My home is equipped with Thomas Edison‘s electric lamps. I can write with my quill all hours of the night without getting any soot on my walls.
Personally, I’ve always been partial to Nikola Tesla’s alternating current.
Did you not see Mister Edison’s demonstration of how dangerous that is? It killed that beast from the dark continent dead! Surely 200 years from now our descendants will laugh at us for ever giving Tesla the time of day for his proposterous schemes.
🎶A great big beautiful tomorrow…🎶
Oh, don’t get me started on my wax cylinders. Those are great for powering through late night sessions.
Accumulate a massive sleep debt, crash when I can’t go anymore. This will repeat until I have a heart attack or aneurysm yelling at yet another day walker that can’t drive for shit. Otherwise, everything is peachy.
This and caffeine
Wife thinks I’m being lazy bc I crash and don’t help with baby on weekend mornings … I call her lazy when she falls asleep after I put the toddler to bed on weekdays.
We have a happy marriage.
That’s the neat part. I don’t
I don’t, that’s why I chose to be a night owl. Society happens during the day and I want no part of it.
You don’t really choose to be a night owl though, it’s mostly genetic
Well I guess I’m lucky that I’m a night owl and an introvert
Work 3rd shift, sleep until 5pm, get accused of vampirism.
Hey, uh, is this just a hair or does my mirror have a crack in it?
I am tired. All the time.
It’s easy, just sleep for 3-4 hours then wake up and drink coffee and feel terrible every day of your life! Gotta love that 9-5 hustle.
I wish I could say that I did things differently when I have time off, but I still stay up late and get up early(ish).
I can’t stop living life to the fullest by staying up late and scrolling/gaming. /s
I assure you, I do not cope at all. That’s why I’m up at night, when the rest of modern society is asleep.
I am single with no children. Having no reason to switch to a “normal person” schedule on my days off, I simply don’t. Combine that with blackout curtains and I don’t have many problems. Occasionally I need to engage with a business who for some God-awful reason insists on doing work before noon, and those days suck, but otherwise I’m good.
Move to a place where your body clock hours align with the hours of your remote employment. Move to a place where the society is later at night. Be a star performer so that the managers don’t care that you show up after “lunch” because you lock the building when you’re done and get all your work done.
I work with a lot of Chinese and Indian people, and they often work into the late nights to match the US hours.
I have moved to a place now where my work hours are from about 8pm to 5am as a “9-5 job”. I get up in the afternoon like I enjoy. Do anything I want like appointments, errands, sports, leisure, etc. Have “dinner”, then start work and work through the night.
The place I moved also tends to be a late people. Early morning is 10am, dinner is 8pm, and the restaurants near me are bustling until 2am, and some are going strong to 5am. Children play in the parks and public spaces at 1am.
This artificial morning people stupidness can be escaped.
Wherever you live sounds like paradise
That sounds like Spain
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My consciousness is sustained with a careful balance of caffiene and adrenaline. If I stop drinking coffee and fix my anxiety disorders, I will probably die from the many years of accumulated sleep debt
Coffee, work from home, a somewhat flexible schedule that lets me start a little later if I need to, and strategic use of sick time when I get really out of sync.
Unless you were asking about free time. In which case, it helps to know where all the 24-h and open-way-late businesses are, and to have plenty of hobbies to pass the time while everyone else is busy sleeping.
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Depends on who’s in the office
Usually with Monster “Ultra Paradise” for breakfast and/or lunch.
My heart will pop sooner or later, but that’s about as close as I can get to a realistic retirement plan anyway, so fuck it.
The thing I hated the most about covid was how businesses reduced hours. It was stupid when it happened because it meant people were more likely to come in contact during the fewer hours the stores were still open. It was stupid in hindsight because the stated reason was so they could be closed to sanitize when a) covid doesn’t last that long on surfaces anyways, and b) it’s airborne and wasn’t really transmitted on surfaces in most cases.
In the end, it’s just harder to function as someone who often starts their “morning routine” in the afternoon. Especially being in a location where for some reason everything closes like mid-afternoon Sundays.