We have yet another example of the conservatives having only short term gain and quick profits on their mind. Turner and the liberals were right when they said that we have been building this country east to west for a century plus, and that we should have continued doing so. And now we are seeing Turner’s predictions coming true, and a conservative sold us the fuck out and took the easy way Instead of nation building.
I agree liberals dont make tha same mistake as your american equivalents. Make sure your candidates running actually gives people reasons to vote for your candidate.
Dont think you can just goose step to the party line of no change for the working class. Dont try to deny and support a genocide. Dont think the other candidate sucking is sufficient for you to brow beat people to vote for your candidate.
If there’s a group asking for a change that you might not technically agree with but doesnt harm people do it anyways
It’s so obvious that Canada and the liberal party isn’t supportive of Israel doing what they’re doing… Wtf are you talking about?
Don’t be that left leaning douche bag that thinks that unless everything is done perfectly to a tee with what YOU want to see, that it isn’t worth voting for. The NDP has great ideas and we owe them for pushing the liberals to get dental care and pharma care done … But Jesus Christ the foreign interference is strong with you
Justin Trudeau: “I am a zionist” and also “Zionism isn’t a bad word.” then proceeds to send money and equipment to Israel.
Zionism is just the basic fact that the Jewish people deserve to have a state to live in. Zionism has been thrown around as a buzzword forever and it’s not wrong to say that Jews deserve to have a state to represent them. Now currently is what Israel doing ok? Fuck no. But you’re not gonna fucking sit in here and conflate this bullshit as if the liberals are responsible for Israel doing what it’s doing. They aren’t.
In summary, it’s a movement that aims at committing genocide in order to obtain a ethno-cultural state where Judaism and Jews are the only accepted and dominant people.
Yes, zionism is bad.
I know it’s because you feel very passionate about this issue, but you really need to change that attitude. We’re all fiends here.
Hey, I know i am definitely a fiend, but do you really think we all are?
lol yes being an asshole definitely is going to win you votes. lol you idiots never learn jesus.
imagine thinking that politicians should serve their constituents interests in order to ensure people are willing to vote for them is ‘foreign interference’. lolol
You’re talking about a foreign issue that is not Canada’s number one pressing issue at the moment. Conflating it with the liberals who have the best chance at defeating the conservatives who will sell out our country, to the USA, who is also currently aiding the genocide and horror happening in Gaza and Israel right now…
Like how well did it turn out for the NoT VoTinG KaMalA crowd because they thought she would be terrible for Palestine? Don’t be dumb.
I know. I know Americans who were like “I’m not voting for Kamala because of Genocide Joe in fact I won’t vote at all” and then Trunp 2.0 gets in. How’s that going for you Amerikkka???
They’re already in here steering the conversation completely in a different direction
You know we have more than 2 parties in Canada right? And that we have a Westminster parliamentary system, meaning we can have a minority government. Unlike in the U.S.
So we actually have the option to vote for a 3rd or even 4th party if we want and still end up with the conservatives not being in complete power. In fact, I believe the best outcome for Canada would be a minority Liberal government with the NDP as the opposition.
If we don’t vote Liberal, it’s not a total loss. So you can calm down. What happened in the U.S. won’t happen here.
I’m not conflating anything, I’m telling you to stop worrying about the candidate you dont like and demand your preferred candidate make a case on why they are worth putting the effort on showing up for to people who dont give a shit about politics. my examples were of what not to fucking do, and you immediately start doing a few of them. good job.
the US liberals (harris/biden/pelosi/schumer,etc) and those like them (you) think you can brow beat people into compliance by fear of conservatives and that doesnt work. all it does it cause people to tune you out and then ignore the election entirely.
Why are you trying to conflate Canadian Liberals and the Democrats? They aren’t remotely the same party, the systems of government don’t look anything alike and they aren’t in cahoots.
And the Canadian Conservatives are fronting a guy who has stated his support of American style “Right to Work” legislation and other Americanizing government initiatives who went into politics immediately from going to school for international affairs against a guy who has spent years as Governor of two National Central Banks and created a number of international contacts across the Commonwealth in the international financial sector that can be leveraged and yet Conservatives are trying to paint themselves as “better for the economy”. Pollievre has been utilizing anti gay anti queer dogwhistles in his rhetoric for the past ever as well. Fuck Right to Work bullshit and fuck anybody who wants to roll back civil protections. There’s not a lot of places in the world as safe as Canada for queer people to exist so it’s not like there’s much better places to escape once the fortress falls.
The CPC and UCP are pretty awful for sure. But as this thread demonstrates, conservatives do not have a monopoly on bad takes, divisive rhetoric, unnecessary hostility, and self-defeating attitudes.
And the parallels between Democrats and LPC are significant. Both have an establishment that isn’t genuinely interested in tackling certain problems or backing away from a still generally pro-business bias. Aside from some key fundamentals we can credit for upholding this difference, many of the practical differences between Canada and the U.S. are more in degree than nature – i.e. money in politics, corporate welfare, influence of traditional energy, (mostly provincial) industrial barons, etc.
Admittedly the Liberals are not my party of choice but there still is validity for voting for the lesser of two bad options. Until we can address the first past the post system we are beholden to voting more against than for a given regime by reaching a sort of mutual concensus with our neighbours before we hit the polls. That representive voting system needs to happen elsewise we’re stuck playing this dumb game.
But it’s hard to compare even this party I am not terribly enthusiastic to to the Democrats when there’s at least mediocre commitments to a number of decent causes toward reconciliation, reasonable commitment to the Kyoto climate accord targets, stated support of LGBTQIA+ causes and at least a lukewarm support of Palistine mostly expressed through refugee programs and a spineless condemnation of the atrocities and a recognition of two state authorities in the region. There’s also a much more robust court culture and a wider swath of people in the party who at least demonstrate a desire for a properly pluralistic, secular society.
It’s more useful to veiw the parties based on how they talk within their own parties because it’s not a presidential situation. There’s less unilateral moves to be made as a PM without party support is a lame horse. While I wish we would see wider endorsement of the NDP it’s not traditionally a popular party in the field and there’s way more swing between Libs and Conservatives.
The Liberals are trying their best to find a tasty middle ground for the “fiscal Conservative voter” to bite because strategy reasons. They put forward a candidate who is Albertan, Catholic, an outsider to politics with a lot of financial sector ties who pulls quotes from the era of the Quiet revolution and balancing government budgets for the discerning blue voter while the more leftist ones can chew on his ringing of alarm bells of wealth inequality, climate change and the lack of application of morals in the markets. He’s been largely silent on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues which while always a little unsettling the previous admin left on a very openly queer friendly stance so while again, not ideal, all that currently is needed at present is just not undoing what’s been done and supporting the stuff already in progress.
Is he everything we’ve dreamed? Not really. But it shows they are trying to build out a solid concensus candidate that a broad range of people can stomach.
I would consider the various issues you describe are as fair examples of what I described: difference in magnitude rather than kind. The Democrats pay many of those same values lip service – or at least did, before thinking this time maybe their problem is the lip service rather than miniscule action. In no way do I mean to imply that those differences in magnitude are marginal. By magnitude I mean you could relatively score them by moving decimal points.
But I want to conclude with what I think is my most important point/position. I’m fully on board the LPC train this round. Electoral reform is my longstanding top issue, but the disaster down south and the clear path Canada has through it easily displace that (for now). Heck, the CPC threat had me struggling with my vow to never vote LPC under Trudeau until someone delivered electoral reform. If a Carney-led LPC gave us proper electoral reform, I could end up considering LPC a very long-term top option rather than strategic defense. But considering the dangerous optics of repeating Trudeau’s broken promise, I don’t even want it mentioned right now.
Right now its 💯 elbows up.
Man… we’ve been doing this for decades. Where did that get us?
I’m not. I’m telling you that running a campaign on nothing other than ‘not that guy’ is a recipe for a disaster.
Do. not. fall. into. that. trap.
its a trap this entire thread demostrates people are actively falling into.
You are literally describing the fucking conservatives with that. Their entire fucking campaign leading up to this moment was: WeRe NoT JusTiN. Lmao
step 1: stop worrying about what the other candidate is doing.
step 2: make a case why how your candidate is going to improve the lives of your fellow citizens.
step 3: success.
I see you still don’t understand step 1.
The preferred candidate for Canada ATM is Mark Carney. Period. You wanna be a whiney little bitch keyboard warrior go right ahead and continue blaming all your problems on the government
Please change your tone. There’s no need for insults here.
preferred to whom. anyways good luck you’re going to need it.
Preferred to Canada??? The entire nation? Obviously If the riding you’re in is a CPC/NDP battle ground you should vote NDP, and if it’s a LPC/CPC battleground then you shouldn’t vote split and go liberal. This is very basic shit. Grow up.
What’re you gonna say next? that because trump said he would prefer dealing with a liberal that it’s true?
Yeah good job showing kamala she was wrong. Working real good. She definitely knows she lost.
laugh she won in my state silly. she lost because she didnt give people a reason to show up for her. recognizing and acknowledging that someone is a shit person and thats why they lost lets you address the problems I mentioned above.
but yes keep burying your head in the sand. the DNC is likely to lose the next election too unless they learn to give their base what they want.
What next election?
Her opponent was Donald Trump. That’s it. That’s the reason.
If it was Kamala Harris vs Nikki Haley I’d get it. But this wasn’t establishment Democrat vs establishment Republican. It was establishment Democrat vs actual fascism.
JFC, no, no it isn’t. This is exactly the point I’m making, this is exactly the reason kamala lost. The majority of the population doesn’t give a shit about politics and is uninformed and they dont bother understanding the political landscape.
If you run a campaign on ‘im not them’ and ‘i wont fix any of the things that are negatively impacting your life’ you will lose. Never mind demonstrating that you’re willing to fucking murder an entire people.
Why? because people are going to say ‘well both candidate suck, not going to bother with either’
Then you have the other candidate claiming to they’ll fix the price of eggs (even if they wont) and at least they’re addressing issues impacting you.
Running around saying ‘i’m not my opponent, and I will do nothing to help you but i’ll do this other thing that costs corporate american nothing and impacts maybe 2 million people’ is a fucking recipe for disaster.
This is why kamala was missing 20 million votes. not because she was black, not because she was female, but because she offered nothing for people to show up to vote for her and the democrats despite massive systemetic problems our country is currently facing. When your major policy announcement is lol weed something the majority of the country already has easy access too people will just yawn and stay home.
If you’re Canadian reading this thread: Do. not. be. this. person. demand your candidates improve your lives. do not think that simply not being the other person will win.
I 100% agree with you. What a lot of Kamala voters don’t realize is that there were a lot of people who WANTED to vote for Trump. They weren’t voting for Trump because he wasn’t Kamala, they were actually motivated to get out and vote for their guy. Kamala didn’t even try anything to get people to come vote for her other than, “I’m not Trump.” Learn a goddamn lesson Democrats.
In that case, it didn’t matter who the Democratic nominee was, Trump would have won.
If “being a literal fascist” isn’t enough to motivate someone to vote for the only other candidate, then it doesn’t matter who this other candidate actually was. Trump would still be the victor.
Child, most voting americans dont know wtf fascism even fucking means.
Stop thinking you can wave the word around have it make your argument for you. Kamala could gave easily won if she made an strong case for how she was going to improve peoples lives at home and not make people feel like they were contributing to genocidal slaughter.
But she decided to continue gaslighting during her campaign just like she did as VP and as a congress critter. People notice these things.
Trump is a mess people like yourself have made by being completely fucking blind to the reality around you.
The voters for trump fucking like trump.
Many voters for democrats hate the fucking Democrats.
What you need to understand is that voters dont have a short memory, but they do encode information as vague emotional recollections.
When harris has a history of fucking the american workers over they remember the feeling of betrayal and annoyance if not the specific actions.
When harris decided to put non violent criminals in jail as an AG, people remember.
When harris decided to back track on healthcare, people remember.
When harris decided to let minimum wage increase die because of an unelected, non binding individuals opinion, people remember.
When harris decided to attempt to gaslight the entire American people about bidens mental acuity, people remember.
Trump would have easily been beaten if harris came out with a fucking backbone and a hard on for restoring the working class’ economic well being.
She decided to continue gaslighting and doubling down on genocide. And people remember.
And finally harris wasnt the only other candidate available. Stop spouting that nonsense like it somehow matters. Esp given 20 million people didnt even fucking show up and vote.
Now, unless you have something actually useful to say kindly fuck off we both have better things to do.
In that case Trump would have won no matter the Democratic nominee. All Trump had to do was state “price of eggs” and win.
And now they get to feel like that they’re contributing harder to genocidal slaughter, annexing three countries, and let Ukraine be annexed by Russia. Good job to them. Granted:
so they might not realize anyway.
Last I checked I’m Canadian, so no.
In that case Trump would have won no matter the Democratic nominee.
Typically, when editing a comment, you should probably state that you made one. Everything after “Many voters for democrats hate the fucking Democrats.” was added after I made my comment.
You could have easily made the comment afterwards a reply to my other one.