TLDR; Jewish Florida Man shoots 2 Jewish Israelis, both sides blame it on Arabs.
Literally the victims and the perpetrator both were advocating for the indiscriminate murder of Arabs. The hate is mind boggling.
Context from the article:
Further complicating the incident, one of the injured men reportedly posted “death to the Arabs” in a message on social media after the shooting. “My father and I went through a murder attempt against antisemitic background,” he wrote.
Jewish man shoots two Jewish men because he thought they were Palestinians. Shooting victims think they were shot by Arabs because they’re Jewish. How could Arabs do this???
I mean, it tracks with how many of the victims of the Oct 7 attack were blown up by IDF tanks and helicopters. It’s telling that you still can’t find a breakdown of how many Israelis were killed by Hamas and how many by the IDF.
And the fact that apparently IDF was ordered to Hannibal Protocol even civilians shortly after the attack began.
Well, now he’s been through a murder attempt for both antisemitic and pro-semitic reasons, each.
Seriously… people need to stop this shit
Semantically speaking Arabs are also semites.
You mean semetically speaking
Cementing semantics
Cementing semetic semantics
Zionism has been in bed with Antisemitism a long time. It uses antisemitic attacks on Jews, who dont want to be affiliated with it and it deliberately ramps up Antisemitism outside of Israel to push for Jews feeling the need for a “safe state”.
Some Jewish scholars and Antizionists consider Zionism to be the second worst detriment to Judaism since the time of the Romans.
Spider man meme moment
I live near there and have to drive down the highway and look at billboards about how hard it is to be Jewish and like, I know that antisemitism is a serious problem but then these racist fuckers are around any corner and they reeeeeeeeeally undermine the message those billboards are trying to get across. Can’t help but roll my eyes driving by those after reading about this, but maybe it’s because I happen to live near a lot of very conservative Israelis who are constantly advocating for genocide while whining about how they’re always victimized.
Perhaps we should all make love
How can it be indiscriminate when they’re discriminating while doing it ??2? Checkmate liberal.
Fascists always eat themselves in the end.
Can we skip to that part? The beginning sucked, and this whole “middle” thing is even worse.
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(man puts stick in own bicycle meme)
Isn’t that a commentary on humanity. Wow.
name a better metaphor for our world
Look what Hamas did!
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When does our wake-up call come that this behavior, which keeps happening, over and over? Is also human nature. Like, we want to blame the leaders, and it is their fault…but not exclusively. We have parts of our nature we’re unwilling to address. We want to cut it out like a cancer, which sounds great…but it’s not a tumor… it’s everywhere…every country, every society… everywhere…
Every single person on this planet needs therapy.
Just a lil talk with a professional now and then to keep perspective, that’s all most people need.
This insane headline kind of implies that it would have all been unreportable if the two tourists were actual Palestinians. It’s more news worthy because the Jewish guy shot at Israelis rather than actual Palestinians.
An hour ago, Israelis attacked an ambulance crew in Jenin who were trying to reach a wounded man.
Four hours ago, they shot a man south of Nablus City.
Five hours ago, their fighter jets fired on several “suspicious” vehicles in Gaza.
None of that was news. These two guys getting shot, and then presumably getting instant medical treatment and someone immediately stepping in to make sure the attacker was brought to justice, was. Because it’s out of the ordinary, because Israel isn’t in charge of where it happened.
It happened in America.
I’m aware, yes.
I was confused when you said Israel wasn’t in charge. You know, based on current events.
Let me rephrase: The thought process, “Oh shit! Palestinian civilians minding their own business! Let me get my gun and shoot them” is perfectly normal in Israel. It’s only unusual and came with consequences this time because it happened in America.
While in custody, Brafman spontaneously told detectives that while he was driving his truck, “he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both”, arrest documents said.
Presumably, he fully expected the detectives to say, “Oh okay, got it. Carry on.”
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What the fuck are you on about?
This is not the Onion
I was trying to make a joke
You aren’t wrong honestly. It probably would’ve made the local news but not national.
What a terrible time we live in
This is exactly what “blinded by hate” refers to. He wasn’t attacked, he was not in any danger, he simply decided to attempt murdering people because they dared to exist in the same approximate space. This is how much he hates “those people” - that he felt justified in killing them on sight with zero provocation…
They live on Palestinian land, easy mistake to make.
That’s the trick to surviving genocidal regimes, you gotta be where they’re not.
So… Leopards are eating each other’s faces?
Racists: Dey tuk ur jeeeerrrrrbs!
The arabs and the jews hate each other. The blacks and the whites hate each other. The japanese hate all outsiders. The russians just hate. Just everybody.
Then there’s the religious wars. The land expansion wars. The “fuck you for shooting my pig” war. (No really, that happened. Although my description is a bit…oversimplified.)
You got all these wars, all these murders, all this hate. Now the shootings are happening from kids at school. Hate from pre-puberty until you reach your casket. However fast that may be.
And who does the capybara hate? Nobody. Capybara doesn’t give a shit. Don’t bring your BS hate around capybara. Capybarais gonna chill with some ducks, or some cats, or some cows. Whoever, man! Capybara does not give a FUCK. He’s just here to chill, and you can chill too, or you can get the fuck out. Capybara brings the chill, and humans should learn from that.
If you ever find yourself about to kill another person, for any reason besides LEGITIMATE self-defense, then you’re an asshole.
Unless they’re a billionaire. Pretty sure all of them have it coming for the misery they willfully inflict on others for profit.
We don’t hate Jews. We are reacting to violent settler-colonialism done in the name of Judaism. When Israel conflates Zionism with Judaism you can’t expect Palestinians or the rest of the Arab and Muslim world to be nuanced.
If you read the writings of Jabotinsky and other Zionist founders, they knew very well how Palestinians would react to settler-colonialism and expulsion. No different than the Zulu, Lakota, Papuans and other indigenous people who fought the invaders.
I have no idea what you are saying but I agree 100%
I think the general idea he’s getting at, in short, is basically that, even though so many arabs and jews seem so very consumed with hatred for each other. Likewise for many blacks and whites. (Oh, and by the way, meanwhile, for all their charms, many Japanese people have a tendency to hate those from outside Japan.) Or consider further the russians, whose very souls are consumed by just hatred for the Arabs, Jews, Whites, Blacks, Japanese, all of them and then some. Basically everybody. That’s a whole lot of hatred even before you turn your mind to the consideration of the innumerable religious wars fought the world over. Its constant wars over land expansion disagreements. Its, “Hey, buddy, how about fuck YOU for gunning down my prized pig, asshole!?”-type wars, which is actually a real example OP plucked from the annals of history, believe it or not, though OP did admittedly simplify to just the broad strokes of the matter. I think the gist of what OP is conveying is very simply this: our planet is seemingly overflowing with all these wars, all these murders, all this hate deep in our hearts and souls and minds. To the point that we’re beginning to see a glut of shootings happening at schools, of all places, once known as places of learning for future generations of minds. And these shootings are conducted not even by hateful adult Russians (with a notable exception or two), but by literal minor children who’ve yet to reach the legal age of adulthood. That creates an impression that, in this crazy world, we are experiencing hatred practically from the womb, or at least birth, all the way through childhood and into pre-puberty, continuing without stopping straight on into your puberty years, your young adulthood, middle age, your so-called golden years, only arguably stopping when your lifeless body is crudely fitted with an ol’ pine overcoat, at whatever age that may happen to be relevant to you. Here we get to OP’s main point, which is that, if you turn your focus now to capybaras and ask, “Who do you hate?” You’ll find the answer, perhaps much to your surprise, is that they do not hate anyone. They really seem not to have a care in the world, if you observe them. To the point that it would probably be a futile gesture to attempt to bring a spirit of hatred into the presence of these guileless and benevolent creatures. They wouldn’t know what to do with it. They have no concept of it. Why would you do this? Most likely, the maximum rise you’re going to get out of a typical capybara is that it might decide to go hang out with its friends, which include ducks, cats, cows, and anybody else. They’re just ultimately not that persnickety when it comes to socialization preferences, since they are really just wanting to find a nice spot to relax and unwind, ultimately, and they hope you’ll join them, unless you have hatred in your being, in which case, see above where I talk about their views on that. They’re not fans, in short, if you don’t want to go back to read about it again. OP seems to be suggesting, and I’m probably inclined to agree generally, that every human living on this dawned beautiful blue marble might be able to glean lessons from the way the capybara conducts itself, if we were capable of humbling ourselves sufficiently. Also if you ever find yourself about to kill another person, for any reason besides LEGITIMATE self-defense, then you’re an asshole. Unless they’re a billionaire. OP is pretty sure all of them have it coming for the misery they willfully inflict on others for profit.
It’s really rather hard to be unhappy near a capy!
Legitimate as in legitimate interest cookies? 👀
The russians just hate. Just everybody.
There are 190 ethnicities in Russia living fine. Your take on that nation is kinda nazi.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but those capybaras do eventually get vored by those crocodiles. Thing is crocodiles only have to eat like once every two weeks, but them lazing around in the between period doesn’t make for exciting footage.
It’s actually quite rare for crocodiles to eat capybaras, they have a mutually beneficial relationship. The primary predator of the capybara is the jaguar.
Oh man, do capybaras eat crocodile ticks? Or just having that adorable fuck around a mad PR move.
“Get vored”? Wtf man. This makes me want to unalive myself
IDK what to tell you, sleep on a bed of crocs long enough and find out.
How come there are no crazy people shooting at rich people going “I saw two rich fucks. I shot and killed both”? The rich have a direct impact on the country and Palestinians have trouble even visiting it, yet somehow Palestinians are the bigger threat.
The world stops for the rich.
I don’t think murder is ok regardless of the reason. I think the real reason this blew up is that people really hate health insurance companies. Murder is not ok but murder doesn’t normally make national news.
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That got so much attention, I agree, murder is not ok. But the u.s. is ok with health insurance ceos making money off of people dying.
Meanwhile,Indonesia is killing people and invading West Papua.
I mean, one guy did exactly that and they had every cop in the country looking for him for weeks until they got him. And now they’re trying to charge him for terrorism.
Because rich people are usually the ones committing murder.
Can we not kill any body? Going out and shooting people seems like a bad thing no matter why.
So if they HAD been Palestinians, did the Miami attempted murderer think he’d be let off the hook? Someone help me understand!
Yes 🙃
I mean, wouldn’t surprise me if that was the expectation and if that would actually be the result. Just claim you thought they were Hamas and you feared for your life, and the Florida stand your ground law would apply.
Probably 50:50 on a presidential pardon tbh
Honestly it is crazy to me that some people are ok with a hate crime. Don’t go around killing people regardless of who they are.
Zionists trying to kill members of the ethnicity they claim to represent for “not being White enough”.
It’s the natural evolution of all Nazi-like white supremacist movements.
They need to add hate crime to this list of charges
Terrorist attack
How is it not considered one?!
Ahh the perpetraitor is among the people considered “white”…
What a stupid fuck
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That’s racist
Not all Jewish people are the same. I’d say that almost all of them are totally innocent people. (Same with other groups)
A significant fraction? Yes. Almost all? Nope.
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Perhaps we could just put them in camps…
Hold the leaders accountable. Don’t blame people who are caught in the middle.
Also what do you want to do to people that support Israel? Don’t fight fire with fire.
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It’s really fucked up how many over racists there are on Lemmy. Why are you doenvoted for this?
A terrorist attack by Muslims leads to invading a country and genocide of innocent people with weapons provided by innocent citizens of the USA. The world leaders want us to believe that this is called freedom-fighting, it’s not racism. On the other hand, I am accused of racism because I notice: a racist Florida Jew is performing a terrorist hate crime against two Israeli (at least one of them being a racist), in a country/state where guns are freely available, both involved countries and the state where it happened are governed by elected racists.
I’m currently openly sharing my hatred against Fascist Americans, Genocidal Israeli, Murderous Palestinians and Killer Russians without any problem. If you feel addressed you were probably in one of these groups and you were my target.
You can hate Israel and who ever else all you want. Just leave innocent people alone. Being Jewish does not mean you some how control the actions of Israel or the US. Hate the source not the general population.
Back during 9/11 Muslims were targeted just for being Muslim. Now days we still see a lot of hate and violence but now it has been extended to include Jews as well as Muslims. No hate against a entire population is justified. That’s what lead to the Holocaust among lots of other things.
The terrorist in question was just a violent extremest. He didn’t commit the crime because he was Jewish nor does that means every Jew is violent or associated with Israel.
A lot more. Buckle up.
They want the brown ppl scared to go outside, now were just more likely to get concealed carry permits
I dont think this is part of anything organized. It makes more sense that this was just a racist asshole murdering people.
The media seem to have forgotten the word “terrorist” in that article because this is actual terrorism.