• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • AmosBurton_ThatGuytoGoods Unite UsSpaceX
    8 hours ago

    Even more sickening is how filthy rich that sub human piece of shit is.

    Imagine being worth almost half a fucking trillion dollars and still not being satisfied. Words can’t express how much I hate these parasites.

  • I don’t use twitter (never have tbh) so I’ve only ever seen screenshots of his more infamous tweets, but I have listened to a LOT of his startalk podcast. Most of the time he’s an entertaining person and seems to admit when he doesn’t know enough about a given subject (although I’ve seen a lot of criticism that he does tend to talk about things he doesn’t know, it doesn’t seem to be that way in the podcast at least)

    He can be annoying in some of his podcasts though and you can feel his guests being diplomatic about it while still hearing a bit of annoyance in their voice or next sentence etc. But overall I rather quite like him, despite the Internet’s disdain for him.

    More people making science popular and easily digestible is always a good thing IMO. But I’m also biased because I’ve really liked NDT since I was a kid due to seeing him in space documentaries when I was young, and I still love his version of Cosmos.

  • Don’t underestimate the amount of people that vote strictly based off culture war bullshit as well. I’m Canadian and I see a lot of working class people that happily vote for the cons to fight “wokeness” and “dei” because god forbid non white/straight people exist. Seen lots of comments complaining about how white people are “villainized” etc in my local sub (yes I still use reddit for niche stuff that isn’t here) and tons of dog whistles about minorities, especially us indigenous people.

    As long as they target people they don’t like, an unfortunate amount of people will happily vote against their own interest just in the hope of making “the wrong people” have a shittier life.

  • Suppressed by the people in power. It’s better for them if we fight over culture war bullshit and that’s (IMO) why the right pushes so hard against things being “woke” or “dei” or whatever new scary buzzword those dumb fucks come up with.

    We’re too busy arguing amongst ourselves to realise we should all be looking up at the corrupt rich. But with bought off media and the ability to push propaganda at a previously impossible level just a few decades ago, a ton of the population is kept perpetually angry because non-white/straight people have the audacity to exist.

    I’m a native (aka native American/indigenous however you want to call it) and over the last few years I’ve noticed people are increasingly comfortable showing their racism. I get followed around in stores while I’m shopping for groceries occasionally, I get managers staring me down because I took too long looking around and they think I was trying to steal and that my debit card will be declined, people happily making small talk with others and then blankly staring at me and saying nothing to me even when I’m being pleasant to them etc. All anecdotal of course and I could just be getting more bitter as I get older, but it honestly feels like a trend to me.

    I’ve been dealing with that shit since I was a teen, you always get judged just for having the audacity to be born the wrong skin color anywhere but it’s (anecdotally) gotten much worse over the last few years, which just so happens to coincide with the rise of the right all over the world.

    I really hate the world sometimes tbh.

  • Tax the shit out of it, it pisses me off cause I’m an addict but I understand it’s for the best.

    Stop banning flavours though, if I wanted gross tobacco flavours then I’d go back to smoking cigarettes. Let me have my peach flavoured juice ffs, and build and rewick my own coils instead of letting wasteful disposables run rampant.

    I dont wanna quit, I’ve tried 6+ times now and it’s fucking hard. If I can’t legally buy flavoured juice, then I’ll go to the black market to get my fix and then the government gets nothing except my health problems out of it.