I thought Trump was gonna end this war right away 🤨
24 hours. But he was talking about 24hours from the perspective of Pluto, our cherished 9th planet.
Shhhhhh, the big pants boys are talking. Donnie can go sit at the kids table while big daddy putin makes his decisions for him.
From the CBS article on this:
“If Putin decides not to support the push for a temporary ceasefire, it will dramatically alter the optics of the war and position Russia as the main obstacle to peace,” Peter Dickinson from the Atlantic Council’s UkraineAlert service, said in analysis Tuesday.
Who out there thinks anyone but Russia is the ‘main obstacle to peace’? I don’t even think that Russian bots believe they’re not the aggressor. What the fuck happened to rationality or even common sense?
Who out there thinks anyone but Russia is the ‘main obstacle to peace’?
MAGA idiots.
I am sure there are true believers out there but I mean among the general population of other countries, especially reporters. I put about as much stock in interviews with average Russians as I do the North Korean equivalent. There’s enough social pressure to conform that even those who disagree with the narrative are unlikely to say so on camera.
Who out there thinks anyone but Russia is the ‘main obstacle to peace’?
No one, I really hope. But either way this was a good move from Ukraine to throw the ball to the russians as now the orange guy is thrown in front of the bus with his “i’ll end this war in a day” statement and global pressure is on Russia.
What the fuck happened to rationality or even common sense?
Very good question. Let me know too if you find the answer.
Trump: Why would Ukraine do this?
Trump has played one side of Kelogg’s plan, cut off aid to Ukraine if they dont move toward peace. Now lets see if he follows though with the other side of it and dramatically ramp up aid to Ukraine if Russia dont move towards peace.
I hope he does but I’m not holding my breath.
It is my understanding the US aid is restored after the Ukraine capitulation to the support blackmail.
Wasn’t he supposed to sanction russia even more for refusing peace?
Trump finding out he has few cards on the table
I wonder if he’s tried saying ‘thank you’ to Putin?
Well Trump did give all his major cards away before the negotiations even started with Putin. 💁🏻
The art of the deal
Oh those gamers with their games. Trump playing cards, Rubio plays with a ball, Putin is serious as a brick and Ukrainians are dying.
How fucking fun it all is.
And Vance on his soapbox, “We can solve this with diplomacy.”
Zelensky somehow face palms with just a facial expression.
Ceasefire for Putin means rearranging troops to start the next attacks…
Of course, he isn’t likely - he loved it, when it was uncertainty and confusion for Ukraine, because what he wants out of a deal is a way to position Russia to eventually still eliminate an independent Ukraine altogether. Now that it’s flip-flopping again, and the uncertainty produced by the administration in the US isn’t completely in his favour any more, there’s no reason for them to entertain it at all.
Fucking duh
putin hates peace.