LOL! Dark MAGAT is an immigrant and technically qualifies under the GOP rules.
LOL! Dark MAGAT is an immigrant and technically qualifies under the GOP rules.
Bullshit. Go read the FEMA website about the their funding, especially how the disaster relief and immigrant funding is completely separated. Furthermore, the $750.00 is a Serious Needs Assistance that helps people to buy food, baby formula and the basics.
How about boosting the funding for FEMA? Another cluster fuck in the making thanks to the GOP.
Kudos to Rev Edwards and Mike!
The Orange POS Nazi is copying 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s Germany.
The Green Party in the USA is f’n weird.
Now the orange supporting shit stains have Hurricane Milton on their hands.
The Apartheid is still in the Muskrats. F-them and they should go back to South Africa.
Crying 45 will pay a doctor to lie…again.
The Deutsche Bundesbahn Baureihe V-200 is my favorite diesel hydraulic locomotive.
I recall the old Bugs Bunny cartoons and the rascally rabbit dressed up as a woman. The MAGATs are regressive turds.
Proper etiquette…A European (continental) will hold the knife in the right hand and fork in the left hand throughout the meal. An American will use the knife in their dominant hand, fork in the other hand, after cutting, the knife is set down and the fork moves to dominant hand.
…and the MAGATs continue to drink Vlad’s Orange F’ed Up Kool-Aid.
Walmart’s in the USA. I am amazed how the electric scooter frames hold together.
Watch the Netflix documentary about the Three Mile Island accident. Yeah, fuck that shit and keep it shutdown until maximizing profits becomes a lower priority than safety.
White socks and how Americans eat with their knife and fork.
You need to visit a Walmart and good luck trying to forget.
Examine photos of of Germany after 30 Jan 1933, you will see plenty of similarities.
In the EU, fuel is heavily taxed and most people drive smaller fuel efficient automobiles. The fuel prices in Europe never bothered me, but I start laughing at the Americans who complain about $4.00 a gallon and drive gas guzzlers carrying fucking air.
I believe Switzerland was the first country to establish centers where drug addicts would receive a controlled dosage for “free.” Of course paid for by taxes. The Suisse found out crime decreased, the parks were cleaner and emergency rooms saw fewer overdose patients. Basically a win across the board.