post more ppb, post more insults, post more dunks
its funny
I think it’s more interesting to have less rote responses, though some people totally have a ppb coming. If we reach for “ppb” or “hog out” or whatever at first sight of conflict, it’s reduced to nothing better than a verbal tic and a genre of spam. It’s better for the influence of our instance on the others to have more personalized responses (and sometimes even engaging!)
True, people are too unimaginative with their bullying. Ppb is largely played out already, we need to be on the forefront of new developments in lib bullying.
we have become soft and stale cooped up in our cave
we must emerge to feast on new flesh and grow strong once more
We should be searching for new forms of livestock, feces, and genetalia. Real cutting edge lib dunking technology.
Hopefully some of that pent off energy is tempered after a week or two of 500+ comment China struggle sessions to establish where everyone stand
If we aren’t isolated by then, I’m hoping that the liberals will realize that they actually need to come up with some substance in their criticisms instead of relying on silly redditisms
we need to develop rope-a-dope posting methods
Hajime no ippo, but instead of boxing it’s posting.
Def, I’d prefer quality over quantity
I mean yes, me too, but I also don’t want to annoy Lemmygrad with too much ppb because some of them don’t like it.
And I want to respect Lemmygrads wishes because they’ve been super nice to us.
Maybe just keep ppb to libs that come to us?
I cannot compute the idea of ppb not being funny.
apparently it’s huge for them, so that might be part of it.
pig poop balls more like BIG poop balls
thank you for this i have stolen it and will use it for nefarious pigpoopballing
Browsing from a mobile app, I know exactly what they mean.
It gets exhausting to browse threads with all the emojis if they aren’t the proper size. The gross-out factor of ppb compounds it all
It’s conceptually kind of funny but for some people the gross element is outweighs that
PPB is ours, we should keep it close and cherish it at home
Every PPB is sacred
I’m a filthy ape throwing shit at the other animals and you can’t stop me
This is the way.
But yknow,
is still funny as fuck.
It’s too small, it doesn’t have the same shock value
and we can no longer make it bigger with markdown
linking to stays winning
Look owl, I just want people to fight more. Fight over here, fight over there, its all fair game as far as Im concerned. Wherever there are liberals someone should be there bullying them.
Well then FIGHT ME!
But they said they wanted to fight libs. Is this you coming out politically?
Oh shit oh fuck
More like lib_owl
y-you win
Maybe just keep ppb to libs that come to us?
it makes the most sense that way IMO, but I’m ambivalent. I’d focus more on dunks, and then insults for those who are clearly just committed reactionaries. PPB for dipshits who wander into our comms is perfection though
lmao at this image choice
Im being a very brave boy, just like this free speech warrior of old
So far I haven’t been impressed with the
tier liberals that wander into here expecting “hello fellow progressive, wouldn’t it save the world if only we had legal weed and free college?” And maybe expect circlejerks about how Drumpf is finished any day now.
If they come here, absolutely
Otherwise be chill about it, but also try to bait them here
No you should always be mean to liberals. any place, any time. Thats what communism is all about.
“Have you considered C I V I L I T Y?”
Next GWAR album cover looking good.
I agree, but the posts need more
yes honestly watching them be absolutely befuddled is funnier than your average ppb. And they don’t even have
to express it
Yeah, my favorite responses today has been:
WTF does this even mean
You people are very confusing.
I never realized until just now that the guy is wearing a zip-up collared shirt.
A plaid collared shirt. With a zipper. As the fastening.
I’d wear a zip-up shirt
zip-up shirt
wtf they actually exist and aren’t obvious at a glance
“I hate being reminded that my articles of clothing are made up of components”
Shirt with a zipper, jacket with buttons 🙃
IDK, I think the liberals are getting enough push back.
Liberals cannot ever get enough push back, thats my philosophy
I’m more concerned about too much posting activity being dedicated to that than more fruitful things
I simply dont think we can do anything on the internet thats more fruitful than bullying libs
Finally someone who gets it
I think they should be allowed to show us their genitals in submission
God damn I forgot about that
Thesis: we should be nicer to the libs
Antithesis: we should be meaner to the libs
Synthesis: we should be a little more patient with the well-meaning ones and meaner to the smuglords
Someone fill me in on the best parts so far? Give me the clip show version.
Best part? So many people got banned for 1984 years it broke the mod log for multiple instances.
community service