This literal entire comment chain is about how the article’s foreign policy criticism of Bernie is that he endorsed Kamala, and she didn’t do enough to stop the Palestinian genocide.
This literal entire comment chain is about how the article’s foreign policy criticism of Bernie is that he endorsed Kamala, and she didn’t do enough to stop the Palestinian genocide.
Oh please do go ahead and tell me how much Trump is doing to stop that.
Oh what’s that? Nothing?
Are you saying that it was fucking obvious everyone should vote for and endorse Kamala?
Jesus fucking Christ, anyone who didn’t support Kamala was dumb as fuck. Full stop. If your criticism of Bernie was that he supported the obvious lesser of two evils then maybe you deserve the president you got.
Our privacy was long gone well before AI companies were even founded, if people cared about their privacy then none of the largest tech companies would exist because they all spy on you wholesale.
In the US. The EU has proven that you can have perfectly functional privacy laws.
If your reasoning is based o the US not regulating their companies and so that makes it impossible to regulate them, then your reasoning is bad.
That information is published freely online.
Do companies have to avoid hiring people who read and were influenced by copyrighted material?
I can regurgitate copyrighted works as well, and when someone hires me, places like Stackoverflow get fewer views to the pages that I’ve already read and trained on.
Are companies committing theft by letting me read the internet to develop my intelligence? Are they committing theft when they hire me so they don’t have to do as much research themselves? Are they committing theft when they hire thousands of engineers who have read and trained on copyrighted material to build up internal knowledge bases?
What’s actually happening, is that the debates around AI are exposing a deeply and fundamentally flawed copyright system. It should not be based on scarcity and restriction but rewarding use. Information has always been able to flow freely, the mistake was linking payment to restricting it’s movement.
No it’s not.
It can be problematic behaviour, you can make it illegal if you want, but at a fundamental level, making a copy of something is not the same thing as stealing something.
Piracy is not theft.
I honestly cannot fathom how CN is such a pile of garbage. Does anyone understand why they can’t do the basic things that rail owners do, every single day, all over the world?
I’ve used easydns forever. It’s cheap, Canadian, been around since 1998.
Trash article.
Their foreign policy criticism of Bernie is that he told people to vote for Kamala, and she didn’t do enough to stop the genocide in Gaza.
Like Jesus Christ, people like this are why the Democrats cant win.
Haha, I’m guessing you didn’t see what instance I’m from, I just remember what it was like pre-legalization.
Hiding it’s shape.
Sharing it.
Structural Integrity.
Smoking all of it
Showing someone Control after their minds were blown by Severence, is probably how I felt when I found SCP after having my mind blown by Control.
No, it’s not. It’s objectively inaccurate.
A computer does not care whether the instructions it’s executing were compiled ahead of time or interpreted on the fly and they literally never have.
There is no purpose to mislabeling something and speaking inaccurately in a professional setting.
I got swirlied by an FPGA
It’s like how some infinite are greater / less than others, sure you might say that each one uniquely sucks, but spend a month trying to build something with say, Salesforce’s language, and you’ll come to appreciate how there are still tiers to it… much, much lower tiers.
Yeah, I associate Matlab with my physicist friends, my engineers friends either dont program, or already became software developers.
After reminding Canadians of the recent tariff threats and the musing of Canada becoming the 51st U.S. state, we asked if the Canadian government should look into joining the European Union. 44% of Canadians think that the Canadian government definitely or probably should look into joining the European Union, while 34% are opposed to it. About 1 in 4 Canadians are unsure about the suggestion.
Sorry, I meant Intellectual Property, primarily around patents, copyright, interpretations of fair use, right to repair, etc.
People here are generally going to be distrustful towards the government, and for good reason, this feels like gross overreach imho, but at the same time, I think it’s a little naiive to view all potential terrorists as tech savvy enough to know to use the right open source encryption package. I’m sure this would help them catch some percentage more of attackers.
Again, to be clear, I don’t think that’s remotely worth the damage that unencrypted messaging can do, but there’s enough examples of incompetence and bad opsec amongst criminals to think that someone would just continue to use whatever is most convenient or what their friend told them is good.