AFAIK is the biggest Canada themed matrix chat room. It’s not partnered with or anyone and I believe they were asked before and didn’t want to partner up.

They specifically don’t want to do a discord or telegram bridge iirc.

So we could try to make a matrix chat room and bridge it to telegram and discord.

I can take care of the bridging, but it’s very easy. Ex discord instructions

I only really use element/Matrix and it’s better if everyone only uses those, but i respect that other ppl use discord and telegram and don’t want to switch.

This discord server is very cooperative so that would be where the discord channel would be located. You could even join it now to check it out since it’s fully operational.

There is no operational matrix or telegram atm.

If you want to do a matrix or telegram, tot set it up now and put the link in the comments.

  • @n7gifmdn
    411 months ago

    why do that when we are already here? this just sounds like extra steps, at least until lemmy embedes such like Friendica and GNU Social had done with XMPP/Jabber

  • @smorksMA
    411 months ago

    I like this idea as well. I could put it on my matrix server, or wherever else, doesn’t really matter to me. Can also put it in the sidebar of the instance as well.

    • @KokomheartOP
      211 months ago

      Heck, let’s make it now! Midwest and beehaw have these rooms and they’ll plenty busy. Make the matrix on your server?

      • @smorksMA
        211 months ago

        i’ll look at doing it tonight, if I have some free time and the site is still holding up, haha.

    • @KokomheartOP
      11 months ago

      In some way shape or form, or at some later point, we should have this pinned so new users can see and we can use that to gauge interest. Or just reposting this later

    • @KokomheartOP
      111 months ago

      I’m down with it being on your matrix server.

      I’ve noticed with a few matrix rooms, that over say a year it gets 100 ppl. But bc there are only like 1 active user in the room at any given time, the room is dead. But if the room is just made and 50 users all join at the same time, the room thrives. So imo, hold off until we get have at least a handful of ppl who reply that they’ll join

  • Rentlar
    211 months ago

    Maybe soon! I have Telegram, Discord but I use it rarely to talk to groups outside my own friends. Definitely efforts should be focused on growing Lemmy over the next month, then there will probably be a mass of users forming a combined Matrix/Discord/Telegram thing.

  • @juusukun
    110 months ago

    I’m down. I’m going to be cutting back my internet usage a bit try try and shake up my lifestyle, but I’ve still been looking for a good discord server to join for a while now