…that mediocrity can pay to greatness”
All this “mediocrity” is pretty overwhelming right now.
…that mediocrity can pay to greatness”
All this “mediocrity” is pretty overwhelming right now.
I like these ones below. While I consider Star Trek the utopian ideal, and as a Canadian could use some Picard daddy energy in my life right now, this whole shitstorm feels more like a resistance, so went with Star Wars.
I really don’t dig the “I bought this before…” versions because they’re face saving, wordy, and somewhat defensive.
To paraphrase Office Space, “Why should I apologize, he’s the one who sucks!”
It’s all laid out in the final scene in Rebecca’s office, and that appears to be exactly what’s happening.
Auto guiding right now! Under 3” of error, though I don’t really know if that’s particularly good or bad. Pretty new at this!
I did get the tripod because I have no prior experience with tripods and wanted to make my life easy. I’m probably a bad judge as to its usability for other purposes, but it is definitely large. There are much sleeker options for carrying around but this sucker goes from my office to the backyard and occasionally the trunk.
I’m just under 4kg, and it works well. I’m able to get very good balance, which matters, and my focal length isn’t too long at 270mm which is forgiving.
It’s really great having a go-to mount. Saves my neck, especially with the ASIAir and plate solving.
As a beginner, it’s perfect for me with a small refractor with ALL the accessories (cooled astro camera, filter wheel, auto focusser, guide scope and camera, ASIAir).
Sure you can spend more now on something fancy like a strain-wave, but those prices are much higher and unless a big heavy scope purchase is imminent, get the GTi, use it with what you have or nab a small refractor, and pick up your next mount on the used market when it’s time for much less. It really makes things easy.
Just a friendly reminder that no conservative premier in Alberta has served a full term, nor even stood for reelection since Ralph Klein. It’s how they keep the brand fresh.
One other devastating reason to vaccinate, particularly against measles: measles can give your immune system amnesia. All that precious “natural immunity” that these ghouls profess? You can just fucking LOSE it and have to relearn how to fight off previous infections. It’s a goddamned factory reset to day one, but without mommy’s antibodies you got in utero, nor from breast milk. Unless you’re Robin Arryn of the Vale from Game of Thrones.
Their charging network’s handshake speed is just so far ahead of everyone else, as is their reliability.
Conversely, their vehicles’ fast charging curves are comparatively dog shit.
Absolutely. Cars are solar ovens and windows down isn’t going to help my sweaty back. But if you’re not in an enclosed space, it’s a bit better.
So the thing for me isn’t the temperature nor the depth of the snow. It’s sharing space with cars and contending with the very real possibility of falling and getting my head crushed like a grape.
I quite liked using my fat bike in the park through the snow. But on a road with cars on ice? There’s a reason I sold it.
Also, I would literally sweat going downhill on that thing.
Electric bikes work quite nicely in this scenario. Beautiful cooling breeze with minimal, if any, effort.
But did you solve your own problem?
The National Film Board is totally free, and you can watch the Log Driver’s Waltz anytime you please!
Yeah, I did a graph series on this once upon a time for my 2018 Model 3 LR RWD on Reddit and that’s pretty much what I found. However, this vintage has a resistive PTC heater not a heat pump, which isn’t great for efficiency.
Karma doesn’t always ripen in this life, but upon reincarnation.
Both versions are in the movie and on the soundtrack. Not sure of any other examples of this?
So here’s the thing…and I know that everyone here knows this, but it doesn’t.
Measles causes immune amnesia.
It’s pretty sneaky - integrating into respiratory tract macrophages, and avoiding destructive phagocytosis by binding directly to certain membrane receptors, and then being transported to lymph nodes where B and T cells get infected by the measles virus too. These memory B and T cells contain the memory of past infections, and when they’re destroyed (because they’re infected), you no longer have the ability to quickly ramp up a response to past infections and you get to start all over from the start.
So even if their other kids survived, their chances of dying from another infection goes up. It takes somewhere between 2.5 and 5 years for that risk to come back to baseline.
The infection itself might not have been “that bad” (despite killing one of their children) but the mortality risk isn’t over by a long shot.