Donald Trump on Wednesday night falsely smeared Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as a “proud member of Hamas.”
The Republican presidential nominee made the insulting remark about the top-ranking U.S. Jewish official at a rally in Pennsylvania. It came on the same day that Trump separately sparked an angry backlash for questioning Vice President Kamala Harris’ racial identity.
He’s melting down. Just a matter of time before he says a slur in public. His fan base won’t care, but it’ll be enough to turn off fence-sitters and moderates.
i’m having a real hard time believing that anyone’s actually “on the fence” about whether to vote R or D at this point. i think they’re voting R and just don’t want to say it out loud
They’re called “low information voters”, the common clay of the new West.
You know…morons.
I lol’d
It’s from this scene in Blazing Saddles if you weren’t aware.
That’s why I lol’d
Gabby Johnson is RIGHT!
The real question at this point is who shows up to the poll booth. I’m not sure how much trump using the n word would depress his turnout or enthuse kamala turnout.
Him saying it out loud would probably make his turnout better, but also enthuse Harris turnout
I think and or hope theres a lot of people who will vote D but dont want their friends and family to know
I will admit, I don’t think we are as “in your face” as the Trumpers are. This is the first time I’ve been vocal. Just got my Cat Ladies for Kamala T-shirt in the mail today. 😻
There’s probably a small cohort that would vote for him for tax or regulatory reasons that might get turned off by too much of this crap, but I don’t it’s electorally significant.
I have a real hard time believing in a mythical voter who has no problem with “grab 'em by the pussy” but draws the line at the hard-r n-word.
I think open sexism is more normalized than open racism. There’s no “it’s just boys being boys” or “locker-room talk” description of dropping the n-word.
Black conservatives blindly holding out hope it’s not true that he’s a racist?
If they’re able to think that after all he’s done, they’ll find an excuse to ignore it just like everything else.
This is pretty par for the course. He called Biden a Palestinian *a while back.
*Was gonna say months ago but the time dilation on this campaign is ridiculous. Might’ve happened yesterday for all I can tell.
What’s the over/under on him doing a hard-R before November?
At this pace I think it’s almost a guarantee. Every time he does an interview it gets worse somehow.
Normally I’d say there’s no way that he would have a slip of the tongue that egregious, but then I remember the several credible eyewitnesses that made statements saying that he used the n-word in private many times. I think if he really is struggling with his mental faculties, it’s possible he could slide right into a racist tirade without realizing his audience isn’t just some rich folk or old white advisor dudes who might share his views.
Seems Trump’s age related cognitive decline is making him mix up a Jewish member of the Senate with the terrorist group Hamas. Maybe Trump should drop out, he doesn’t seem fit for the job.
It’s pretty weird if you ask me.
He is weird, and creepy. Weird, creepy Donald Trump.
He should but he won’t. He’ll be going to jail if he doesn’t win the election, so he’s motivated to drive on no matter how bad it gets.
Not only a Jewish senator, one of the IDF-bootlickingest senators we have.
Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies keeps forgetting and says the quiet part out loud. He’s just too old and racist. He needs to drop out. He’s pathetic.
His narcissism, racism, and sexism are all fighting for the spotlight.
Don’t forget he has been overheard several times making highly inappropriate comments about his own biological daughter.
The real smear is in his pants.
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After watching Jon Oliver’s latest video on the West Bank I’d almost consider this a complement. Netanyahu is a bigger asshole than Trump and I didn’t think that was humanly possible.
What sets him above drumpf in assholery and overall danger is that YahooWahoo’s not mentally a nine year old.
He’s really struggling with this whole Biden dropping out thing isn’t he
It’s like when you have an old, mostly blind dog that knows their way around by memory, and then one day you move the furniture leading to just years and years of them bumping into the side of the couch for hours on end.
This guy is losing his mind and I love watching the melt down.
Unfortunately, you’re watching in real time Trump giving new lines to his legions of online weirdos.
That’s the worst part. His cult take and echo his every thought as gospel, regardless of how insane they may be.
He’s always been like this tho.
But he’s always had control over the narrative in the media and he’s starting to lose it because his opponent is now much more coherent than he is.
This is about the 75th time I’ve heard this in the last 6 years.
It’s worked out pretty well for him so far, sadly.
Apart from losing the election, losing the insurrection, being found guilty, being impeached.
He hasn’t faced real justice yet and peopke treat him with kid gloves, especially the media, but he is starting to face an emperors new clothes situation. That may not be recoverable.
When he’s toxic, and association costs rather than benefits others, they wont be loyal either. Hell face the justice he deserved.
How much does it take for journalists and other politicians to be able to call him a liar? This is incredible.
What we have today isn’t journalism. Hardly anyone asks tough questions.
Corporate control has turned most ‘news’ into propaganda machines for the owner class.
Reagan crippled so many regulations and policies that protected honest journalism, that fucking rancid mega-assmaster.
He may sit in on the council but I do not grant him the rank of ‘assmaster’
if trump went senile would there be any signs
Of course he is senile (see etymology of senator). You are thinking of “demented”.
Yeah, he might forget who people are, forget questions addressed to him as he’s talking and go on long, rambling nonsensical rants.
Can I just say how weird his behavior is? And how good it feels knowing the constant flood of shit from his mouth is finally being de-normalized?
There’s a bit of a feeling of old people using the new slang they just learned with the “weird” campaign, but then you step back and like, it’s a really apt description. MAGA culture IS extremely weird, even if you can ignore its terrible politics, and if Donald Trump was a coworker, “weird” would definitely be a common description of his rambling stories and obvious lies. It’s well beyond just “that guy lies about stuff” and into “somethings wrong with him, why does he think anyone would possibly believe those claims?”.
I used to know a guy who had a problem with pathological lying. As in, I’m pretty sure he had a legit diagnosis.
He was weird. And I haven’t thought about him in at least ten years, but thinking back, his particular weirdness reminds me of no one so much as Donald Trump.
What a senile old fuck
He’s also a bit weird.
This from the guy who raped 13 year old girls and was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein.
AND regularly lusts after his own daughter.
Dude is just incapable of shutting the fuck up.
Clinically, he’s a malignant narcissist. It’s basically biologically impossible for him.
This article is for anyone that thinks threatening to not vote ‘Democrat’, as if there was a choice, is fooling anyone.
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Trump doesn’t believe any of the things he says. He doesn’t care.
He’s a shitpost in human form.