Awoo [she/her]


  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • Don’t try to defuse situations by telling people to “calm down” it will 100% of the time escalate the situation.

    What you’re saying makes sense I suppose I’ve just never seen that happen with someone else.

    You’ve seen it happen. Gamers used to tell everyone they were gonna rape them, liberals all used to be transphobic (ask any trans person what engaging anywhere on reddit used to be like), lgbt people in general used to receive hate from everyone libs included, etc etc. All these changes did not come from convincing people nicely, they came from forcefully creating a new social paradigm and demanding people to accept it. People can either be uncomfortable, or they can change in order to find comfort. This is what people do.

    When it comes to engaging with people regarding ideology such as socialism, this has to be viewed in a hollistic way. There is absolutely 0% chance I can convince the shithead who is gish galloping the usual 30 different propaganda points about the soviet union, stalin, blah blah blah, into engaging with me in good faith. It just can’t be done. Whether they’re being “civil” or not. Making interactions with these people unenjoyable and uncomfortable for them has the potential to make them change the way they interact with the next socialist they come across. It has the potential to make them act differently because they don’t want that uncomfortable experience again. None of our interactions exist in a vacuum, I am not the only socialist you will ever interact with, you will meet hundreds more during the course of our lives, and that future interaction will include decisions you make based on this interaction. A horrible interaction one time gives way to a more positive interaction next time, where that person says “wow I wish someone were as civil about it as you are, last time I got really abusive people” completely ignoring the fact they were being a dick and there was no reason to waste much time/effort on them.

    This is the crux of why bullying works. And also why a broad range of tactics is beneficial to the movement.

  • Please calm down, I wasn’t telling you to do anything…

    Mate fuck off yeah? You see a single swear word and tell me to calm down like I’ve just committed a sin. I grew up in squats this is how I talk. I am not changing the way I speak in order to appeal to middle-class people from privileged backgrounds. This over-reaction to the way different people speak and the demand that people speak with very specific white kkkracka middle-income mannerisms is just classism.

    Listen to the content of what people say. Not the tone in which they say it. Stop tone policing people. All it does is shut everyone out of conversation that doesn’t come from a very particular white suburban upbringing.

    You yourself admit people are more swayed by flavour and attitudes than anything in debates so having a bad attitude will just at best make you two look bad

    No you see, that’s what I don’t admit. I firmly believe that being harsh with the libs that won’t open up is an effective tool, it makes them uncomfortable, and by making them uncomfortable they eventually change in search of a new comfort zone.

    Liberals entire thing is “uphold the status quo”. This is the position of pretty much every single politically illiterate liberal who really doesn’t understand what any ideology actually is. They change their shape in order to fit themselves into whatever the existing social paradigm is.

    This is why LGBT people got absolutely nowhere with liberals until they literally bullied them with riots and pride parades saying a big visible fuck you to everyone that ever tried to make them invisible. They could not be asked to change they had to be bullied and forced. Once the social paradigm is changed they then accept it.

    This is why anger and cancelling on twitter became a thing. It bullied liberals into new social paradigms.

    This is why it works for dirtbag leftists.

    And this is why they picked up guns and shot at whoever the nazis told them to shoot at. Not because they were true believers. But because mussolini or hitler and every other fascist simply bullies them into a new social paradigm… and once the paradigm is changed they accept it.

    Liberals are absorbomorphs. Their ideology is absorbomorphism.

    Bullying works.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettomain@midwest.socialWhat's the deal with Hexbear?
    11 months ago

    We’re posters. We’re active.


    Honestly if reading views that are different to your own in posts that reach the federation /all/ page is a problem why leave reddit? One of the best things about this place is it NOT being a bubble of liberal-only thought where people jerk each other off all the time. Have conversations with us, realise that we have evidence for everything we say. I’m happy to chat to anyone.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.netto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneI love Twitter rule
    11 months ago

    “Trans friendly” is a weird way to say creepy chasers, the amount of overt sexualisation and objectification of trans people from non-trans people there is horrendous.

    You’re reading too hard into the reddit=stormfront thing. It’s just a common leftist refrain off-reddit because 90% of the site is pro-nato white supremacy and nationalism even if a handful of communities might be slightly less bad.

  • We’re definitely not saying nobody died. The only disputes here are details of the event, location, and the cause of the conflict. The original narrative is that a bunch of unarmed students were massacred because “evil communists” inside the square. Whereas the correct narrative is that a series of issues led to protests that were coopted by people who sought to end the state altogether, and the foreign influence involved wanted a massacre to occur (hence the immediate media blitz). Protest leaders are on video directly saying this (but they won’t participate). What actually happened was that the protesters were intentionally riled up to the point of doing incredibly extreme things, the first casualty of the event was an unarmed PLA officer who was tied up, stabbed and burned alive, while another was hung. What later transpired was a series of battles between armed protesters and the state in many different streets across several miles.

    None of this is to say that the event was not a tragedy. It certainly was. But if you understand it in its correct and truthful light these events are a quite different narrative to that pushed by the west for the purposes of anticommunism.

    One of the biggest reasons this narrative is pushed is because this was the turning point, this was the moment that they thought China was going to go the same way as the USSR. But it didn’t. It was the time China came closest to an actual defeat by the capitalists. This enrages the liberals that understand this.

  • its just a virtue signal


    We don’t have this debate whatsoever over here in the UK. The only terms that matter have strict definitions. Homeless? Everyone without a form of permanent residence (includes sofa surfers living with friends). Sleeping on the streets? They’re called Rough Sleepers. This gives a clear and well-defined way to differentiate between those in the highest short-term need vs those with long-term needs.

    There’s legitimately no point whatsoever in quibbling about terminology outside of strict definitions other than as a means of side-tracking debate and claiming moral ground that is entirely undeserved.

  • Are you out of your mind? They would go away and get a warrant, for a gun thing they wouldn’t even show up without one.

    There have only been 80 fatal police shootings in the UK since 1990. In 32 years.

    In the USA there have been 8,694 since 2015.

    You live in a fascist jackbooted police state where the cops kick down people’s doors and execute them mate. Your failure to recognise this is simply a matter of seeing it as normal when it is completely fucking INSANE by the standards of literally every other country in the world.