I’m really disappointed in Amanda Palmer. This does not paint a pretty picture of her.
Calgary boy.
I’m really disappointed in Amanda Palmer. This does not paint a pretty picture of her.
I have never seen the sugared version in western Canada, only the zero calorie ones.
Yes, the issue is billionaire robber barons, AND the issue is that they are importing cheap labor to replace Americans, AND the cheap labor is suppressing wages for Americans. It’s even worse than the TFW program in Canada as it applies to skilled labor that is available in the US, but more expensive.
Hah, that set of channel letters on a stringer is worth 4k USD at least.
Vitaminwater in Canada is sugar-free so I’m surprised to learn it’s full sugar in the states. I definitely grab them here and there when I’m at the hospital for an appointment or looking for something that won’t fuck with the ol’ diabetes in the store.
Oh no doubt in my mind it’s the same as the stockholm syndrome afflicted gay men who were all over social media supporting Trump. It doesn’t matter what the Republican party does or says, men in the US want to support it and delude themselves that they aren’t it’s targets.
If you use Tumblr to get pictures of handsome working men / military men / etc, you see a lot of this crap coming from the same accounts sharing hot dudes. Gay men decrying “wokeism” and hating on trans people and immigrants.
Being gay unfortunately does not correllate with intelligence.
First bicycle this summer and soon second bicycle for winter. I have never felt better than since I started commuting on my bike to and from work.
They are planning their crap right in their vote thread. “You can’t plant seeds without access to the fields.”
Please keep the smooth brains and their “seeds” out of our fields, thanks.
McDonald’s has been on the decline since I worked there 13 years ago. What you’re reporting as dry and overcooked is actually food that has been hot held long past the time it should have been thrown out. You can’t even get a burger patty that has been cooked within the past two hours most of the time unless you’re there during peak times.
I think one of the Pixels or one of the old nexus devices could read heart rate through the camera somehow, but you had to put a big fingerprint on the lense so it was useless to most people.
There is nothing offensive about the name British Columbia. This isn’t like Yong-Dundas or schools that are named after residential school pushers or streets named after slavers.
There is a push to native-wash everything in Canada, I think because it makes progressives feel like they’ve accomplished something despite the systems of oppression against native peoples remaining fundamentally unchanged.
My local cafes are just better, and they’re just as close as Starbucks. It’s not that they aren’t busy, their sales just aren’t growing and shareholders don’t like it when the line doesn’t go up.
Psh. There are groups of chronically online losers operating out of different discord servers working to control the narrative on the Acolyte. There are groups that do this for video games and there are groups that do this for politics, like the conservatives that control r/Canada on Reddit.
If you are outraged by either side of the manipulation then you have been sucked into the culture war nonsense yourself. You should take a step back and question why this is important to you.
My company has already moved our production line south in anticipation of tariffs.
I work for a digital display company, and it is definitely redundancy. There will be at least two redundant display systems that go to the modules separately so they can switch between them to solve issues. If a component fails on one side they just switch to the other.
I love Slack Wyrm. It is best to start from the beginning and catch up so you learn all of the lore, and there is a lot of lore!
He posts everything a week early to Patreon and holds court there over whether anything should change and often the comics on Patreon and what gets posted to the website and socials differ a bit.
What you are alluding to is no longer activism and should be called what it is, terrorism. You are reframing the issue much as a neo Nazi might.
You can buy depilatory that is made for intimate areas but you still can’t put it on the vagina or the butthole. It burns.
I am so sorry, you are going to be miserable for a few days. Lotions and balms are probably going to make it sting even worse.
We don’t want to annex part of the US. We don’t want to import more conservative voters from the US. We just want to be left alone and our responses are going to be symmetrical in keeping with that unfortunately.