Sensitive personal information, including driver’s license number, national or state identification number, citizenship status, immigration status, race, national origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual activity, precise geolocation, health diagnosis data, and genetic information.
Please make this reach the front page because it’s beyond ridiculous
I don’t know where you live, but it already illegal to hide any health data from road authorities in many countries like UK. If you get a lightheadedness from a know diagnosis and get into a crash, you will not only be prosecuted for the crash itself, but also for fraud that you’re unfit to drive. Double criminal sentence, enjoy!
The US will absolutely not implement anything remotely like GDPR, because that would hurt the profits of a LOT of companies who happen to have a LOT of lobbyists on K street.
I’d much rather they implement the right to deletion. I know they will get their hands on a ton of data, regardless of how we write the clause. But at least let me delete that data when I want it gone.
I know, this was inresponse to the other post about which parts of the GDPR to implement. If I had to pick any one feature to carry over from the GDPR into whatever legislation we get on this side of the ocean, I’d pick the right to deletion.
Companies are held to certain expedience standards when it comes to removal. If you request it and the company doesn’t delete within the described maximum time, they will get fined under GDPR.
Meh, it’s a CYA policy. They’re not actively collecting that data, but if you mention something in those categories in an email, chat, phone call, etc to a Nissan employee, that data might be stored.
They can collect personal information from how you interact with your car, the connected services you use in your car, the car’s app (which provides a gateway to information on your phone), and can gather even more information about you from third party sources like Sirius XM or Google Maps.
In addition, my car uses text-to-speech to read texts to me and I can even reply to them with speech-to-text. Any data that passes from your phone through your car could easily be harvested. You should also assume that any data on your phone can be harvested by the car’s app if you install it.
Any information they get is going to be examined for keywords at the very minimum. If, for example, you text your wife about test results from the doctor’s office, they can add that to the profile they’re making of you. If you get a text from a cardiologists office saying your results are in, they can infer you have heart troubles. Things like that.
Please make this reach the front page because it’s beyond ridiculous
deleted by creator
I don’t want to edit the post but consider as if it was done, thanks for the addition
How and where are they actually capturing that data exactly?
I don’t know where you live, but it already illegal to hide any health data from road authorities in many countries like UK. If you get a lightheadedness from a know diagnosis and get into a crash, you will not only be prosecuted for the crash itself, but also for fraud that you’re unfit to drive. Double criminal sentence, enjoy!
To be fair the UK is farther along the dystopian nightmare surveillance state path than the US.
Not really.
At the very least… cant the US implement one of the basic rules from GDPR?
In simple terms, what data can companies keep?
Data need to have: OK
Data nice to have: Not OK
The US will absolutely not implement anything remotely like GDPR, because that would hurt the profits of a LOT of companies who happen to have a LOT of lobbyists on K street.
I’d much rather they implement the right to deletion. I know they will get their hands on a ton of data, regardless of how we write the clause. But at least let me delete that data when I want it gone.
GDPR includes right to delete data too.
I know, this was inresponse to the other post about which parts of the GDPR to implement. If I had to pick any one feature to carry over from the GDPR into whatever legislation we get on this side of the ocean, I’d pick the right to deletion.
And how often will you have to keep asking for your data to be deleted?
No matter how often you ask or what the answer is, you likely won’t be able to tell if it has actually been deleted anyway.
Companies are held to certain expedience standards when it comes to removal. If you request it and the company doesn’t delete within the described maximum time, they will get fined under GDPR.
How do they even capture this stuff? Are you expected to write some essays before you can buy the car?
Meh, it’s a CYA policy. They’re not actively collecting that data, but if you mention something in those categories in an email, chat, phone call, etc to a Nissan employee, that data might be stored.
How would your car even know your sexual activity?
Per the article…
In addition, my car uses text-to-speech to read texts to me and I can even reply to them with speech-to-text. Any data that passes from your phone through your car could easily be harvested. You should also assume that any data on your phone can be harvested by the car’s app if you install it.
How does it know the information is medical or genetic, if it captures text messages?
Any information they get is going to be examined for keywords at the very minimum. If, for example, you text your wife about test results from the doctor’s office, they can add that to the profile they’re making of you. If you get a text from a cardiologists office saying your results are in, they can infer you have heart troubles. Things like that.
I have no facts, but I assume via cameras which might record whatever you’re doing in the car.
I was real curious about that too. Seems like its just a disclaimer that ya might get hacked and have you car sex leaked on pornhub.
by you parking four hours infront of a known brothel or by you shagging someone on the backseat of your char, clearly. /some sarcasm in there
BuT tHeY nEeD tHaT sO tHeY kNoW hOw nOt tO dIsCrImInAtE aGaInSt yOu.
I don’t see how the things you highlighted are worse than any of the rest of it.
It’s all bad.