Using AI Hawk’s Auto Jobs Applier bot, I applied for 17 jobs in an hour on LinkedIn.

      16 days ago

      The true purpose of technological civilization, as directed and controlled by capitalists, seems to be the creation of the infinite paper clip machine.

      Except instead of paper clips, its AI having gibberish meeting with each other, AI applying to other AI for jobs, AI simulacra dating other AI simulacra.

      It nets out to an unfathomable waste of resources, human potential, and the lethal degradation of our ecosphere.

      First as tragedy, then as farce.

      All the smart people already warned and suggested better paths and outcomes, but that would cut into next quarter profits so its a non starter.

      16 days ago

      Similar to how companies are reaching to create the death machine from the book “do not create the death machine”, companies are racing to create the “dead internet”, where even if humanity dies, there will still be internet traffic.

        16 days ago

        The amount of power the dead internet will use is staggering.

        The companies struck first with AI resume filters, but that distinction won’t matter much.

    16 days ago

    I mean… online job applications have been a shitshow for over a decade, with many of the same problems of online dating apps (from an average male perspective).

    The jobs you are applying to already have 100 other applicants.

    The job requirements are very, very often faaar beyond what is necessary to do the job.

    The job descriptions are also often absurd, written by HR people who have little to no idea what they’re trying to describe, and usually your responsibilities will just expand ad hoc, at any time. Hell in most states you don’t even have to list an actual wage, just a range, which you will almost always be lowballed on.

    The applications very rarely follow a common format where one can upload a resume and just submit it, no, there’s always some percentage of time consuming manual input required.

    No response from employers is completely normal, and so is being strung along for weeks or months before they lose interest with no explanation why.

    Oh and some of the job postings are already filled, might have an opening at a later undetermined date, but they don’t indicate that at all.

    … These all have rather direct analogues to what an average guy’s experience of using a dating app is.

    The primary difference is that employers have been using more rudimentary AIs / algorithms to analyze the submitted applications for around a decade as well.

    I remember seeing in like 2018 or so that the average resume gets 2.7 seconds of viewing time by an HR person, and that’s after some kind of software screening.

    This is basically just fighting bots with bots. Nothing is reasonable or sincere, hasn’t been for a long time.

    This is just the next logical step in an escalating arms race.

    Why not just do the scattershot approach when your chance of getting any one particular result is vanishingly small?

      16 days ago

      And in specialized fields, or really any career path, the way that you stand out from the crowd and actually have a chance at getting the job is to network and find the person to talk to that will give you a shoe-in.

      So we’ve created this entire qualification & resume system, built on the idea of meritocracy. And it has gotten so ungainly and unusable that we have shortcutted the whole process and are back to “oh, I know a guy/gal.”


        16 days ago

        Yep. Nepotism trumps everything, and I’ve been on both ends of it.

        I’ve had a job, team lead wants an addition to that team, screens nearly 100 people over 6 weeks, she asks me if I can recommend anyone… I think about it for a bit and well I do know one person who might be interested? I text her (my friend) about it and …she’s hired in a week.

        I’ve also been in unemployment hell after becoming disabled, spending literally a full 40 hours a week for a year, applying to jobs, getting a grand total of 3 interviews, one of which landed me a job.

        The system is completely broken and full of bullshit and liars.


        So far, for my disabled and autistic self, I’ve concluded that I’d rather be poor and live off of disability than attempt to get a job I’m qualified for.

        Too much bullshit to try to get another, too much stress trying to get a job, and every job I’ve ever had is also insanely stressful as theyre full of people asking me to do the damn near impossible in a day whilst my task is dependant on a whole bunch of incompetent / emotionally unstable people.

        Blargh. Fuck it, I’m just fucking around in poverty now toying at making a video game. Happiest I’ve ever been in my life.

            16 days ago

            Right now just brainstorming, toying around with concepts.

            Too poor to live somewhere thats internet capable.

            Cellphone hotspot maxes out at 5gb per month, pretty hard to do much actual work.

            When I said poverty, I meant it.

            But at the same time, I also meant it when I said haven’t been this happy in a very long time.

            I’ve had quite a lot of idiot, backstabbing, gaslighting partners, friends and family, as well as ludicrously dysfunctional working environments.

            Its very nice to just do basically nothing other than exist and not have people screaming at me and gaslighting me and threatening me all the time.

        16 days ago

        And in specialized fields, or really any career path, the way that you stand out from the crowd and actually have a chance at getting the job is to network and find the person to talk to that will give you a shoe-in.

        Which is incredibly discriminatory against the neurodivergent, BTW.

        16 days ago

        I’m HR and I support this message. Only thing I would add is that its much worse than that–its not just specialized jobs. Even bad, low wage jobs desperate for labor either a) don’t have the HR budget to review and screen the volume of applicants correctly b) have given up on a) and have an AI screening system that sucks and still gives them too many candidates to review and screen with their budget. Hiring managers mostly have even less time than HR.

        Blockchain resumes is the only way, but much like Esperanto has a critical mass of institutions and organizations that likely won’t be reached.

    • Flying
      16 days ago

      I wonder if AIs also look at a resume from a guy named LaQuan and immediately turns it down because “black name?”

        16 days ago

        Most assuredly so. Those AIs are trained on human input, which is practically guaranteed to contain some level of bias.

        16 days ago

        I’m sure the embedded racism is deeeeep, yeah. All those “AI” hiring models are doing is pattern matching, based on whatever junk was fed into it.

        So any discriminatory patterns are probably not only embedded, they’re impossible to remove without some hypothetically non-discriminatory training data. Not sure where they would even look for that.

    16 days ago

    This is one use of AI I fully approve of, because hiring departments are already using their own absolutely terrible AI products to filter applicants. Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire. Even before this AI shit came along, HR departments were colluding with a grab bag of con artists to turn the hiring process into a nightmare hellscape. It’s only fitting that it finally consumes them too.

    17 days ago

    Just maybe now that the tools are publicly available, companies will realize their current process will just get them inundated.

      16 days ago

      Before I put my laptop aside at the restaurant I’m working at, I open a terminal window, enter a single command, and hit enter. The server gives me my breakfast and I push my laptop away as the bot springs to life, opening a Chrome window and navigating to LinkedIn. It starts scrolling through job listings, and opens a few of them.

      I watch the bot find a job at a company called Alpha Lion and click “Easy Apply.” It enters my biographical information, generates a resume, and writes a cover letter. It tells Alpha Lion I am authorized to work in the United States, that I do not mind remote work and in fact prefer it, that I have not served in the military. It explains that “I am particularly drawn to Alpha Lion’s commitment to personal excellence and innovation in sports nutrition” and that “I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the goals of Alpha Lion and how I can help propel your video marketing efforts to new heights.” It clicks apply. I take a bite of my toast.

      The bot finds another job at a marketing firm and tells them “I thrive on building strong teams and driving innovation through entrepreneurship and emerging technologies. Let’s create the future together!” While texting one of my friends, I watch it tell the jewelry company Brilliant Earth that “Your mission to cultivate a more transparent and sustainable jewelry industry resonates deeply with my professional values, and I am eager to contribute my expertise in developing innovative social media strategies that align with your brand’s vision.”

      By the time I finished breakfast, I had applied to 12 different jobs all over the United States. 0:00 /0:50

      A sample of what the bot looks like in action. I have cut portions of the application process that included sensitive information like my phone number and address.

      This is Auto_Jobs_Applier_AIHawk, which is currently “trending” on GitHub and is one of the most popular new projects there. It is actively being used by thousands of people to use AI to automatically apply for jobs on LinkedIn at scale. It is essentially a Python program that navigates LinkedIn and uses an LLM (OpenAI’s GPT products and Gemini both work) to generate custom cover letters and resumes based on a series of biographical details that a user codes into a script and tweaks them as necessary based on the job description and other information that the company has put on LinkedIn. Various tutorials and guides have been created for how to get the code up and running, which basically just requires users to install Python, tweak some code according to a template, program in an OpenAI API key, and log in to LinkedIn. I was able to get the program running within 15 minutes.

      In recent days, AI Hawk has gone viral and has inspired a few clones and forks, including a company called “JobMagic,” whose tagline is “apply for jobs while you sleep” and proposes to essentially be AI Hawk for people who can’t figure out how to get the Python code running.

      AI Hawk’s Telegram community has 4,700 members and is full of people who have said they’ve gotten job interviews within days of having the AI submit tons of applications.

      “Ran it overnight, applied to around 150 jobs. got an HR call this morning…and i’m just getting started lol. I’m gonna have it run 24/7,” one user wrote. “Planning to apply to thousands of jobs. This time I (the candidate) have the leverage, not some random HR.”

      “I’ve been using the platform for a little over three months now, during which I applied to 2,843 roles,” another user wrote. “In that time, I’ve had four interviews, received one offer for a Senior Data Engineer role at £85k, and I’m awaiting feedback on another offer, pending the results of a test.”

      “So far for less than 4 weeks, I applied to around 200 jobs,” another said. “Six interviews. It’s really painful being unemployed for monthssss and super difficult to get an interview chance in Bay Area. Before using the bot, got rejected for 2 roles at final round interview recently. One that I spent 2months+ with multiple interviews but still I failed. “

      “Applied to 200 jobs so far,” another said. “It’s saved me more than 2 weeks of applications at my previous rate. Wonderful application. Absolutely bonkers helpful.”

      “Just started and already 20 applications sent in ~20min,” another said. “The bot will be running all night lol.”

      The sudden explosion in popularity of AI Hawk means that we now live in a world where people are using AI-generated resumes and cover letters to automatically apply for jobs, many of which will be reviewed by automated AI software (and where people are sometimes interviewed by AI), creating a bizarre loop where humans have essentially been removed from the job application and hiring process. Essentially, robots are writing cover letters for other robots to read, with uncertain effects for human beings who apply to jobs the old fashioned way.

      All of this is very dystopian and continues a race-to-the-bottom where the internet more broadly is flooded with AI-generated drek to the point where navigating anything becomes tedious at best and impossible at worst. But in this case, it is at least possible to understand the instinct to use a bot like this as companies, recruiters, and HR software companies attempt to automate away any possible human interaction you might have with a company as part of the jobs application process. (Some HR companies have even proposed “AI employees,” taking the human job candidate out of the equation altogether.)

      It also comes as a response to the longstanding problem of job seekers feeling like applying to and interviewing for jobs can be an endless process, which are often filled with requirements to complete tedious assignments and go through many rounds of interviews spread out over the course of months. Through that lens, it is understandable that people may want to automate the beginning stages of a process that is often a nightmare.

      AI Hawk was cofounded by Federico Elia, an Italian computer scientist who told 404 Media that one of the reasons he created the project was to “balance the use of artificial intelligence in the recruitment process” in order to (theoretically) re-level the playing field between companies who use AI HR software and the people who are applying for jobs.

      “Many companies employ automated screening systems that are often limited and ineffective, excluding qualified candidates simply because their resumes lack specific keywords. These systems can overlook valuable talent who possess the necessary skills but do not use the right terms in their CVs,” he said. “This approach creates a more balanced ecosystem where AI not only facilitates selection by companies but also supports the candidacy of talent. By automating repetitive tasks and personalizing applications, AIHawk reduces the time and effort required from candidates, increasing their chances of being noticed by employers.”

      He said part of his ultimate goal is to “revolutionize the job market through a completely AI-driven job board designed to assist both job seekers and companies in overcoming the inefficiencies and lack of personalization present in traditional recruitment processes.” Essentially, this sounds like he wants to create a place where people are more or less automatically matched with jobs; AI applies for jobs, AI reviews them and a match is made.

      I asked him if he is worried about a Dead Internet feedback loop where humans are essentially not involved in the process at all. “I understand the concern, but our goal with AIHawk is to create a synergistic system in which AI enhances the entire recruitment process without creating a vicious cycle,” Elia said. “The AI in AIHawk is designed to improve the efficiency and personalization of applications, while the AI used by companies focuses on selecting the best talent. This complementary approach avoids the creation of a ‘Dead Internet loop’ and instead fosters more targeted and meaningful connections between job seekers and employers.”

      Elia said that he personally has already been banned by LinkedIn “due to the use of AI Hawk for automating applications.”

      A spokesperson for LinkedIn told 404 Media it was already aware of AI Hawk and that automated tools are not allowed on its platform.

      “We remain focused on helping recruiters find quality candidates quickly and jobseekers safely find their next role on LinkedIn while protecting the information people share with us,” the spokesperson said. “As part of this, we don’t permit the use of third party software (such as bots) that scrapes or automates activity on LinkedIn. We invest in technology that limits unauthorized activity so that the vast majority of our applicants are real people and our members’ information stays secure.”

      It’s worth mentioning that LinkedIn itself has been implementing AI features into its platform and its job application process. LinkedIn encourages users to talk to its chatbot to help generate strategies for applying to specific jobs, for example. “We’ve invested in new AI tools to help professionals more easily find the right job for them,” the spokesperson said. “For example, our new AI powered job experience for Premium subscribers helps job seekers assess if the role is a fit for them based on their skills and experience, and what to do to stand out.”

      The source code of AI Hawk reveals the prompts it uses, and shows how it is designed to fill out applications. Specifically, the AI is tasked with creating “ATS-friendly” resumes and cover letters. ATS is “Applicant Tracking System,” a widely used HR automation tool that reviews resumes and cover letters for specific keywords that match the job description before it is ever seen by a human. There are many guides teaching human beings how to write ATS-friendly resumes, meaning we are already teaching a generation of job seekers how to tailor their cover letters to algorithmic de

        16 days ago

        So basically LinkedIn says its fine for ourselves and our customers to use AI to screen applicants, but applicants must be forced to toil manually, needlessly, to drive home the idea that applicants time is worth nothing.

        Fuck all of this, I would (and do) literally rather live in poverty.

          16 days ago

          Quite the opposite - LinkedIn will let you use AI to generate cover letters and rewrite your CV, but you have to pay LinkedIn for that privilege. They’re not taking a moral position here, but rather protecting their business.

            16 days ago

            That is not equivalent to the time saving reduction of an AI that does that, and formats it to all the various kinds of non standard application processes and automatically goes through those processes to apply for you.

            Also, most (all?) business policies ultimately stem from and reinforce certain ideological and moral positions, but if you are the fish always swimming in the water, you might not realize the water is even there, or could be different.

          16 days ago

          I thought someone hacked my account I didn’t recognize the post lol.

          And yes, every single part of job searching is bad for the job seekers because any product is going to be marketed towards the HR department.

            16 days ago

            It looks like you buffer overflowed, as your post of the news article just cuts off mid word, and various lemmy apps/instances still occasionally have a few bugs connecting replies to correct posts and what not.

              16 days ago

              Yeah, Frick. Or rather the buffer didn’t overflow. Can you charafter count it for me?

              Edit: seems to be around 10163 characters, as copied from my post from the Lemmy web interface. Kind of an arbitrary number.

              Most of it’s there anyway.

        16 days ago

        “ella” sure sounds like she fed her responses through chatgpt. “vicious cycle of dead internet? no were just trying to create a vicious cycle of dead internet. its very synergistic and efficient, you see.”

    16 days ago

    I am thinking about trying this out since I am starting a job search. Anyone here used AI Hawk? I work in Data Science and would love to remove the tedious cover letter and resume process.