• @[email protected]
          132 years ago

          You know that I did not mean it like that. But you certainly chose to act like that. Do you have any worthwhile answer or insight for this topic?

          • @[email protected]
            -132 years ago

            Of course I believe Assange didn’t do anything wrong, and so his persecution is a terrible thing. The problem is the persecution of the Russian state against its own citizens as at a scope/level far greater than in the United States. The same is true for China and other despotic regimes in the world. USA isn’t wonderful by any means, it’s simply better than those, which is not hard to accomplish because that’s setting the bar as low as possible.

            • Adoraism-Stalinism☭
              162 years ago

              The USA is the most despotic regime in the world since the Nazis. Even before then they were the ones who encouraged such fascism! You don’t know a thing about despotic regimes if you don’t put the USA as the worst one.

              • @[email protected]
                -112 years ago

                I’m sorry, but this is simply a ridiculous claim. The most despotic regime wouldn’t tolerate publications like Jacobin Magazine. The CPC in contrast is so unwilling to allow criticism that it has erected a massive firewall and censorship system. Dissidents are routinely silenced. And the CPC is far from the worst out there, it just works on the largest scale.

                • @[email protected]
                  112 years ago

                  I’m sorry, but this is simply a ridiculous claim.

                  Sadly it is not. Read up on history of war crimes of the US. Read up on US interventions like overthrowing governments of other countries for power or resource gain. Read about the shit the FBI, CIA and NSA are doing since decaeds. Wikipedia can give you a good overview. You’ll easily find good articles on that.

                  It’s a fucking lot. Like… a serious fuck ton of “holy shit I didn’t know human beings can be THIS evil” material.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -102 years ago

                    I’m aware of what the US government has been up to, more or less. But it was also doing good things at the same time. There have been plenty of regimes in the post-WW2 era that are just evil. Take the Myanmar junta. They have destroyed civilian rule, carried out a genocide against the Rohingya, and generally oppressed the people.

                    Much of the US’s large record has to do as much with it being a superpower. The people at the helm could do more good or more evil. Contrast that with a country like Iran where the people are brutally oppressed and they routinely fund regional terrorist groups. Iran does less terrible stuff overall, but that’s more because they have so much less power. Well, that and a lack of Henry Kissinger, because screw Henry Kissinger.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -112 years ago

                    It’s not that the US government hasn’t committed terrible crimes, it’s just that you’re (perhaps unintentionally) giving yourself in to bias. You aren’t really considering the true amount of evil done by more despotic and wretched regimes like the ones in China and Russia.

                • ksynwa
                  112 years ago

                  Can you link one article from Jacobin that is such a scathing criticism that a despotic regime would not allow the publishing of?

                  • @[email protected]
                    -82 years ago

                    Uh… most of every single edition? It’s literally devoted to ending capitalism. Just to name a single journalist out of over a hundred Chinese journalists arrested and an untold number intimidated, Zhang Zhan. She was critical of the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan, and for that was convicted of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”, which is a blanket charge for “we don’t like you”. She is now serving a 4 year prison sentence, while Jacobin happily publishes weekly unhindered by the evil capitalists that are quite happy to allow their infrastructure to be used to plot their downfall.

                • 你怕是没看过B站上的网左,知乎上的神蛆和微博上的一群人,神蛆可以喊“支那人”还不被禁言,网左可以凭空捏造出各种数据证明中国要完而不被禁言。这已经是过于自由了,这些根本算不上批评,没有建设性的意见。你要对政府工作有什么意见,每个县级政府都有网站,去说就好了捏 我用中文反正你机翻了也看不懂捏

              • @[email protected]
                2 years ago

                I live in a former Soviet country now and it’s obviously worse than the USA. Your claim about the USA being “the most despotic regime in the world” is utterly braindead.

                • Catraism-Stalinism
                  102 years ago

                  post-soviet? sounds like capitalism is your problem. I don’t give two shits about americans under america, thank you very much. Not when compared to the 7 billion other people who suffer from their country.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              142 years ago

              Imagine saying that with a straight face when US holds 20% of world’s population in prison and uses it as literal slave labor. That’s like the definition of a despotic regime.

            • @[email protected]
              2 years ago

              We have to disagree on the “better” part. What the US did in the last 100 years, and continues to do, is nothing but the most extreme shit you can imagine. Over and over again, lies were used to start wars, and it’s not even a conspiracy theory, it’s in the fucking open. People just don’t care, because it’s so prevalent that people feel like they can’t do anything.

              Every evil has to be stopped. No matter if it is Russian or American.