Hey all, I’m trying to be a little more economical and reduce the amount of food I waste, and was wondering if there were any open-source apps that can track the best-before dates of the foods I buy so I can improve my meal-planning.

I saw that there’s Best-Before on F-Droid, but the last release was in July 2022, and I was curious if there was something more actively maintained.

    • qaz
      26 days ago


      I have used this before, but I stopped using it. It’s complicated while simultaneously also missing features.

    • setVeryLoud(true);
      226 days ago

      Not if you have ADHD, the barrier to success needs to be really low.

        • setVeryLoud(true);
          26 days ago

          Which I will lose, alongside the notepad.

          Hell, I lose my phone and find my laptop in the laundry bins sometimes. ADHD is making me demented.

  • @[email protected]
    426 days ago

    You can still eat it after the ‘best before’ date. It might not be best, but it doesn’t immediately turn into poison.

    • Binzy_BoiOP
      326 days ago

      I’m aware, just figured it would be a good idea to prioritize those things first, and also use the information I gain to figure out how arbitrary the dates given are.

      For example, while logging my spice cabinet just now with the Food Expirations app, I saw that there were a few that were past due that I’m going to look into with how much longer they’d be good for.

        • @[email protected]
          826 days ago

          I think the opposite is true with spices. They’re so dry it would be uncommon for them to ever spoil like fresh foods would, but over time their aroma and taste weaken to the point that there’s really no point in using them.

  • 56!
    226 days ago

    Is there anything missing from Best-Before? It may just be finished. There is no mention of anything obvious (such as a dependency on an API) that would cause it to stop working.

  • @Showroom7561
    226 days ago

    For me personally, I have a dry-erase board on my fridge and will note expiry/bb dates for items that are only fresh for a short time (i.e. the bread or almond milk I make). That way, everyone in my home can see it.

    Pretty much all other food items like spices, flour, pantry ingredients, and frozen food are stocked in quantities that I would be able to use well before they “expire” (or diminish in quality). Some of these foods are fresh for years, so it doesn’t really worry me that they’ll go bad or anything.

    Unless you’ve got a warehouse of food with moderate shelf life, I think there might be an easier way to do things without using an app, which I find just overcomplicates things. But even a simple spreadsheet, as already suggested, might be an easy option. Just my 2 cents.