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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I want to see him flee to Russia and see how Putin handles him after he’s done being useful. Will Putin finance his lavish lifestyle to show others that working with him might pay off or will Putin deal with him more harshly for failing to get America out of his imperialist way? Or maybe Putin will make a show out of promising to support him financially but then a “rival” will deal with Trump, making Putin very angry but there’s nothing that can be done now, such is life.

    Or would Trump even be willing to flee if it means losing SS protection, now that he knows at least two people wanted to shoot him badly enough to risk their lives on it?

  • That’s still the motivation for both sides. I’m not so much commenting on which one is right or wrong as pointing out that the logic won’t be effective at changing minds because the exact same argument can justify either side.

    There was more to the argument above but then it was weakened by “don’t be ruled by fear, fear this other outcome instead”. IMO, it would have been better worded as, “if you fear x, consider whether you should fear y more instead” (or something like that, I’m not the most eloquent).

    The first version is not only contradictory but also full of contempt. There’s an implied “what you’re doing is stupid, but what I’m doing isn’t”, which is fine for people who already agree that the other option is stupid, but can put those who don’t already agree on the defensive.

  • The building of the ark isn’t even the most difficult part of the story to swallow, even if his boat was sea worthy. Here’s some farther fetched aspects of it:

    1. Capturing a male and female of each species, even if limited to local species.
    2. The story didn’t limit it to local species.
    3. Flooding out even people who lived in mountainous areas would take a ton of water, not sure if even 40 days and nights of downpour would get there.
    4. That big of a flood would leave significant evidence.
    5. Where did all that water go after the genocide was done?
    6. A lot of vegetation wouldn’t survive being submerged for over a month.
    7. It was a reset for all species, were the animals as wicked as the people were?
    8. What did the other gods have to say about this (since the flood happened during a time before the Jews were monotheistic)?
    9. It’s the whole “how did Adam and Eve make the whole human race without a lot of signs of inbreeding?” thing all over again, except now for every species.
    10. What did they feed all those animals for that month, especially the ones that ate other animals?
    11. If the answer to any of these amounts to “magic” then why not just use that magic to do the genocide without introducing so many plot holes in a story made up in a time when few could tell it was full of plot holes? Just call down massive lightning like Sodom (and don’t get me started on that story…).

  • That’s what I meant about it being more dependent on the owner rather than the number of seats. You can’t tell at the point of sale how many people each buyer is going to be transporting regularly, but it plays a huge role in how efficient that vehicle will ultimately be.

    A four seater truck is horrible if it’s just the owner riding alone in it, but pretty good if it’s full and being driven instead of 4 single occupier trucks.

    Though a 4 seater sedan is even better, so I was referring mostly to higher occupancy vehicles, like vans that can seat 7+. One of those could replace two sedans if filled to capacity. Or a 50 seater bus, or a 300 seater train (or whatever capacity mass transit options have).

  • I don’t think the dogs’ ability to smell things is in question, but the ability of humans to reliably use that sense of smell and not inadvertently get the dogs to respond to an accidental or deliberate signal from their handler.

    Ultimately, the dogs want to please their human, not sniff out drugs, and if police are looking for some pretext to search a car, then signaling with or without drugs will please the human.

    Dogs should only be used once a warrant is issued to help speed up a search. At which point, if they aren’t good at it, they’ll eventually just stop using them. If they can be used to bypass warrants entirely, then that is their usefulness, not how good they are at finding drugs or not signaling when there isn’t anything to be found.

  • I agree. It’s felt weird each time I’ve rented a moving truck and was able to drive it myself. They are giant and I’m not used to driving something so big plus no visibility out of the rear of the vehicle. And on top of that, they are so massive that mistakes will hurt more and will be harder to notice while they are happening.

    Though even normal licenses are too easy IMO. I haven’t been tested or trained on driving in decades. Most people don’t know how 2 way stop signs work, I’ve even had a cop wave me through when it was their right of way. The bar should be higher for getting and keeping a license and lower for losing it. And “but people need cars to get to work and such” addressed with better mass transportation and city planning.

  • Or hell, just base it on straight up fuel efficiency. If there’s a small car that’s already more fuel efficient than everything else on the market, there should be no disincentive to sell more of them, even if that fuel efficiency doesn’t improve over time.

    A larger vehicle is only better if it’s being used to move more people (that would otherwise be using another vehicle). Maybe instead of mpg (miles per gallon) it should be pmpg (person miles per gallon), where it not only depends on the vehicle itself but how many people are expected to ride in it regularly (which the manufacturer can add seats for but is more dependent on the owner).