• 7 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2024


  • MindTravellertoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIroning
    2 hours ago

    And here we have yet another example of malformed empathy. I haven’t used Reddit in over a year, but you think you can read my mind and see that I have. Some people just don’t have any social perception skills. I think maybe we should teach empathy classes in schools so that the neurotypicals have a chance to catch up.

  • MindTravellertoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIroning
    2 hours ago

    Yes, neurotypicals are indeed able to have large family dinners. But they have to do it using table manners as a crutch. They can’t just have an honest conversation about what’s really necessary, they need to rely on this social construct to tell people what to do without explaining why. It’s a great weakness. If only the average person weren’t so afraid to introspect and to question why we do things.

  • MindTravellertoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIroning
    4 hours ago

    If you have a large number of people eating in comparison to the size of the table, and the table is already covered in food, the only place on the table to put your elbows is in other people’s personal space.

    The rule should be “no elbows right next to someone else’s food” but neurotypicals are terrible at communicating due to their underdeveloped social skills and empathy.

  • It was actually a rhetorical question, because I already know the answer. The answer is that the political spectrum is always relative. There’s no such thing as a middle or a center, there’s only left or right relative to some other point. It’s like movements in space, space doesn’t have a north pole or an objective reference point, so you can only say that a particular solar system is a certain distance from our own or some other arbitrary reference point.

    Ground News chooses to have an arbitrary reference point, while telling its users that it’s an objective source of understanding bias. This is deceptive. It makes users feel that they’re unbiased, while entrenching them in the particular biases of USA politics. This is very bad for society as a whole. Ground News is brain rot.

  • MindTravellerOPtoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comLiberal
    20 hours ago

    Really, that’s very interesting. I didn’t know marxist-leninists did any communist revolutions. I thought they only did socialist revolutions, and then expected the state to magically wither away over time. Of course, as you and I both know, Marx defined communism as stateless, so socialism with a state is not communism, and a revolution that doesn’t immediately dismantle the state isn’t a revolution producing communism. Could you give me any historical examples of marxist-leninists doing communist revolutions? Because honestly I thought only anarchists had ever done a real communist revolution.

  • There’s plenty of people who think binary gender is just a phase humanity briefly went through. They think there’ll be no such thing as men or women within two hundred years.

    I can say with certainty that there are no binary babies, because babies don’t have gender. Gender starts developing at 2-3, solidifies at 4, morphs to its adult form at puberty, and continues developing either until 25 or until death. There’s no such thing as a baby boy or a baby girl, and it’s barely even fair to call a toddler a boy or a girl. In a few generations, gendering babies will be seen as barbaric, the same way many people see circumcision or female genital mutilation today. Children will choose their own pronouns when they’re old enough to talk, and it’ll be they/them or it/its until then.

  • You know, in Australia, there’s men’s only homeless shelters and women’s only homeless shelters, but no nonbinary only homeless shelters. And of the mixed gender homeless shelters, very few of them have a designated space for nonbinary people or people of all genders. If you’re nonbinary and homeless, chances are you either live on the street, or in a men’s section or a women’s section. Now, given the issues nonbinary youth tend to suffer with transphobic parents, I daresay nonbinary people are one of the groups most in need of homeless shelters. Some homeless shelters have a mixed gender space, and that’s the right way to do it. This is more common with shelters that house families as well as individuals.

    Speaking of, recent studies show that nonbinary people are more common than both trans men and trans women. As societal gender issues literacy increases, the number of nonbinary-identifying people just goes up and up, and it’s showing no sign of slowing down. Given that there are a billion nonbinary genders and only two binary genders, I wouldn’t be surprised if the current gender revolution ends up with most people nonbinary. Nobody fits the ideals of masculinity or femininity perfectly, and there’s more and more young people opting out of the binary entirely, even if they’re the kind of people who could have gone their whole lives being happy with their assigned gender in the old world.