They will be entitled to official employment contracts, health insurance and sick days.
Archived version:
Sex work is real work. Everyone of us trade our bodies or our minds for pay.
Correct, @[email protected]!
Btw, a protip - it’s super insecure to make your username be the same as your password!
Yes, but writing computer code is not the same as offering sex. One if a purely intellectual practice, the other is connected to our souls and will damage us inside.
I think it’s great that sex workers get benefits, but let’s not kid ourselves that sex work is purely a normal job, like selling furniture or making cheese.
Working in a business environment is connected to our souls and will damage us inside, it’s not different in kind, and if it’s different in intensity it is because of the lack of protection and the level of abuse which people get away with.
Agree to disagree on this one. :) To me it’s so obvious it’s not the same that I’m surprised not everyone thinks so. But we are all different.
Yes, of course it depends on the person, their ideas and feelings and beliefs about sex will have a big impact. But I want to be clear that I’m not arguing it’s not at all damaging, just that people really underestimate the way other jobs are damaging and the centuries of work that has gone into improving labour standards so that they are less bad.
It seems obvious to me you lack the perspective and experience to make such a claim, no matter how much ayahuasca you’ve used.
Let me guess, you also think that vaginas can get worn out, and that women should be subservient and submit to their owner husbands.
As someone who writes computer code for a living, I might match those up differently than you’d expect.
One if a purely intellectual practice, the other is connected to our souls and will damage us inside.
True enough, selling your soul to Google to pay the bills might reasses your life and becone a sex worker.
My snark aside, your assertion is the most ridlcious ludicrous thing I’ve read this year and theres not much left to the year. Its that weird perspective that makes it different to what ? fisting a cow as a vetenerian or jacking off a horse to collect it’s semen ?
Can confirm, have worked with Google, made me consider doing onlyfans instead
I’m sorry, you count “selling furniture” or “making cheese” as normal jobs? Call me sheltered but I’ve gone over 30 years on this planet and never met anyone who’s done either lol.
deleted by creator
You’re sheltered. You’ve never been to a furniture store, or any department store with furniture? Nor been to a market with vendor reps, one being cheese?
I mean, I thought I was sheltered, but I’ve been to Macy’s, consignment stores, and Goodwill. And just the other day I was at a holiday market where one of the stalls was a cheese company.
I’ve actually worked in shops when I was younger, ones that sold furniture and cheese, which for someone as sheltered as me was shocking - took me about two days to recover!
Jokes aside, I totally understand these jobs exist but what I meant was that the OP picked some weird jobs to support their backwards ass point.
have you actually done any programming? it’s ‘soul damaging’ asf
Who the fuck is the moron that wrote this script? It was me, I was the moron.
You don’t think writing code damages your soul? Have you met software developers?
Devs are at the bottom of the list of Cosmo’s dateworthy by profession for a very good reason.
I love this thread you created where you’re like “hooking is bad for you unlike software developing” and all these devs hop in like, “so is there a certificate program for sex work?”
there are hundreds? thousands? of soul crushing occupations. sex work is real work.
spoken like someone who has never written code as a job
Nah. I write computer code, it’s very similar especially when it comes to managing clients.
Would you make sex work illegal, if you could?
TBH I assume this chud doesn’t view sex work as work and assumes that the sex workers are being paid to do something they enjoy.
About time … all those whores in political office have had the same rights and benefits for decades.
Typo in quoted text, OP…
They will be entitled to official employment contracts, health insurance and suck days.
But seriously, wonderful progressive policy. Some of those people work very hard and word is that their clients can be a real pain in the ass sometimes too.
But seriously, wonderful progressive policy.
It is. Not so much: your comment.
Not very sex positive of you… you sound like a bit of a prudish gatekeeper here, no? Sex workers suck and fuck - Do you think they should feel shame for these loving acts that they choose to perform professionally?
No sex worker should feel ashame for their job. The ones I know don’t at least.
I get you were joking and I see how my comment may come over as prude. It’s just that it’s a very harsh Industrie that is often marginalised. More often than not it intersect with people of lower class seeing it as one of the few ways to earn money. Those that work it often have to hide it, even if it’s legal, because there is a huge taboo around it. And then of course there is a huge dark area where mostly females are human trafficked into a country and then forced into prostitution.
Makingsex work to be a legal job and getting legislation like in this thread here helps a lot and is indeed progressive and positive.
I feel like making fun of these people isn’t helpful, or progressive at all. Nothing against a lighthearted joke, but your comment offers nothing else but sex jokes and a lip service remark about how progressive the law is. I feel like it is making fun of sex workers more than anything else.
If that makes me a prude gatekeeper in your eyes (and the eyes of the downvoters) then be it so. You can think of me what ever you wish. I’ll have to live with that burden.
The way you remove a stigma is to speak normally, regularly and without kid gloves. We don’t need to treat it like gold. It needs to be safe, regulated, respectful of labor rights and with a wage representice of the type of work, like anything else.
- the person that deveins shrimp at the factory has a very shitty job
- A proctologist is a high paying and respected job, but you have to work with a lot of assholes every day
- A prostitute that can’t laugh about their job, probably has a big stick up their ass.
The more you can personally evolve away from tiptoeing around discussion here, the better you do to actually normalize. Normalizing casual discussion helps make those who are still against it to feel more like the ridiculous outsiders they are, far removed from the accepted status quo of society.
Very good news!
I thought they already had, given the type of work/life/benefits culture we have here. Which makes me wonder: which other jobs don’t have any leave or pension plans?
Your leave policies are a mess for people just moving here from other parts of the EU. You can end up with practically no leave for a year.
Our leave policies are also a mess for everyone just out of college/university, because no one really informs anyone. I’m assuming they’re kinda the same for anyone coming in from anywhere else…
Young people get “youth vacation days”, but they have to apply for it themselves or they lose the money. It’s a decades old system and imo it’s a disgrace that it’s not automatic, but when I graduated we all knew about it atleast. New workers who arrive from outside Belgium only have a solution since 2 or 3 years ago: “supplementary vacation days”. Before that they had no solution for them and it was up to the employer to invent something (or not), which is why many went without. That change and other recent changes is basically the eu forcing Belgium to be a little less exploitative.
I’m not in HR so I may be off on some points, but this is what I remember from when it was news.
So the thing is that for a recent hire most companies, especially small ones, don’t know about the supplementary days. That makes for an awkward conversation immediately when you start.
The only real source is a government website with no good law citations that says ambiguous shit, and the actual law, available in Dutch or French, but the legal text is very hard since it’s a modification to an older royal decree, so you have to read the two together.
Ask me how I know. Capital of the EU my ass.
Yeah, like the other guy said that’s basically the same experience as most Belgians get with the youth vacation days.
The way that the Belgian state treats it’s income and expenditures is very unfair. People who can’t figure out things (and as you noticed it’s very hard), pay the most taxes of anyone in Europe, while people who earn enough can hire a specialist that tells them how to profit from deductibles, subsidies and fake self employment etc. The tax services routinely issue fines that were deemed illegal multiple times by judges in the past and it’s up to their victims to protest against this. And if there is a new scandal of some kind and it turns out that some fines or tax were illegal, it does not automatically get refunded, but instead the victims have to see the news, get documentation together and then ask for their money back.
But the thing is, if we were not in the eu, then it would probably be worse. I think our scummy politicians is one of the reasons that Belgians are so pro eu. The example I like most is clean rivers and streams, because without the eu those would still be dead, smelly and full of shit.
People who can’t figure out things (and as you noticed it’s very hard), pay the most taxes of anyone in Europe, while people who earn enough can hire a specialist that tells them how to profit from deductibles, subsidies and fake self employment etc. The tax services routinely issue fines that were deemed illegal multiple times by judges in the past and it’s up to their victims to protest against this.
Are you sure you’re not Eastern European?
We’re the most southern European country in the north of Europe ;)