• masterspace
    5 months ago

    It’s a pretty clunky, but I don’t think you understood the post, as I don’t think it’s intended to be pro Russian.

    1: Someone says we should support Russia and oppose western imperialism

    1. Someone else asks what Russia is doing to oppose imperialism

    2. Smash cut to Putin telling Ukraine (and presumably everyone else) that he will invade them as long as they’re not in NATO (showing that Russia is imperialistic)

    3. Ukraine says ok and asks US for money and weapons

    4. US says OK as long as Ukraine give the US their (Ukraine or Russia?) oil.

    It’s a jumble of a bunch of memes, and the last one just feels inaccurate given that the war has cutoff Russian oil supplies (though with the knock on effect of driving up the price of US oil and enriching US oil companies). More importantly this war really does not seem to be about oil in the way that every middle east and African conflict has been. It really seems to be more a proxy war to try and stop Russian (and Chinese) military aggression. But the overall point that the US is giving Ukraine money to further their own interests is accurate, and I don’t think this was meant to be pro Russian given that it attacks Putin for being imperialistic.

    More just meant to try and describe the current geopolitical situation through meme mushing.

    • MindTravellerOP
      5 months ago

      My overall point is that Putin’s actions are having the consequence of expanding NATO and the American Empire. Putin isn’t opposing western imperialism, he’s making it stronger. Russia is the number 1 recruiter for NATO