The first thing we need to do to fix healthcare in this country is to decouple health insurance from our jobs. If you lose your job you should not lose your health benefits. And no, cobra is not a substitute.
Cobra is asptly named. Bunch of fucking snakes.
$680 fuckin dollars while I’m unemployed, per month??? Get da fuck outta heah
After I was laid off it was offer to me at 750 a month while unemployment is 400 and barely covered my bills. I needed health insurance still Don’t have it and can’t see my doctor.
That’s a terrible situation, I hope you find a positive resolution sooner than later 🫤
When it happened to me, Medicaid was a way better solution. The only problem was there was a 2 month delay to get through the oppressive application process. However once activated, it was applied retroactively back to the date I lost my job.
At least it’s retroactive (unless that changed too). You can decide to pay if you have a big enough medical issue
Cobra sucks. “hey you have no income now because you were laid off, want to pay $850/month to continue your health insurance?”
More like 1400-2k.*
Far fingers*
I was shocked to be in a situation recently where it actually made sense to continue partial coverage (my $20/m dental)
Exactly this.
Though I wonder what will happen now that Boeing has done this evil deed. Can the union itself step in and continue health coverage until the strike is resolved? Or are the strikers just screwed if they get sick?
And this is why the longshoremen have to strike when it hurts everyone.
Universal health is socialism tho
It’s weird how every other civilized country seems to make it work, though.
Also, Boeing is being outcompeted by a company that pays its workers well, and that is considered a good employer, and that makes planes in countries with high taxes and universal care.
Clearly we taxpayers didn’t give Boeing enough state aid 🤡
Oh, you give Boeing a fuckton of state aid. A single example, check what Boeing gets for Satrliner vs crew dragon, which is also subsidized, btw
Ohh come on … The clown emoji is tell tale sign this was yuge sarcasm haha
But yes, American wage slaves is paying these parasites ton of money and nothing to show for it.
Feeding kids too
You disgust me
Yes it is. However socialism =/= communism. Awful people have just done a really good job of conflating the two, and treating it as a bad thing. Democratic socialism is a thing, and there was a golden era in the 70s-90s in most other western countries where it was supported by major political parties. These days, as neoliberalism has taken over the world, political parties have tried to walk back these systems. However, they enjoy far too much popular support to be dismantled that easily. Here’s a little bit of info about the support for universal healthcare in Australia:
There is nothing socialist about universal health care, it is the only viable solution lol
Ain’t everything needs some cloen political ideology, sometimes we could just do what works 🤔
No, it isn’t.
Socialism is the workers owning the means of production.
Universal healthcare is the government doing stuff.
Any economic system or government ideology can do that, other than Reaganite brain rot.
American politics pollutes every fucking discussion without much of any logic underpinnings.
A good policy is a good policy… politics is cancer.
deleted by creator
Health care is a human right.
It is deff not a right within US beyond emergency care
This will help the state of the company for sure.
If it’s Boeing, I’m not going
The US healthcare system is a massive dumpster fire. Every single resident should have the same healthcare insurance as the politicians. Socialize it and cap costs like they do in the 1st World countries.
I hope entire Boeing employees strike.
The planes are unhealthy, maybe making the employees unhealthy too will help balance things out.
Introduce say…shall we call it CHIPS and Sciences Act 2 (milk that sequel).
More jobs in the semiconductor industry, microchips for everyone in the country to track them because everyone is evil, especially those darn foreigners.
Except you know it’s none of that and it hides healthcare for everyone instead, and no politician would ever know because like why the fuck would actually read something and those who do, well I’m sure they’d understand the purpose.“This will fix it!”
- Boeing executive
i hope the boeing workers strike and seize the entire company