Users coming here from reddit might know that the main canada subreddit and offshoots such as metacanada and canada_sub are havens for the far-right. I’m concerned that as is growing, a small number of far-right posters might be able to influence the culture that develops.

Namely, a transphobic user shared a transphobic conspiracy theory from a far right disinformation outlet yesterday. Their post history has enough disinformation links that they should be getting paid for it:

Here is my proposal:

  • This user is breaking 3 of the 4 rules posted in the sidebar (no transphobia, be respectful, no spamming.) Ban the user from
  • Add far-right disinformation outlets to a domain blocklist. If Lemmy doesn’t support this feature yet, post those domains in the sidebar and ban users who submit links to them.
  • Make it clear that bigotry and intolerance is 100% instantly bannable.

Thanks for reading this, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
      1 year ago

      While I understand and somewhat agree that the mods should handle things like this from reports, if the community is large enough, and the mod team is not equally large enough to handle everything, some automation is useful. If the community wants to eliminate or at least limit misinformation spreading on it, blanket bans on sites that exclusively deal in bullshit should be banned.

      Blanket bans on a specific political ideology in and of itself though… That’s discomforting. I may not agree with their politics, but not all people on the right are inflexible, intolerant morons. Just like not everyone on the left is a happy ray of sunshine who only has the best interests of their fellow man at heart. At the risk of being labeled an “enlightened centrist,” I still feel the individual posters themselves need to be dealt with on a personal, individual level.