Those poor kids are still out there.
Do you think salamander Janeway figured out how to make coffee?
Actually not crabs.
That happens in another million years. They weren’t at transwarp long enough to get there
Or maybe they went beyond crabs - is there anything beyond crabs?
You know, before they wrap back around to crabs again, I mean:-).
Think of crabs as Y=0, time is the X axis, and the function is a sine wave.
This… is the way (except for those species where it is a cosine:-).
Tom Paris narrowly avoided giving Janeway crabs.
TIL there is an action figga just for mutated Tom Paris.
This is amazing 😱
I just went to warp 11, and I have to say I’m outraged. You really should have flagged this NSFW.
Not Safe For Warp 10?
I mean, look at Janeway! She’s completely indecent. 😤
This is what they are talking about when they say the good ol days
Humanity’s on the right track, I’d say.