• grte
    9 months ago

    Donations to third party advertisers, such as TBA, are supposed to be spent on advertising, but Parker said Elections Alberta has also accused him of enriching himself off of those donations. He claimed he has the receipts to prove this isn’t the case.

    So what’s the problem? It seems like your exoneration should be easy.

    Maintaining he did nothing wrong, Parker announced that he will nonetheless be disbanding the Take Back Alberta Society, which is officially registered with Elections Alberta as a third-party advertiser and, in a clever-by-half scheme, replace it with a new non-profit called Take Back Alberta, which won’t be registered as a third party advertiser.

    That’s the bad news. “But the good news,” he added, “is everyone that currently sits on the board and all of the current captains that are working on setting up meetings for Take Back Alberta are not working for the legal entity that is under investigation.”

    Gosh, for some reason I get the impression that you have things to hide.