They killed their child for a political statement. Poor kid didn’t deserve that. Fucking ghouls, I hope some day the reality of them choosing to murder their child sinks in. But it won’t. They are too stupid to have any self reflection.
Everyone, point and laugh. Unfortunately, that’s the most anyone can do.
They won’t get indicted for child endangerment and criminal negligence because Paxton is in charge of that for TX, and Bondi is in charge of that now Federally, and they’re drinking the asbestos-flavored kool-aid.
It would be a crime to shoot anti-vaxxers dead, like when they’re sleeping or stopped at a traffic light, but it would probably be a net positive on lives saved.
its going to be flouride free water soon, they can get as much cavaties as they want now.
What if you told them that the parents got a very late term abortion?
Oh shit, that could work. “Post-partum abortion”. Guys, maybe we have something here.
If they have any other children, these should be immediately taken away.
Sure. This clearly demonstrates a lack of appropriate parenting skills and child safety. CAS would be involved for lots of cases like that.
The deceased girl’s father insisted that measles helps build up a person’s immune system. “Also the measles are good for the body for the people,” the father said, explaining “You get an infection out.”
Oh, I get it. I hate my little girl too.
/jfcThe deceased girl’s father insisted that measles helps build up a person’s immune system.
So here’s the thing…and I know that everyone here knows this, but it doesn’t.
Measles causes immune amnesia.
It’s pretty sneaky - integrating into respiratory tract macrophages, and avoiding destructive phagocytosis by binding directly to certain membrane receptors, and then being transported to lymph nodes where B and T cells get infected by the measles virus too. These memory B and T cells contain the memory of past infections, and when they’re destroyed (because they’re infected), you no longer have the ability to quickly ramp up a response to past infections and you get to start all over from the start.
So even if their other kids survived, their chances of dying from another infection goes up. It takes somewhere between 2.5 and 5 years for that risk to come back to baseline.
The infection itself might not have been “that bad” (despite killing one of their children) but the mortality risk isn’t over by a long shot.
That’s good to know, thanks for taking the time.
A fresh start, you say? Wonderful! 😐
Originally, I wanted to make that anustart joke from arrested development, but that’s not the right place here.
Is this the after-birth abortion the Republicans were talking about?
It’s one of them, yes. There are others.
i dont think republicans care about placentas.
I know you’re being sarcastic, but…
They’re Mennonites…
It’s not that they don’t love their kid. It’s that they actually and truly love their religion and so-called God’s Will more…
Yet more suffering and death brought to us by extremist religion.
🙄 🙄
Yeah I know.
I wish it made any sense at all, but it doesn’t. And I can’t try any longer. That they would give this kind of idiot lip service to the organization working to kill more kids - that’s above and beyond.
Mennonites (and Amish) aren’t necessarily against vaccines. vaccination rates are low, but that has less to do with the vaccine and more just generally distrusting doctors (who have abused their trust.) Vaccines and modern health care aren’t against their teachings.
I’ve read an interview with the father of this dead child, and no, he’s not against it for religious reasons. I’m sure his religion indoctrinated him into distrusting vaccines, but he is against it because he thinks that there are negative health consequences which are worse than the chance of death.
When you value your insane religion more than your literal child. People like this make me wish Hell was real, because they really deserve a one-way trip there.
And the absolute insane part about it is: most actual religions are not opposed to vaccination!
The pope doesn’t mind vaccination, and indeed encourages it:
Mormons encourage vaccination. Hindus and Buddhists have no issues with it. Most of Islam and Judaism are OK with it as well…
So if most of your mainstream religions agree that vaccination is a good thing - one of the few things they agree on, I’d imagine -it doesn’t make sense to oppose it on religious grounds.
Some people just want to difficult. And kids are dying because of it.
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If someone believes in a magic sky wizzard, just imagine what else they are willing to believe and what you can sell them
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That actually makes it even worse. They don’t even have the legally permissable insanity of religion to shield themselves. They’re just unapologetically terrible people who think themselves justified. Not vaccinating children, except for legitimate medical reasons, should be fucking illegal. As in child endangerment at best levels of illegal.
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Death doesn’t even deter them. Definitely not a cult.
It was only a girl that died. They might have cared if it was a BOY.
“She says they would still say ‘Don’t do the shots,’” an unidentified translator for the parents said. “They think it’s not as bad as the media is making it out to be.”
Their child literally died. How could it have been worse, exactly?
Their four other kids recovered, so I suppose 4/5 isn’t bad?
Honestly these religious communities need a purging. I am religious and I’d NEVER consider not availing myself of the miracles of medicine.
Poor kid.
She died horribly and her parents chose it for her.
The other children (some of the other children?) also got the measles and survived, which means their immune systems might be shot.
Well they are most thoroughly brainwashed then.
the power of actual indoctrination (read: cult mind control) at work
Why aren’t they in prison?
Because unfortunately vaccination is a choice. So they didn’t do anything wrong in the eyes of the law.
Pro life more like no life.
They better not have a GFM or expect any sympathy. They killed their daughter.
No child deserves that. But given who they would have had to grow up with, they may have dodged a bullet of sorts.
i really do get your attempt to spin it this way, but … honestly, no. dying of measles is not dodging a bullet. the child died.