I’m pretty sure dude on the left was a cast member from the Fuji TV Iron Chef series.
I’m pretty sure dude on the left was a cast member from the Fuji TV Iron Chef series.
That would be incredibly inconvenient to wear, but I don’t think it looks terrible.
Sounds fine to me, I never buy top of the line video cards anyway.
People say this, they don’t want it though. They want snazzy put downs and evocative turns of phrase either from conventionally-attracfive or white male (or both) faces.
Crickets from the NYT, WSJ, WaPo…
What about the corrupt judge and election official race?
What about the militia race?
He fucked up big time by shutting down nuclear reprocessing. The effect on proliferation is negligible and we still don’t know what the hell to do with huge amounts of mixed-material waste.
France, Finland, and South Korea have far more sustainable nuclear programs.
If I were shaped like Kate Winslet I’d be happy about it too.
This is like a rich person saying money doesn’t mean much.
This is why I have a favorite team in League of Legends, a game I have never played.
Party Over Country every single time
So intimidating his daughter worked.
The judiciary in this country deserves zero respect, top to bottom.
Trump’s friends are Peter Thiel and VV Putin.
That’s 18th century attire tho
Cowardly judges say what?
Don’t hold your fucking breath on that one.
The narration in this one is a little clumsy.
Nooooo, keep those crazy fuckers out
Well yeah that one’s ugly.