As in, what’s the evolutionary reason for this? I can get seeing dogs as cute because they probably helped early humans by being “guards” essentially and they’re just great companions in general, but what purpose does a cat have for example? All they want is food, and you get nothing in return except a cute cat to look at. Hell, even bear cubs are adorable and they’ll eventually turn into something that can kill you with one swipe.
Why do we find animals that are or will grow into dangerous creatures cute? What reason does this serve?
I can tell you have never once buried your face in the warm fur of a kitty or had a real need for cuddly rodent and insect control. It doesn’t answer your question but it’s sad. You should cuddle a kitty.
I actually got a kitty a few months ago, and she’s a cute little thing but it definitely annoys me how much she begs for food. I’ve been a dog person for all of my 31 years on this planet, and this is the first time I’ve had a cat. Dogs at least have the decency to beg silently, but the cat pesters me as soon as I wake up and as soon as I get home from work.
She is absolutely adorable as hell though, and she’s a very talkative kitty, she chirps anytime you go near her as if she’s saying hi, and whenever she jumps up or down on something, she chirps again.
I’ve always free fed my cats. Never had a fat one. Something about a lot of small meals instead of a couple do large meals. Sorta like people I suppose. Anyway. Maybe it works for you as well. You’ll be surprised at how soon it seems weird not to have her in your feet or lap or just around.
I’ve considered doing that, but I got her from someone else that couldn’t keep her, and she’s used to being fed 3 times a day with a small amount of mixed wet and dry food. I give her 2 meals per day, some dry before I go to work, and a mix of wet and dry food when I get home.
She already complains after she picks out all the meaty bits from her food and doesn’t have any left, I don’t want to know how much she’d complain after having only dry food for even a day haha
Yeah… Cats get very very very used to regular schedules and patterns. I had to make a switch with one cat years ago because free feed didn’t work on him and he just overate and got fat.
You can’t imagine how much he pestered me because his bowl was empty :)
You just have to be a bit more patient and maybe hype up feeding time a bit more (bringing out their absolute favourite toy right beforehand eg). Maybe try to switch brands…
When you manage to create new patterns, your cat will happily adapt at some point