The only advantage Christianity has over islam is that Jesus drank wine and banged whores while daddy Islam was a pedophile.
Why worship a pedo, when you can worship a chad?!
No. The only advantage Christianity has, it that it was beaten into submission by atheists and deists who forced Christianity to go through a reformation and abandon their core crazy bullshit.
Islam never had that, which is why it’s still so batshit crazy.
But, make no mistake, give Christianity an inch and I’ll be back to burning witches and torturing atheists to death.
Religion is poison.
Islam is batshit crazy because it deliberately emphasizes the word of God as literally dictated and unchangeable as a criticism of the Jews and Christians that were seen as a bit wooly and flimsy in the 7th century. This isn’t an enlightenment thing.
Doubtless the enlightenment softened Christianity up further but the reverse is also true - the enlightenment was only possible in a rich fragmented environment that was created because Christianity has always been vulnerable to debate and fragmentation and lacks any clear instruction to form and command a state. So any attempt to do so was always built on personality and power - very changeable and unstable things in the long term.
Meanwhile Islam’s DNA is about creating one worldwide state of Islam. Its divisions are an argument over who gets to wield this worldy power. It is a fundamentally different beast to Christiaity (eschatological pun intended)
Listen up, Jerkules….
1 Timothy 2:12-13 ESV “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve;”
1 Corinthians 14:34-35 “The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.”
Ephesians 5:22-24 “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.”
Genesis 3:16 “To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.””
If they took their own book seriously cheeseburgers would be as illegal as abortions.
Well, no. Jesus is supposed to have fulfilled the laws of Moses so that the complex series of rules was largely done away with. You don’t, for instance, have Levites offering sacrifices for your sins in temples under Christianity. The problem with that is that Christians cite Mosaic law as though is was relevant to Christianity.
Every word of the Bible came from God and is 100% true.
Except for the parts we want to ignore.
Anecdotal. A rabbi put it this way; the Bible is a lot like the daily newspaper. If the paper says that the President was in Chicago last night you know it’s absolutely true. If the paper says that it will rain tomorrow you can accept it as a reasonable prediction. If the paper says Charlie Brown has a talking dog you have to consider it a metaphor for a greater truth.
The text of the OT and NT both are attributed (often falsely, per general consensus) to specific authors. King David, Peter, Paul, etc. Whole lot of Paul. Most of the New Testament claims of divine inspiration or revelation come from Paul claiming he was inspired by visions of Jesus (Galatians 1:11, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, etc.). And if we go back up to the various male supremacist stances in the NT, Paul also wrote most of those. Really begs the question, is this Christianity or…Paulianity. Reminds me of the Sunni vs. Shia difference on the significance of Ali, except we barely have the controversy, Paul’s huckster take on Jesus is basically the universally accepted norm. In many cases it seems to be completely at odds with Jesus’s teachings recorded elsewhere. It’s really crazy.
Someone else pointed out that the Middle East was pretty illiterate circa 1 AD. Meanwhile, China had a high literacy rate. If God had wanted his book widely distributed, he sure picked a bad place to have it published.
As per ‘Life of Brian.’
Blessed at the cheesemakers…
Reminds me of Mormonism and Joseph Smith.
“1 Timothy”, AKA “Paul 1”.
“1 Corinthians”, AKA “Paul 4”.
“Ephesians”, AKA “Paul 6”.
See a trend here?
Women should shut the fuck up in church in submission to superior men, as the law says
1 Corinthians 14:34
Damn, it really says right there that women annoy TF out men. Please STFU 🙏.
Also the ain’t shit and only reason to put up with them is to breed.
Bible confirms, hot chip and lie
I don’t read the bible, but that is isnane to read. I sincerely hope to never meet someone who takes that literally.
Would it make you feel better to know that the person whom that verse is attributed to (the Apostle Paul) did not actually write the verse, nor is that verse consistent with their views expressed elsewhere?
Unfortunately power hungry people twist religion to suit their own desires.
Would it make you feel better to know that the person whom that verse is attributed to (the Apostle Paul) did not actually write the verse, nor is that verse consistent with their views expressed elsewhere?
No. I’ve read the book and I’m well aware it’s full of bullshit if taken out of context (fantasy setting)
I prefer Tolkienian fantasy
Unfortunately power hungry people twist religion to suit their own desires.
Bro that’s the whole damn purpose behind a religion
Old testament rape laws treats rape as a property crime. Seriously, if you rape a woman who isn’t engaged, you have to pay a dowry to her father and marry her. (https://thebrickbible.com/rape/)
Kevin who now?
Christian nutjob.
He is the actor who played Hercules in the 90s.
Pretty sure he’s nobody now.
According to IMDB he’s currently rattling out Christian movies with the frequency of late stage Bruce Willis.
Only somehow with even less quality.
Every other religion? Dude truly believes the Abrahamic religions are the only religions on earth. Kinda ironic when he played Hercules for 5 years.
From my understanding, God created adam and lilith. However, lilith was not subservient to adam, and hence was banished. God then created eve from adam in order to ensure her subservience. Could be wrong, feel free to correct me.
Edit: i was right and wrong. My lore is accurate, but it technically seems she is from jewish mythology, not christian. But given the links between the two and the fact that the christian bible is largely based on the jewish Torah, im willing to claim im mostly right.
Well yeah, most of the Bible is Jewish, only the Jesus part at the end is Christian. The Jewish myth of Lilith was developed to “fix” Genesis, because when it compiled 2 creation myths, it had 2 versions of the creation of the woman. People didn’t understand, and came up with the Lilith explanation as
head-onheadcanon (autocorrect) that became its own myth. Including the "not subservient " part.I come from the islamic tradition and never heard of Lilith, that’s very interesting
Long story short: she’s barely mentioned in the christian bible or Jewish torah, at all. There are other supporting works, some going back to Sumerian and Babylonian times, that give this character/concept more depth.
First male ever got a divorce. Sanctity of marriage for sure.
You absolute legend, thanks for these sources, i have some learning to do
If you read the Old Testament there are two stories in Genesis; one where God makes the first two at the same time and one where he takes Adam’s rib.
Uh… Adam and Eve are also from Jewish mythology not Christian? It’s from Genesis
Don’t you love a good Christian who’s never read the bible
I’m no zealot, but like
1 Timothy 2:12
To be a good Christian you almost have to not read the bible
A good Christian just blindly and runs without challenge with the interpretation of the Bible that is given to them by somebody who claims to “speak with God”.
If that sounds too much like blindly letting oneself be led by people who are either insane or shameless liars, that’s because it is indeed that.
Well duh, how would you otherwise take it by faith that that’s what Bible commands you??
Which is why they fought a short 30 year long war on being able to translate the Bible into the language of commoners (of course oversimplified to the extreme).
1 Timothy 2:12 says, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet”.
All the ones who have are atheists
Reminder that you don’t have to be intelligent to be an actor. Especially a 3rd rate one.
It sucks because you want to believe these guys are just kinda chill and friendly and fun hangs. Instead, they come out as these vulgar, hateful assholes who have absolutely drowned themselves in some cult’s kool-aid.
I don’t need everyone to be a savant, but I would like them to get along and not spew obvious hate at the top of their lungs at every opportunity.
The Trump era has outed quite a few celebrities as trashcan people.
I have exactly zero sympathy or patience for someone in a position of influence that uses that influence to peddle lies/misinformation. Kevin Sorbo can go fuck himself.
I’ve read a bit on Scientology, and it definitely looks like there’s a Himbo-to-Humbug pipeline in Hollywood. You’ve got people who enter the system as good-natured pretty know-nothings, only to have their brains turned absolutely inside out by
No better example of this than conservative mega-saint Ronald Reagan, himself. He came in happy enough to latch on to the leftist unionizing and organizing popular in SoCal at the time, then flipped a full 180° once he got swallowed up by the conservative media ecosystem. Bunch of 80s comedians took that route as well - going in as blue collar types deeply critical of the institutions of capitalism, then coming out as fire-breathing religious die-hards once their tickets got punched.
Hell, look at the J. K. Rowling arc. Becoming a billionaire celebrity author absolutely pickled her brain.
Yeah. I can only imagine the mindfuck that could happen after becoming fabulously rich and famous. But I believe if you come out of it the way Sorbo and the people you mentioned did, you were weak-minded going in. That happy, innocent weak-minded that can easily warp into miserable, malicious weak-minded.
And I don’t want anyone implying that someone who is weak-minded could never elevate to the presidency, because I’ll direct them to the bumbling felon and rapist about to be sworn in.
I guess it’s probably chicken and egg when it comes to morals and money, but they do say that power corrupts for a reason.
I consider it more of a selection bias. The people who get elevated from minor celebrity schmoe to billionaire hate-monger have to pass through a series of filters operated by the worst people you can imagine.
If J.K.Rowling wasn’t willing to embrace being a colossal piece of shit, somebody else’s children’s book about wizards would have gotten the budget for blockbuster films. Alternatively, her editor/publisher would have ripped her off and she’d be one more “Author who got swindled by the big mean corporate raiders” sob story.
But she passed the tests. She learned who to suck up to and who to flatter and who to denegrate. So the financial kingpins gave her the limitless money credit card and invited her to the Epstein Island Party. And now all she has to do is keep being a hateful shit online to keep her pride of place, which gets easier and easier to do the longer you’ve been at it.
I think he took too many fake boulders to the head while playing Hercules.
What, another christian completely ignoring the parts of the bible contrary to what they say or believe? Like they never even actually read it…
Do you think he can read? Everything that I’ve ever seen in post seems to indicate to me that he probably can’t.
Reality can be whatever you want it to be when you can just make it the fuck up!
Your mouth is open, Kevin - should be shut, as in the fuck up.
Norse mythology would like a word…
Also Kevin Sorbo: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/kevin-sorbo-sexual-harassment-haley-webb/