• 193 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I want to prevent myself from reinstalling my system.

    Any even remotely normal file on disk doesn’t stop that, regardless of encryption, privileges, attributes or anything your running OS could do to the drive. If you erase partition table it’ll lose your ‘safety’ file too without any questions asked as on that point the installer doesn’t care (nor see/manage) on individual files on the medium. And this is exactly what ‘use this drive automatically for installation’ -option does on pretty much all of the installers I’ve seen.

    Protecting myself from myself.

    That’s what backups are for. If you want to block any random usb-stick installer from running you could set up a boot options on bios to exclude those and set up a bios password, but that only limits on if you can ‘accidently’ reinstall system from external media.

    And neither of those has anything to do on read/copy protection for the files. If they contain sensitive enough data they should be encrypted (and backed up), but that’s a whole another problem than protecting the drive from accidental wipe. Any software based limitation concerning your files falls apart immediately (excluding reading the data if it’s encrypted) when you boot another system from external media or other hard drive as whatever solution you’re using to protect them is no longer running.

    Unless you give up the system management to someone else (root passwords, bios password and settings…) who can keep you from shooting yourself on the foot, there’s nothing that could get you what you want. Maybe some cloud-based filesystem from Amazon with immutable copies could achieve that, but it’s not really practical on any level, financial very much included. And even with that (if it’s even possible in the first place, I’m not sure) if you’re the one holding all the keys and passwords, the whole system is on your mercy anyways.

    So the real solution is to back up your files, verify regularly that backups work and learn not to break your things.

  • Then do sudo apt install xfce4 and sudo apt purge cinnamon* muffin* nemo*.

    It’s been a while since I installed xfce4 on anything, but if things haven’t changed I think the metapackage doesn’t include xfce4-goodies and some other packages, so if you’re missing something it’s likely that you just need to ‘apt install xfce4-whatever’. Additionally you can keep cinnamon around as long as you like as a kind of a backup, just change lightdm (or whatever login manager LMDE uses) to use xfce4 as default. And then there’s even lighter WM’s than XFCE, like LXDE, which is also easy to install via apt and try out if that works for you.

  • I understand the mindset you have, but trust me, you’ll learn (sooner or later) a habit to pause and check your command before hitting enter. For some it takes a bit longer and it’ll bite you in the butt for few times (so have backups), but everyone has gone down that path and everyone has fixed their mistakes now and then. If you want hard (and fast) way to learn to confirm your commands, use dd a lot ;)

    One way to make it a bit less scary is to ‘mv <thing you want removed> /tmp’ and when you confirmed that nothing extra got removed you can ‘cd /tmp; rm -rf <thing>’, but that still includes the ‘rm -rf’ part.

  • Käsittääkseni on, mutta viikonlopusta eteenpäin hinnat on pysyneet paria poikkeusta lukuunottamatta alle 10 sentin ja nyt kun tuota pörssihintaa on tullut seurailtua jonkin aikaa niin maanantai on usein ollut viikon kallein päivä ja loppuviikkoa kohti on tuntihinta yleensä laskenut vaan jostain syystä koko viikko on nyt ollut nousujohteista ja aamu8:n piikki on korkein viimeiseen 30 päivään. Sunnuntaina käytiin kuitenkin nippanappa miinusnumeroillakin, niin hieman ihmetyttää että mikä tuota hintaa nyt ajaa.

    Tuulivoiman tuotanto tuossa on varmaan se selittävä tekijä, sunnuntaina tuli potkureista hetkittäin yli 2000MW ja nyt tuulisähköä on alle 50MW verkossa. Tuulivoimatuottajat havittelevat tällähetkellä karkeasti tuulivoimatuotannon kymmenkertaistamista, joten ainakin muutama vuosi taita olla tätä vuoristorataa tarjolla ennenkuin joku oikeasti iso energiankuluttaja, kuten vetyteollisuus, liittyy verkkoon ja tasaa edes jossain määrin tuota valtavaa heilumista, mutta se tuskin näkyy plussapuolella kuluttajan lompakossa. Itse ehkä kuitenkin ottaisin mielummin vaihteluvälin johonkin 5-15 senttiin sen sijaan että se on -1 - 40 senttiä, tai pahempaa kuten viimetalvena tuli nähtyä.

  • Onneksi kuitenkin valmistustaparajoitus jää voimaan niin tytöt pelastuu kun tislatusta viinasta sekoitetut 8% juomat ei pääse hyllyille. Tislaamatta tehty 8% juoma on tietysti aivan eri asia, siinä kun ei ole VIINAA.

    Omaan kulutukseen tuo tuskin vaikuttaa kovin paljon. Silloin tällöin tulee ruokajuomaksi tai jälkiruokaherkuksi otettua jotain vähän parempaa tummaa olutta ja siinä kategoriassa tuo muutos saattaa tuoda prisman hyllyyn jotain hyvääkin. Taidan kuitenkin suurelta osin pysyä edelleen perinteisessä kolmossandelssissa, vahvempia kun ei viitsi piha- tai tallireuhaamisen yhteydessä lipittää janojuomana eikä ne saunassakaan oikein maistu.

  • IsoKiero@sopuli.xyztoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux on old School Machines?
    21 days ago

    Absolutely. Maybe leave Gnome/KDE out and use a lighter WM, but they’ll be just fine. Specially if they have 8GB or more RAM. I suppose those have at least dual core processors, so that won’t be a (huge) bottleneck either. You can do a ton of stuff with those beyond just web browsing, like programming/text editing/spreadsheets and so on. I’d guess that available RAM is the biggest bottleneck on what they can do, specially if you like to open a ton of tabs on your browser.

  • Joker.comia olen itse käyttänyt. Ei kaikkein halvin, mutta 10+ vuotta olen ollut tyytyväinen asiakas. Ja toki traficomia, mutta sitä varten tarvitsee rekisteröityä verkkotunnusvälittäjäksi ym (ja tarvitsikohan ne y-tunnuksenkin) joten ihan yksittäistä harrastedomainia varten ei ehkä kannata tuohon sirkukseen alkaa.

  • There’s laws an regulations on how loud you can be on a public place at a given time. I’d guess that the police has enough gear to stay just below the limit, so your own speaker setup would have to exceed the limits and police can come and eventually force you to stop playing “young people” music. The method seems to work, as the beach is clean for the families and other people coming at the next morning and additionally the police doesn’t need that many boats and/or personnel on the site, so they can focus on the ‘bad’ part of the crowd more easily.

    If you happen to be a young person you’re of course welcome to the beach, but the music evidently calms the crowd and troublemakers move to somewhere else where they’re more manageable (and out of the water). I’d say that’s a decent return for the effort, but it’s obviously sad that this kind of effort is needed in the first place. Everyone should be able to enjoy the beach and not worry about the trash and broken bottles filling the area.

  • Pörssihinnat on tänään kohtuullisen korkealla kun OL1 ja linjat Ruotsiin on huollossa, tämä ei ainakaan helpota tilannetta merkittävästi. Onneksi enää ei tarvitse paljon lämpöjä pitää päällä, mutta äskettäin piti napata työhuoneen 1-putkinen ilmastointilaite päälle sähkönhinnasta huolimatta kun alkaa lämpötila kiivetä yli 30 asteen.

  • Make sure you have package alsa-utils installed and try to run alsamixer. That’ll show all the audio devices your system detects. Maybe you’re lucky and it’s just that some volume control is muted and if you’re not it’ll give you at least some info to work with. Majority of audio devices don’t need any additional firmware to work and they almost always work out of the box just fine. What’s the hardware you’re running? Maybe it is something exotic which isn’t installed by default (which I doubt).

    And additionally, what you’re trying to play audio from? For example MP3’s need non-free codecs to be installed and without them your experience is “a bit” limited on audio side of things.

  • They both use upstream version number (as in the number software developer gave to the release). They might additionally have some kind of revision number related to packaging or some patch number, but as a rule of thumb, yes, the bigger number is the most recent. If you should use that as a only variable on deciding which to install is however another discussion. Sometimes dpkg/apt version is preferred over snap regardless of version differences, for example to save a bit of disk space, but that depends on a ton of different things.