Christian Nationalists wanted their Nazi uprising, they got it.
Christian Nationalists wanted their Nazi uprising, they got it.
It’s good in the long run, it will help preserve our tissues so when we go extinct, some beings will have better samples to study.
McCann Oatmeal
RIP Reddit
After the first election, I watched it 5-6 times to cope. This time… There is no coping for me.
He just wanted to hang with his warcrime buddies
Seems like the nomads had the right idea.
The noise is deafeningly loud, the flush of everything down the drain.
Remember: it’s not just trump and musk to blame, the entire Republican party is responsible for supporting all this.
That’s it, I’m gonna go live in a cave, bye society
People like this should not be a government representative. But I guess that’s the trend lately
Every vote counts, so don’t be a fool
I was wondering who Facebook was for, good to know AI has low standards
Trump is a rapist.
I have driven by countless large signs from California farmers supporting trump. I hope they enjoy the flooding.
Yeah, I don’t know why I expect safety mechanisms to still work. It’s an adjustment getting used to the collapse of a democracy
People living with blinders on, and spoilers: it’s gonna get worse.
Guess he didn’t read the crowd.
How long do we have to wait for impeachment?
I think it’s no mans sky that tells you how long ago your last save was before you leave. That’s the ideal.