourcegames only had new releases and freesoftware started to become stale. I found there was more to talk about on Lemmy despite much smaller userbase so I started to mainly use this platform, then I decided to share content from Reddit to increase content diversity and have more content for others in general.

  • Elbullazul
    103 years ago

    I’m still on reddit, but I like that there’s no karma farming on lemmy 🙂

  • @[email protected]
    93 years ago

    I havent quit anything but my attention will go where i get the most engagement, less noise. As a geek i appreciate the tech, but i wouldnt be here if there was nothing to digest, or if the barrier to good content is too high, which i personally find with mastodon…sidenote I’d be happy if the admin of moved from mastodon to a lemmy instance

  • @[email protected]
    83 years ago

    Too much people not knowing what they talked about. Too much noise. Too much people criticizing everything. Lame comments under every post. Lame posts too.

    Ethics, privacy and decentralization were the least aspect for me.

  • Gwynne
    73 years ago

    well reddit banned me so technically I never quit, they just forced me out lol